The present research aims at developing and determining the reliability of the questionnaire used for choosing police personnel job group. All police forces- managers, experts and players in six job groups: law enforcement, traffic, intelligence, crime investigation, administrationlogis tics and border guarding were randomly selected (n=2422). In order to prepare the required tool, the present research was conducted in three stages. At the first stage of the research the required characteristics and indices of police forces’ job groups in the six earlier mentioned job groups was dealt with based on their job descriptions, theoretical principles, the conducted researches and the comments of those who play roles in this regard. At the second stage in order to examine the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, managers and experts were requested to answer the questions (n=443). And finally at the third stage, 1011 police forces were provided with the questionnaire to be answered. The method used in the research is of descriptive type. The results of the research in the three above –mentioned stages indicate that the required characteristics of the six earlier mentioned job groups are of various types. Secondly, the initial questionnaire has acceptable level of reliability and validity. Thirdly, the original questionnaire has validity coefficient of 0.96, which estimated at 0.89 in reevaluation method and 0.83 at halving method. The questionnaire has apparent, content based, distinctive and simultaneous reliability, in such a way that it can differentiate between strong and weak groups. On the other hand, based on analysis made on the findings it came out that in specialized job groups of police, all the groups except law enforcement job group in addition to common characteristics and indices, they have specialized characteristics, as well.