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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Promoting human force productivity and optimized utilization of human force is among the vital programs of all organizations. The present descriptive correlative research aims at looking into the factors, which are effective in empowerment of personnel and its relationship with human force productivity from viewpoint of female and male personnel of Lorestan Province Police Command (LPPC).The present conducted research analyze straining, motivating, cultural and cooperative factors with human force empowerment on one hand and empowerment relationship with human force productivity on the other. Data was gathered from 206 samples of male and 26 female personnel working for Lorestan province police command randomly selected by simple random categorical sampling. Two questionnaires have been used to collect information - "Examining the relationship between personnel empowerment and their productivity" (a=0.81), and "Measuring productivity"(a=0.93). Data was analyzed through using descriptive statistics (diagrams, percentage, mean, SD); and analytical statistical tests (correlation coefficient and multivariable regression). The findings indicate that some factors such as training, culture and cooperation playa significant role in productivity of LPPC. 

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Traffic accidents have been among the most important factors effective in mortality in developing countries, it is the first important cause of death under thirties ages, and it is the third cause of death among all age groups, which leads to the death of healthy people in their best life span in terms of their efficiency. In addition, it imposes financial and mental burden on families and cause them to suffer a lot. In spite of efforts made in Iran, death and damage statistics resulted from traffic accidents is so high; and military organizations are not exception to the rule, either. The present descriptive researchable conducted to examine all available 462 cases related to years 2006 and 2007 in a military base in Tehran. Information had been gathered through a questionnaire whose scientific validity and reliability had been previously determined, and data analysis conducted through descriptive statistics. According to the result of examining 462 cases, it came out that official personnel, enlisted men and other drivers were respectively involved in 26, 56.1 and 17.9% of the traffic accidents recorded at the base. 65.1% of the accidents took place urban areas and the remainder (34.9%) took place outside cities. 74.2% of official drivers, 74.5% of enlisted men, 65.9% of contractor drivers, 77.8% of drivers who receive annual salary, 69.7% of drivers who receive wage were recognized guilty on the basis of police view; in addition in 79.7% of the accidents, the reason was disregarding traffic regulations. Therefore, due to the high percentage rate of disregarding traffic regulations by the drivers of the aforesaid base, in order to mitigate the number of traffic accidents and damages resulted from them, it is recommended to train those who are to work as driver for different missions and urge them to follow the regulations.

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IRI Police University (IRIPU) is responsible for educating and training police forces, and it is obvious that paying especial attention to university professors as the major and essential element of training is of high importance. Therefore, the present research aims at dealing with the factors, which motivate faculty members, and characterize its effect on their performance based on McClelland theory and indicate the constituents, which affect it. Based on the goal determined, the researches applied and in terms of nature, the approach is a survey and correlative study. Based on the aforesaid theory and Projection tests, questionnaire developed in compliance with the existing situation in IRIPU including 36 questions; and with 5 point Likert scale (a=0.85) and to reach the research targets better than ever and localizing it; an pilot study was conducted via cooperation of 20 members of all the faculty members who were randomly chosen. The members' performance score from the yearly scores of training and general mean of their research activities was considered as the score for each person's performance score, which was extracted based on the promotion table of Ministry of Higher Education. Data was gathered from all full time faculty members in 2007 (N=141).The data was analyzed by SPSS through using descriptive statistical methods (frequency, mean and SO), and analytical statistics (Pearson and Spearman correlation test, variance analysis, t test and follow-up Tukey Test).The research findings indicate that motivation has direct impact on faculty members' performance. Increase in age, educational degree, scientific degree and being an official faculty member has direct impact on their motivation. According to McClelland theory, the most important effective index which impresses the motivation of faculty members are need for advancement, need for power and need for affiliation, respectively.

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Islamic Republic of Iran has constantly faced with goods smuggling, and in spite of the efforts made to combat the bottleneck, it has been costly in economic section and has brought about undesirable political and security outcomes. IRIPolice (IRIP) is one of the major elements for combating the bottleneck and handling it; in addition, human resources performance inside the organization is one of the most important elements to combat it and plays a major role in this regard. This applied descriptive survey aims at identifying and expressing scientifically some of the organizational factors effective on the performance of Hormozgan Province Police Command (HPPC) in terms of combating goods smuggling. The factors include organizational structure, organizational facilities and equipment, organizational support, vocational skill, authoritative managerial style in the form of five research hypotheses have been examined. One hundred-eighty persons were personnel of goods anti-smuggling department of HPPC randomly selected as sample (N=400) and the required data was gathered through a questionnaire with approved validity and reliability (a=0.85). The relationship between every variable was examined and analyzed through using descriptive and analytical statistics (a2 and t tests). The results indicate that there is significant relationship among the five variables i.e. organizational structure, organizational facilities and equipment, organizational support, vocational skill and authoritative managerial style with goods anti-smuggling personnel performance.

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The present research was conducted to examine the effect of suburbanization on occurrence of social crime in 2007 in Kermanshah city. The city suffers from various economic, cultural and social problems such as unemployment rate of 23%, inflation, ethnic prejudice, and 346 km of common border with Iraq. The question here is "did suburbanization have any impacts on the occurrence of social crime in Kermanshah city in 2007?" The major aim of the present research was examining and recognizing suburbanization impact rate on the occurrence of social crimes - theft, holding unauthorized weapons and ammunition, drinking liqueur, etc. - in Kermanshah city in 2007. The research conducted through descriptive survey method. The subjects included the province disciplinary experts, all the commanders of local police stations, commanders of criminal investigation departments (CIDs) and all the commanders of Kermanshah district police stations (N=71). The research questionnaire developed while interviewing disciplinary experts active now and the retired ones, experts active in professional faculties of IRIPolice University, and coordinating with the esteemed university professors (a=0.954) The resulted data has been analyzed through using SPSS and single sample T test. The results of the analyzed data indicate that suburbanization has significant impact- 4.32 - on social crimes occurrence with 0.000 significant levels and compared with 0.005 acceptable errors.

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Science and technology growth and advent of industrial revolution in human communities has caused changes in working conditions; and has brought about labor protests; and Yazd province, which is one the country's industrial pole is not an exception to the rule. The present research has conducted aiming at examining factors, which affected labor protests in Yazd Province within 2002-2006. The research is an applied descriptive survey. Subjects included of two groups: factory workers and a group in charge of labor activities in Yazd province (N=100). The tool used for gathering data was a 27-item questionnaire (a=0.85). The analysis completed through using descriptive statistics and single-sample mean test while using SPSS. All of the hypotheses were approved. The results indicates that as far as some managerial factors such as delayed wage and salary with 52.08 mean has had the highest impact on Yazd province labor protests. Yazd province ranks the first in this regards, while in terms of economic factors it ranks the second with mean of 23.48. Finally, political factors with mean of 22.33 rank the third. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Control has been constantly among the fundamental principles and responsibilities of the managers and commanders, which has close relationship with other principles and responsibilities of management. The present applied descriptive survey aims at studying the current and new methods, effective in control system over public business buildings from the experts' viewpoint and their priorities. The data was gathered from a self-made questionnaire (a=0.917) from experts working for I.R.I police in professional police ranks (public places) (N=50). To analyze the data single-sample t-test, independent binomial test and variance analysis, frequency tables and frequency percentage was used through applying SPSS. The results are as follows: 1. Prevailing methods (ruling and being implemented) at present are effective largely in control system over public places. 2. New methods (suggested methods in addition to the current ones) which range between average and high extent are effective in control system over public places.3. Both current and new methods taken into account as constituents of the effective methods and applying them while considering priority will be effective.

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