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زیست شناسی

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A factorial experiment of randomized complete block design with 4 replications was designed in 2002 at Islamic Azad University experimental station in Damghan Branch to evaluat the effects of planting Date on some growth indices and grain Yield of two oil sunflower cultivars in damghan province. The results showed that the variation pattern of total dry matter accumulation, leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate of two cultivars was the same at all planting dates. The Record cultivar had the highest dry matter accumulation (1258 gr) and the highest leaf area index (4.67) in all planting dates. Increases in to total dry matter accumulation accelerated after 600 GDD and reached its maximum at 1700 GDD.The maximum and minimum amount of total dry matter accumulation and leaf area index of both cultivars were obtained from planting date of 7 May and 2 June, respectively. Both cultivars had the highest value of crop growth rate at planting date of 7 and 21 May and the lowest value at planting date of 24 April and 2 June. There was no difference between them in regard to crop growth rate up to 800 GDD. But the decrease in Zaria crop growth rate started soon that of Record cultivar. Realative growth rate of both cultivars reached Zero at 1400 GDD. The maximum relative growth rate of both cultivars obtained at planting date of 7 and 21 May but the minimum of it's at 24 April and 2 June planting date. Net assimilation rate had a mild increase up to 600 GDD and then after a faster rate it reached to Zero at 1200 GDD. The maximum (4237.9 kg/ha) and the minimum (3490.5 kg/ha) grain yield were obtained from 7 May and 2 June planting dates, respectively. The grain yield of Record cultivar was %14.8 higher than Zaria cultivar. There was a positive correlation between grain yield with leaf area index and crop growth rate.According to the condition of experiment and the earned result, it can be suggested that the Record cultivar, because of highest total dry matter, leaf area index and grain yield, is a more suitable cultivar to be planting dates at 7 and 21 May in Damghan province.

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Reptiles as one of the constituents of deserts funna in all over the World and so have important role in ecosystems and life cycle in dry region was studied from different biological aspects in recent years.Since the reproduction is the most important concern of every living organism, therefore, oogenesis that induring the female germ cell is produce, is of great importance. This study is investigating the ovarian histology and anatomy, identifying the different stages of follicular growth and defining the gonad index to detect the best time for lizard Laudakia caucasia oogenesis in the spring. This study has done in march - june 2008, in the end of every month, at least 10 lizards has collected from Dehgheibi village in Khorasan Razavi Province, after identifying the concerned species and separating the females, then morphology and histology of ovaries studied. Our results showed that ovarian follicular growth involves not only the growth and maturation of the oocyte but also requires the storage of large quantities of yolk in the ooplasm, so follicles were divided to previtellogenic and vitellogenic phases. In March and May the ovary contains previtellogenic follicles and in June when the yolk deposits in oocytes, ovarian follicles enter the vitellogenic phase and reach to their maximum size before ovulation. This development indicates the noticeable increase of gonad index in June. According to the results, Laudakia caucasia species starts reproduction activity in spring, after awaking of hibrentation, and the peak of oogenetic process is occurred in June.

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In this research, a procedure for technology of synthetic seed production using somatic embryo of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Agria has been reported. An efficient procedure has been developed for inducing somatic embryogenesis from petiole cultures of potato cv. Agria, which has not reported previously, in addition production of synthetic seed in potato by induction of somatic embryogenesis in iran has not been reported previously. A two-step protocol produced somatic embryo .petiole sections were initially cultured on 2, 4 Dicchlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) +6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) supplemented Murashige and skoog (MS) Media. Nodoular embryogenic callus developed the explants on media containing 2, 4-D and BAP. The explants with primary callus were subsequently moved onto MS media containing Z, GA3 and BAP. Treatment with Z and BAP resulted in the induction of the highest number of somatic embryos directly. In this research, A technique for the encapsulation of somatic embryo in calcium alginate beads was tested. The technique involves suspending plant material (i.e. plant cell, tissues, organs, shoot tips, somatic embryo) in a sodium alginate solution and then dripping it into a stirred calcium chloride solution. Somatic embryo transferred to liquid basal Murashige and Skoog medium with sodium alginate mixture and then dripping into calcium chloride solution to produce synthetic seed. Sodium alginate 2% and calcium chloride 1% was best for encapsulation. Eighty percent of somatic embryo encapsulated in calcium alginate beads germinated.The seed germinated on hormone-free MS medium and after 6 days developed into complete plantlets successfully, which grew into full plants in 3-4 weeks.

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In this research, the effects of Salicylic acid and gibberellin either alone or in combination on the percentage of germination and germination rate of seeds, and longitudinal growth of root and shoot of seedlings of Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) and the activity polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POX) were studied. seeds were transferred to petri dishes after 7h pretreatment with salicylic acid and gibberellin and interactional solutions of salicylic acid and gibberellin.Then the 3day's pretreatment plants were transferred to pots containing perlit. The results showed that salicylic acid and gibberellin caused to increase of percentage of germination and germination rate of seeds. The obtained results showed that in the treatment of Salicylic acid (150mM) in combination with gibberellin (100 mM) significant increase in the percentage of germination of seeds compared to the control. And in the interaction between 100 mM Salicylic acid in combination with 100 mM gibberellin maximum increase was seen in the germination rate of seed of Lentil. Enzymes assay showed that enzyme activity was increased in gibberellin alone and salicylic acid reduced activity of antioxidant enzyme.Gibberellin alone, caused more increase of longitudinal growth of shoots of seedlings of Lentil than control, and hadn't significant effect in longitudinal growth of root.

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Crataegus L. belongs to Rosaceae family. During the review on the different species of this genus is cleared the C. ambigua is mentioned in Flora Iranica and Flora of Iran as synonymous of C.meyeri while monograph of this genus is reported this species for Iran, and so C. atrosanguinea and C.aminii is mentioned in Flora of Iran. C.aminii is very similar to C. atrosanguinea. Monogragh announced C. atrosanguine is synonymous with C.ambigua ssp. ambigua and is not reported C. amini for Iran. In this survey due to contraction and taxonomy clarify of these four species using morphology and micromorphology characters had been done. Results showed C. aminii is the same of C. atrosanguinea and the other hand C.atrosanguinea is synonymous with C. ambigua ssp. ambigua. In the end two species of C. meyeri and C. ambigua according Chriastensen are distinc.

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Testosterone is secreted by testis Leydig cells has an important role in increasing muscle mass and the diameter of bone and function of the brain.Objective: In this study the effect of testosterone hormone was investigated in in vitro conditions on newborn 10-days old NMRI mice thigh’s muscle.For this purpose, newborn mice thigh s skeletal muscle of male and female with 1x1 mm dimensions was removed and on appropriate organ culture medium. tight muscle samples were exposed to testosterone hormone with doses of 1, 5, 20, and 500 micro liters in experimental group of 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively the culture dishes, were placed in a co2 incubator with temperature 37oC for 3 days. Histological sections for microscopic studies of the samples were carried out. for evaluations of the effects of implemented testosterone hormone, nuclear diameter, the diameter of muscle fiber, and the number of muscle fiber nuclei were measured and compared with control samples.Results: Microscopic studies showed a significant increase in the diameter of muscle fiber and the number of muscle fiber nuclei in the experimental groups compared with control samples. (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.001).

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Introduction: Obesity and increase of body weight are major problems in developed and developing countries and they are the most important cause of atherosclerosis, cardiac and blood vessels diseases.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of kombucha extract on the rate of compact visceral lipid and body weight and triglyceride in male Wistar rats.Methods: Animals were divided in 4 groups: 1) Control group which received water and food diet.2) Sham group which received water and high fat diet (included: 66.5g Carbohydrate, 20.1g Fat, and 4.49g protein). 3) Experimental group1 received high fat diet and kombucha extract.4) Experimental group 2, received food diet and kombucha extract. The duration of the treatment continued for 8 weeks.After weighting, the animals were anesthetized with ether. After treatment (8 weeks), blood serum was prepared and amount of triglyceride was measured, and the weight compact lipid in their body was collected and their weight was determined.Findings: The results showed that the weight of animals after the treatment period was decreased (p<0.05). On the other hand, the weight of visceral lipid in both experimental groups as compared with control group was significantly decreased (p<0.001).On the other hand, serum level of TG in both experimental groups were showed significant decrease as compared with control group (p<0.001).Conclusion: using of the kombucha extract can cause losing weight, and decrease lipid storage and also decrease triglyceride. Thus probably this extract could be used in treating diseases such as obesity and cardiac and blood vessel diseases.

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Pectobacterium is one of the major destructive causal agents in most crop plants throughout the world. During the years 2007-2008, 38 isolate of soft rot pectobacteria were isolated from different hosts including: potato, onion, cabbage and carrot in Hamedan, Semnan, Hormozgan, Kerman, East Azarbaijan, Khuzestan, Zanjan, Tehran and Isfahan provinces. Phenotypic identification of the strains were performed using recommended biochemical and physiological tests. Also genetic diversity determined by BOX-PCR using BOX A1R primer.According to results, all strains identified as "Carotovora" group as Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum, P. atrosepticum and Dickeya chrysanthemi. Also some characteristics of the pathogen differ from those described for this bacterium isolated in some countries. The combined results of performed tests showed a high variability among pectolytic bacteria in Iran and there was no clear relationship between the resulting DNA fingerprints and geographical origins of isolates.

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