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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is a valuable medicinal and culinary herb belonging to family Boraginaceae. The seed oil of borage is the richest plant source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is commonly used as nutritional supplement and pharmaceutical prescription to control heart disease, diabetes, atopic eczema, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Therefore borage is one of the important medicinal plants, which can play important roles in treatment of human diseases. For these reasons, recently, borage has been the subject of increasing agricultural interest. In this article we review the various aspects of borage including botanical characterizations, cultivation and production, medicinal uses in traditional medicine and clinical uses of it in relation with some clinical studies, etc.

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Background: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most frequently identified pathogens in clinical laboratories and DNase is its important virulence factor. This enzyme is capable of destroying deoxyribonucleic acid (Willett etal., 1988). There are lots of antibacterial agents that can prevent the production of this enzyme. Staphylococcus aureus can develop drug resistance to many chemical drugs so; considerable effort has been expanded by investigators in the development of herbal drugs. Black pepper, Red pepper and Zataria multiflora Boiss. are some herbal drugs that have been used in cure of infections. Objectives: In this study, the alcoholic extract of Black pepper, Red pepper and Zataria multiflora Boiss. was tested for antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Methods: Black pepper, Red pepper and Zataria multiflora Boiss. were provided from Iranian agricultural researches center.2gr of each plant powder was added to10cc ethanol 96o. After 24 hours, the crude extract was separated as an alcoholic extract and concentrated by distillation method. Results: The antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus was examined and the results showed that all the extracts were effective. The extracts that showed antimicrobial activity were later tested to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Dilution (MID) for Staphylococcus aureus. They were also effective on the inhibition of DNase activity. The inhibition against DNase activity was observed at the dilutions lower than the minimum inhibitory dilution (MID) of each extract.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that Black pepper, Red pepper and Zataria multiflora Boiss. extracts can play a significant role in inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus and they can inhibit release of the DNase enzyme.

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View 2865

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Background: Candida albicans is a opportunistic fangi that causes disease in immunosupress patients and can involves different organs. Zingiber officinale Rosc. has strengthening effect of memory, decreases blood sugar and it has hypotension and antimicrobial effects. Objective: Our point in this research is effection of Zingiber officinale Rosc. essential oil against 25 fluconazole resistant vaginal isolates of candida albicans. Methods: There are many different methods for evaluating of drugs sensitiveness in fungi that in this research we used broth microdilution method. in this manner we extracted the essential oil of Zingiber officinale Rosc. by means of Clevenger apparatus and then this essential oil effected on Candida albicans isolates in microplate wells and results were studied. Results: the number of samples that were used in this research was twenty five. Three isolates didn't grow up to the dilution of 1/32nd, four isolates up to the dilution of 1/64th, eleven isolates up to the dilution of 1/128th and seven isolates up to the dilutron of 1/256th. Conclusion: in view of the fact that Zingiber officialie Rosc. essential oil was effective against all isolates of candida albicans, we can present an effective essential oil and we recommend antifungal activity of that in clinical studies.

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View 1274

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Background: Garlic is used world wide to give flavor to foods as pecols ect. by different nations specially by Iranian society. The dominant believe is, the garlic therapeutic effects on patients with gastric discomfort and digesting problems. Objective: in this study we aimed to investigate the garlic effect on gastric acid and pepsin in both basic and stimulated condition by electrical stimulus of vogues nerve in rat. Methods: in an experimental study two groups of 12 wistar rats were selected. to make the animal unconscious, 50mg/kg Sodium Tiopantal were given ip. and each rat was tracheostomized, laparatomized, gastrodeodonostomized and then 100mg/kg of garlic extract dissolved in 9%saline was introduced to stomach of animal. The vagus nerves of both side of the neck released from carotid sheet and stimulated with 15millivolts, frequency 4 Herts and 1 milisecond wide. The stomach secretions then washed out in following stages; first base, second base, vagus stimulated conditions and reverse to base. The acid amounts of washing were measured by titrometry and pepsin amounts were measured with Anson technique. Results: the acid and pepsin secretion were significantly increased in rats received garlic extracts (p<0.000 p<0.05 respectively). Stimulation by vagus nerves in control group significantly increased the level of acid (p<0.05) and pepsin (p<0.05) and garlic treated group had similar secretion rate to stimulated group. Furthermore there were no significant relationship between sex of studied rats.Conclusion: consumption of garlic in the diet has lots of benefits for digestion of foods, so it can be beneficial for those patients with digestive problems, however it should be noted that people with digestive dysfunction related to increased level of gastric acid or pepsin must avoid garlic consumption. Therefore patient with gastritis and duodenal ulcer are not allowed to take garlic in their diet.

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Background: Depression is one of the most psychiatric disorders that there are many treatments for it. Milk thistle is a plant which has many pharmacologic effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer. It is reported that silymarin (main component of milk thistle) increase the concentration of some neurotransmitter in brain. Objective: Evaluation of the antidepressant effect of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of milk thistle. Methods: We investigated the antidepressant effect of aqueous (0.72, 1.26, 1.80 g/kg) and ethanolic (0.24, 0.42, 0.6 g/kg) extracts using modified forced swimming test in mice. Results: The ethanolic extract did not have any effect on the duration of immobility of mice. However, the aqueous extract significantly reduced the duration of immobility versus the control group. Conclusion: Aqueous extract of milk thistle showed antidepressant effect in animal model.

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View 960

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Background: The side effects of antinoceception chemical drugs, induced notice to many medical plants (Cuminum cyminum L.) which have modulatory effect in pain. Objective: The present work investigated the effects of aqueous extract of Cuminum cyminum (CC) on neurogenic and inflamatory pain in Formalin test in mice. Methods: 50 male albino mice (20-30 gr) were used. CC (200, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) and saline were injected 30 min before formaline test. Indices of signs were licking and foot elavation for assessment of acute pain (5 min) and chronic pain (15-40 min) after injection of formaline 5% (25 ml) in paw. Results: Results indicated that CC has analgesic effect in all doses (p<0.01) but 200 mg/kg in acute phase and 1000 mg/kg in chronic phase was more effective.  Conclusion: Finding showed that aqueous extract of CC can modulate acute and chronic pain. Further research is required to determine the mechanism (s) by which CC has an inhibitory effect on pain sensation.

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View 901

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Background: In Iran different species from Zataria, Carom and Geranium are present and in some areas are endemic. There is no report about effect of this herbal extracts on helminth parasites. Objective: This study aims at investigating the effect of three herbal extracts of Zataria, Carom and Geranium on different stages including egg, larvae and mature of Haemonchus contortus, parasitic nematode of sheep. Methods: After experimental infection of the lambs was determinated the number of egg per gram (EPG) of feces and its cultured. Evaluating the effect of the extracts breeding, a plant synthesis along with the control group were added to the feces samples separately and after placing the sample in the incubator for its culture and then examined light microscope to evaluate of hatching status. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the effect of extracts on larvae stage, three different volume of herbal extracts were added to the larvae and the percentage of lost larvae was counted through in different period (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 60 min). Infected lambs were fed by hand during their maintenance and a month after contamination the volume of 20 cm3 of each extract was fed to each lamb.  Results: The results showed that three extracts of, Zataria, Carom and Geranium have the effect of 89.9%, 21.6% and 6.6% on egg stage of Haemonchus contortus, respectively. Besides, with direct contact of the larvae, the Zataria extract caused 95.7% 97.7% and 100% loss in volume of 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 cm3 after 10 min and the extracts of Carom and Geranium caused 83.2%, 87.5%, 86% and 65.8%, 77.6% and 78.5% respectively. The field condition and necropsy results showed the lack of extracts effects on the adult stage of Haemonchus contortus.

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View 1092

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Background: Narcissus tazetta of the Amaryllidaceae is a monocotyledon, perennial and bulbous plant. This ornamental fragrant plant has various alkaloids that have shown anti tumor, anti virus and anticholinergic activities. Objective: In this study, we have investigated the alkaloids of the bulbs of Narcissus tazetta (post flowering) from Gilan province, north of Iran. Methods: Ethanolic extract of bulbs were prepared. Then the alkaloids were extracted with different solvents (Et2O, CHCl3, Na2CO3 solution) to yielding a brown gum. This extract was Done chromatography by TLC on silica gel. The separated alkaloids were identified by the study of their NMR, IR and MASS spectra. Results: The bulbs of Narcissus tazetta from Gilan province were found to contain homolycorine as the major alkaloid as well as tazettine and ismine.  Conclusion: This is the first report of ismine identification in the N. tazetta whereas  azettine and demethylated derivative of homolycorine, that have medicinal properties, were found previously.

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Background: Medicinal plants are the most important source for life saving drugs for majority of the world's population. Iran, with more than 7500 existing plant species, is one of the main regions of biodiversity and a natural habitat for more than 900 species with medicinal properties. Ribes khorassanicum (Grossulariaceae) is such a plant with the height of 1.5-2.5m and endemic to Khorasan. It is an element of Irano-Touranian region distributed in Hezar-Masjed Chain Mountains with the altitude of 2400-2700 m.a.s.l.. Flowering is in the second half of spring and fruit ripening is in the middle of summer. Objective: During field work, we found that local people consume the dried fruits treat blood pressure, cardiac problems and digestion poisoning. Since no study was performed previously, we decided to have an investigation on Phytochemicals and antibacterial effects of the plant. Method: Alcoholic extract of the flowers, unripe and ripe fruits were done in the lab. Some pharmaceutical materials were recognised and evaluated in different organs. Effects of alcoholic extract with concentrations of 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50% and 75% on certain intestinal bacteria viz. Salmonella spp., Shigella flexneri, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae were studied. Results: The results showed existence of some pharmaceutical materials such as Alkaloids (A), Flavonoids (F), Saponins (S), and Tanans. The grade of F, S and T were +2, -, +4 in flowers, +4, +1, +1 in unripe fruits and +1, - and +- in ripe fruits, respectively. The concentration of Alkaloid in flowers, unripe and ripe fruits was 5, 38 and 22 mg/lit, respectively. This study revealed that ripe fruit extract has an inhibitory effect on growth of bacteria mentioned above. The extent of the inhibition was related to the concentration of the extract. Conclusion: Existence of high amounts of Alkaloids, Flavonoids and Tanans along with antibacterial effects revealed the medicinal properties of the plant.

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Background: Considering the fact that traditional knowledge forms the basis for development of new natural products; in the other hands the elder people in some villages possess the traditional knowledge and with death of them, this knowledge is rapidly eroding. So it is an urgent necessity to record and conserving as quickly as possible all information about plants. Objective: Consideration and study of connections between usage and cultures believes about medicinal plants (Ethnobotany) is interesting and important basis for research. The aim of this research was studied of two family (Lamiaceae and Rosaceae) in some Alamut villages to know how the people use of these plants for their treatment. Methods: The investigated area was divided into different villages with the help of map. Questionnaires were used and devised to identify and document the traditional knowledge of local people. Information and data on various aspects of the plants such as traditional uses, and collection method and time of each species in the area were gathered from the local experienced persons through interviews and discussions. The plants were gathered from different altitude and sites. Then the fully dried specimens were mounted on herbarium sheets. A set of voucher specimens were deposited to IMPH. Results: In this investigation 11 medicinal species of Lamiaceae and 10 medicinal species of Rosaceae family were found that used frequently by native people. Conclusion: In this region there are some rare plants that can be subjected for investigations by researcher for their effects that may be interesting for their therapeutic effects.

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Background: There is evidence about medicinal effects of Allium porrum, Liliaceae (leek) in Iranian traditional medicine. The plant has many properties such as improvement of digestive defects, atherosclerosis, joins pain, respiratory inflammation and kidney stone disease. The hypolipidemic effect of leek is investigated in diabetic rabbit, but its hypoglycaemic effect is unknown yet. Objective: In the present study the hypoglycemic effect of the ethanolic extract of Allium porrum L. (Leek) leaves was investigated in both normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Methods: The animals were made diabetic using by streptozotocin (60 mg/kg, i.p.). The ethanolic extract at doses 100, 200, 250 and 300 mg/kg, i.p. were administered for 14 days intraperitoneally. Blood samples were obtained from heart after 14 days. The healthy and diabetic control groups were administered saline as vehicle of extract. Serum glucose and insulin levels were measured by glucose oxidase and radioimmunoassay methods, respectively. Results: The results showed that the ethanolic extract of leek significantly reduced the serum glucose in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice but not in healthy mice. Also, the ethanolic extract increased serum insulin in diabetic mice. LD50 of ethanolic extract was measured 3500 mg/kg. Conclusion: The present data indicates that extract of leek has hypoglycaemic effect on diabetic animals by releasing insulin from pancreatic beta cells. So, this plant should be considered in future therapeutic researches.

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Background: In poultry industry the most common and important mycotoxin is aflatoxin, and decreasing its economical and sanitary damages by using effective and inexpensive substances is the target of most of the researchers. Objective: Since the pathologic effects of aflatoxin toxicity are more important in liver, kidney and muscles, and due to the mechanism of formation of the damages and also taking in to account the other studies on silymarin effects (extract of Silybum marianum) in preventing various liver and kidney diseases, the silymarin effects reviewed on preventing the losses caused by aflatoxin due to the poultry breeding farms conditions in Iran. Methods: In this study 56 one-day chicken, divided in to 4 groups, each group contains 14 chickens. First group were feed with normal allotment, second group with normal allotment with added 1 mg/Kg aflatoxin, third group with normal allotment with 800 mg silymarin per kg body weight and with added 1 mg/Kg aflatoxin, and after 42 days biochemical, autopsy and histopathology surveys have been done on the samples. Results and Conclusion: According to the reviewed data and comparing the results of studied groups, silymarin can be recommended for decreasing the damages caused by aflatoxin during the period of breeding broiler chickens.

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Background: Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinialis L.) is an aromatic, medicinal and condiment plant that belongs to the family labiatae, reaching a height of 1.5 meter. Essential oil of rosemary, known as rosemary oil, is extracted by hydrodistillation method from the fresh leaves and twigs. The yield ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 % (w/w). Objective: Improving the total yields, determining minimum steam to be passed through the packed bed, evaluating influence of used multi-stage column and trend to change into important component with time of distillation are the aims of this work. Methods: In this work, essential oil was extracted from rosemary plant by steam distillation method. For the extraction of essential oil by this method rosemary was exposed to the steam flow. The processes were done and the extraction yield was calculated. Then, the components of the essential oils analyzed by GC-MASS and GC instruments. Results: Experiments that were conducted in multi-stage columns and decreased steam flow rate proved that an increase in the number of stages has a considerable effect upon the yield. Also analyses which were done on essential oils components during 5, 15, 30, 60 and 100 minutes intervals showed different extraction phenomena for three major components of the oil; a-pinene, 1, 8- cineol and camphor. Conclusion: This study showed a direct correlation between increase of contact time of steam and increase of the yield. Also barrier effect of cell wall and boiling point of components affect extraction phenomena of them.

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