The main objective of this study is to identify factors affecting the organizational silence of media personnel according to the experience of the staff working at the administration of IRIB Public Relation in order to promote the participation of employees working in the unit. To achieve this goal the factors were identified, using a qualitative approach and a grounded-theory method, during eighteen deep interviews along with observations among the employees of this administration and through the three phases of open, axial and selective coding. Cultural and environmental factors with the 4 selective codes of underdevelopment, cultural clean records, being labelled, poor culture in team working; individual factors with the 3 selective codes of individual approaches, individual motivation and personal and individual variables; and structural factors with the 7 codes of job characteristics, the silent behavior of managers, structural factors, lack of institutional partnerships, improper system of performance evaluation, lack of organizational justice and the culture of organizational silence were identified as the facotrs of organizational silence among the staff working at the IRIB public relation. Considering the moderating situation of change and crisis, and the contexts of political, social and cultural interactions and the proposed conceptual model of organizational silence was finally proposed for this unit in the media organization.