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Parham Rouzbeh | RANJBAR IRAJ

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Investigating the relationship between monarchy and republicanism in Mohammad Ali Forouqi's political thought is the purpose of the present research. The opposition of monarchy and republicanism, as two politically distinct models for regulating power_based terms and relationships within human society has been one of the oldest intellectual conflicts in the domain of political thought. Possessing some realistic insights, Forouqi considers unsociability and irregularity as parts of primary nature of human beings; some violent nature contaminated by lethal instincts of self-conceit and selfishness, ambition of which seems to be endless unless it is overshadowed by some monarchical systems and governance by clever and pretentious kings. Monarchy was not considered as an ideal perfection by Forouqi, but his pessimistic view of humans, on one hand, and social circumstances and political chaos prevailing during his time, on the other hand, led him to perceive politically that the grounds for republicanism_based political order would be provided solely by destroying primary nature and essence of humans and replacing them with secondary nature under monarchical systems. With such a perception of monarchy_republicanism relationship within political thought in mind, present research examines mentioned dichotomous position in the realm of Forouqi’ s political thought. By applying Sprigens’ theoretical framework, this research concludes that through observing and recognizing crisis and suffering prevailing on the society he was living in, Forouqi identified political order of monarchy as an interest_based requirement appropriate to Iranian society while his politically ideal norm was formed by his deep cognition of the logic governing modern terms and relations and emergence of a novel order based on the rule of law; A norm that, in his view, would result in mere political chaos and instability within a society lacking primary components of republicanism_based political order.

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The constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran as an influential concept and phenomenon, needs to be investigated historically to make clear the formation process of its constituent concepts and elements. The concepts and elements have been formed before revolution and as a result of revolution on one hand, and the intellectual attempts of compilers regarding conventionalizing issue. The great characters of revolution not only did not have any perception and special thought of law in their minds, but also they did not think well about the process of law formulation. So while formulating the constitution, they are faced with various difficulties for formulating the key clauses such as sovereignty problems and peolple’ s rights and principal freedoms. So for understanding the philosophy and the process of constitution phenomenon in Islamic Republic of Iran, the historical concepts and its formation process and also conventionalizing process of laws should be considered. This goal is achieved considering the mentalities and intentions of formulators of Islamic Republic of Iran’ s law while responding the era’ s problems.

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In different societies, there have always been serious conflicts in getting power as the most important and influential element in social-political life, and individuals compete in a variety of ways to get power. The social capital of actors can be very effective in determining the ultimate result of the competition, and the more the volunteers and actors use network communications in competition and, as a result, have the support of collective networks, the more they would be supported by the groups and networks that have influence and power, so they can likely achieve the more political position. The main issue of the article is how the social capital of the network affects the achievement of political status and the method of analysis is descriptive and analytical here.

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This article has been based on this hypothesis that extremism as one of the ways in which power is exercised, is a reaction of individual or individuals who are obedient of power for regaining identity for responding the question" What is the role of power and extremism in the creation of human identity". In this qualititative research by interpretative methods, human personality and identity in view of philosophy, politics, psychology and sociology scholars have been studied according to Martin Heidegger’ s definition of "Man-Dasein"’ s view and have been recognized and denominated two different synchronous types of "Identity" for every individual entitled: "Existent Identity" (in the sense of what a person identified and defined by it) and "Conceivable Identity" (in the sense of identity depicted in the mind of Person, and other imaginable identities for each person), which have relation and influence on each other. By reviewing "Dasein", who recognizes himself on his own base, the necessity of adapting existent and conceivable identity in his life is appeared, and by focusing on the role of power and the ways in which power is exercised in the light of adapting two types of identities as a goal, a process of exercising power is realized and named as "co-imagination" (in the meaning of the process of interference, change and determination of wishes, goals and desires of others in various ways-intentionally and unintentionally-, and considering others only as tools for providing conditions for gaining own demands, goals, aspirations or of own institution, group, community and. . . ). The subjection of this Co-imagination, who wishes to reclaim this "conceivable identity", while attempting extreme reactions, tending to subjugate the others, have been followed in different scope of "Dasein" to mark the invasive surroundings to Dasein Identity in order to make calculable and predictable version of Dasein, and to find the consequences and to provide the consequences and solution seeking means of extremism which may provide guidelines for afterthoughts.

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Internal cohesion among Salafi-Jihadi networks is somehow similar to kinship ties in tribal societies. This is not very reproduction of the kinship ties though it reminds some aspects of Ibn-Khaldun’ s notion of “ Asabiyah” . Thus in spite of much similarities we can not apply this concept for the analysis of Daesh terrorist group and its related networks enjoying ethnic and linguistic variety. Moreover, some other characteristics of these groups i. e. having affiliated networks and using the social media are specific to the modern societies and therefore the classical notion of “ asabiyah” does not appropriately explain their aspects. Analyzing Khaldunian asabiyyah’ s elements i. e. kinship ties, religion, and authority, the study of their dynamics and developments through the formation process of ISIS and its internal cohesion, this research delivers an assessment on the possibilities for postulating a new Khaldunian analysis.

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The success of British colonial rule during the nineteenth century was not only dependent on the threat of military force, but also on the sophisticated use of rhetoric so the civilizing mission of Europeans established based on culture as rhetoric and followd 18th and 19th century literature and philosophy. This superiority was followed by 18th and 19th century`s philosophy and literature. Emanuel Kant, the great philosopher of 18th century, in his book “ Critique of Judgment” that its first part is the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment and its second part deals with the Critique of Teleological Judgment. Kant in this book introduced a subject, that achieves beauty and sublimity and finality under special conditions; however since in Kant’ s view, such understanding is not specific to all people, this question arises for critics that whether there is a sign of racism and colonianism in third criticism of Kant Subject. So, the main question of this article is that is there any colonial and racism streaks in third critique of Kant. This article based on the ideas of the post-colonial critic and theorist, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, is a well-known scholar in diverse fields of post-colonial research, examines and answers this question. Spivak believes that Kant’ s theories in two cases, use racism and colonialism; first in analysis of sublimity he states that raw man can understand sublimity as a terrible conceptions because he is not educated and cultured; secondly, in finality discussion, considers Australian indigenous inhabitants without humane nominality. Therfore, the indicating subject of universality or Kant Human does not refer to all humans, but only pays attention to burgeous educated man subject of European Enlightenment period as providing a part of rational principles of Imperialism development.

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Iranians' intellectual encounter with modernity has wildly fluctuated so far. Iranian thinkers, like Western thinkers, have concentrated their intellectual efforts on providing a solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The present study investigates Dariush Shayegan's solutions to this issue. To do so, we have first addressed the anthropological species presented and exhibited in his works. The rest of the research reviews Shayegan's works based on the concept of the playful subject and is dedicated to clarifying his solution to the problem of the relationship between subjectivity and generality. The playful subject is a subject that acknowledges its own dichotomy and connects them consciously and playfully. Although Shayegan does not grant full autonomy to subjectivity, and does not dissolve it in generality.

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Proxy wars, as wars in which fighting missions are delegated to actors who represent other actors or act in their interests, are common in international relations among the common phenomena of international relations that international relations scholars consider its different respects and its great differences with conventional wars attracts the attention of international relations field specially. The implications of these wars for IR as a discipline have not been investigated systematically. The bottomline of this paper is that this type of war and its changes after post cold war era lead to the theoretical and conceptual changes in international relations field. Morover, the differences between two eras show how neo-proxy war challenges most presuppositions of main current of international relations including the effects of plurarity of actors involving in war, fading the boundary between onshore and offshore, and interwoven analytic levels. Furthermore, the variety of attitudes in clarification of proxy war shows that how this phenomenon provides the new ground for more theoretical richness for main theories of international affairs at least potentially.

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Until now, different interpretations have been presented concerning the nature of the Political philosophy in different paradigms and there is no similar assumptions toward the nature of the political philosophy among the thinkers. The present paper also seeks to answer this question that how we can explain the existence of the different imaginations and interpretations concerning the essence and nature of the political philosophy? Hypothesis of this paper is as follows: Conceptual shifting and changing of the two fundamental concepts namely truth and power in different paradigmatic patterns framework and different relation which is defined and established between these two concepts under different paradigms among two above-mentioned concepts, have been resulted in formation of the various interpretations concerning the essence of the political philosophy and its conceptual shift. Present enquiry, have been attempted to analyze the nature of the political philosophy, concretely, in the light of the two fundamental concepts namely the truth and the power of the Strauss, Arendt And Foucault thought by adopting comparative analysis and by adopting textual approach. For this purpose, we have shown that the existence of the transcendental truth has been presupposed at the strauss’ s thought. Here, power is perceived as the object of the Political philosophy and Political philosophy as intellectual knowledge is appeared as truth discourse. But arendt draw the truth from transcendental field into the public sphere and communication and intersubjectivity area. Therefore, power link up with deliberative and conversational politics and the Political philosophy is drawn from merely mental activity into the practical action area. But in foucault’ s thought, power is considered as capillary phenomenon concealed behind every knowledge and the Political philosophy acts as instrument which is used to justify the power relations that is focused on constructing truth regime.

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Aramesh Doostdar considers “ lack of question” as the main difficulty of Iranian society, which has been dominated by a religious culture since the ancient time. In this paper, his views are assessed on the basis of postmodern observations. Richard Rorty speaks of two accounts of rationality: a broad account which he favours and a narrow one which he crticises and attributes to modern thinkers. The main question in this paper is that in which category Doostdar’ s views can be classified? It seems that he advocates the narrow modernist account of rationality that considers whatever does not comply with it as outside reason. Doostdar’ s metanarrative on Iranian culture is based on unjustified extrapolations that ignore the complexity of the culture. Since he believes that Islamic and Iranian culture lacks fundamental philosophical questions, he disregards all other types of questions raised in that culture. In politics, Doostdar argues that the relationship between religion and the state in Iran, since the Achaemenid Empire, constituted the religious culture in the society in such a way that any escape from it and transition towards a developed society would be impossible.

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Appreciating human as naturally sociable in the classical political thought, many of human categories considered as in private domain in modern age, have been included in political philosophy discourse category and occupied a prominent position in this domain. Among others, “ pleasure” is an important normative matter which Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle and their precedents, have theorized in their political-theological schema and framework of philosophy. However, while Plato in his Philebus, and Aristotle deal with in his Nichomachean Ethics, in two parts, in Hellenistic Roman Empire, ” pleasure gradually has been subsided from its political status, leading towads the private ethics. Epicure is among the persons who considers the pleasure focally, but not like Aristotle as a social activity, but as a category related to self-purification and in fact as an introduction for reduction of outcast pleasure from political perspective toward very divine subject through Christianity emergence and instead of imagining a position in designing the prosperous society, it turns into an subject in the framework of god-human relationships and as a result it is no more the issue of normative political and social understanding but it is considered as the category concerning obedience of divine subject. This issue is stabilized through Augustine’ s convention and pleasure in its evolution course evolves as political subject to religious suject that in following provides the possibility of modern pleasurism (hendoism) free from social ethics priciples. In order to understand the changing process of the position of “ pleasure” category from the political matter in Greek ethics philosophy to the individual subject in modern political philosophy, this paper investigates the evolution process of “ pleasure” from the normal subject to the mere religious category in classic era.

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