Conceptualization and deliberation around the society of Iran as a sort of the information society is one of the newborn issues after Islamic revolution of Iran. Hereupon, in the statements of the supreme Islamic revolution leader, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the socio-cultural aspects and considerations on ICTS are outstanding and elicitable. Applying the theoretical approach of “the socio-cultural impact, functioning, and shaping of ICTS” and the documentary research method, this article tries theoretically to code, form, and categorize the most important socio-cultural ICTS elements reflected in the statements of the supreme leader of the Islamic revolution, and review the relevant sociological theories. In this regard, the three key aspects are as follow: 1) the substantial and incentive features and socio-cultural placement of technology 2) the socio-cultural preparations and necessities of technology 3) the socio-cultural harms and threats of technology. Overall, it seems that, in articulating the abovementioned elements, besides some socio-cultural theoretical considerations, the themes such as religious believes, ethic, rational and cultural foundations, national identity, mobility, safety, and emphasis on the agency of the Iranian youths are of importance.