Observing Human Rights is one of the main obligations of the institutions affiliated with the criminal justice system. In this system, bailiffs are representatives tasked with detection of a crime. These officers are required to observe the principles of Human Rights when detecting a crime. The principles of Human Rights which should be observed regarding the defendants at the stage of crime detection include: respecting the rights of the detainee, infrastructure optimization, the principle of respect for the dignity, honor and personality of individuals, the principle of respect for the freedom of individuals and the prohibition of arbitrary detention of defendants, and the principle of respect for privacy. In addition, respecting the rights of detainees include: observing the principle of the legitimacy of criminal interrogation, the right to have an attorney from the beginning of the proceedings, and consideration of the presumption of innocence at the stage of crime detection. In addition to Islamic jurisprudential principles and sources, some international treaties have been signed in this regard, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), which contains the doctrines outlined in Islam. In addition to incorporating these principles into the Constitution under Articles 22, 27, 37, 38, etc. The Iranian legislature has addressed this issue in ordinary laws, including both substantive and procedural law. The Code of Criminal Procedure incorporates these principles by making significant adjustments in their foundations and elements.