In prolonged centuries, Iranian-Islamic art holds precious intellectual values for its spectators for which it relies on admirable elements in form and concept. Considering that this world is in the hands and wisdom of the followers of God in a distinct domain, Islamic art has always been in compatibility with the spirit of Islam. And this harmony can be perceived in architecture and calligraphy, under the circumstances that veering factors adapted by foreign manipulation would not interfere. Islamic artists have always tried to express the message of God and his followers, in the most splendid and delicate manner, through a mixture of design, colors and patterns.Artists create beauty and transfer God’s words and the words of the prophet. Calligraphers and painters not only consider the holy Quran as a source for the realities of life that was sent to the prophet through a divine message, but also they believe that the life of the prophet and his manner and means, all constantly express the word of God, and this is a major source of inspiration for the artists. Bearing in mind this matter, many calligrapher have wrote Hadiths -words of the prophet and his relations- on buildings such as: Jami mosque of Isfahan, Goharshad mosque, Jami mosque of Kerman, Blue mosque of Tabirz, Sultanieh monument of Zanjan, and the tomb of Chalbi-Oghli in Zanjan. In addition, in all the ages, a number of painters would illustrate the life of the Imams; such religious- historical manuscripts include: Ahsan -al- Kebar, Hadighat -al-Shohada, Rozatal-Safa, the prophets’ manner and their stories.This essay will concentrate on explaining and describing these works of art, moreover, it will describe the inscriptions relating to the characteristics of the prophet and his practical manner which he practiced through out his gracious life. Hadiths and prayers in inscriptions and illustrated stories in paintings unfold these characteristics.This essay will answer the following questions:What are the hidden concepts regarding the manner of the prophet in the architectural inscriptions?Which stories and anecdotes of the life of the prophet are illustrated?And will achieve the following aims:Gaining the veiled perceptions in Islamic inscriptions and paintingsTo identify and recognize illustrative manuscripts relating with the life and manner of the prophet.Detecting buildings with inscriptions in relation with the prophet.