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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The use of new financial instruments, and specifically option contracts, as a tool for risk management and create profitability, can help to boom exchanges and reduce the problems of the agricultural sector. Given the increasing population and the growing need for animal protein, the fluctuation in prices of these products can have a significant impact on the food security of individuals. The fluctuation of the prices of production inputs, including soybean meal and corn, can lead to fluctuations in the price of meat. The Iran Mercantile Exchange can play a major role in eliminating concerns and concerns of market participants for strategic agricultural products, including soybean meal and corn, using derivatives such as futures contracts and options. The trend of development of commodity exchanges in the world suggests that the emergence and development of these markets activities in the field of economy, seeks to dispel some of the economic needs and in many cases, eliminate some of the bottlenecks and barriers in the commodity market. The trend of development of commodity exchanges in the world suggests that the emergence and development of these markets activities in the field of economy, seeks to dispel some of the economic needs and in many cases, eliminate some of the bottlenecks and barriers in the commodity market. Option contracts is one of derivatives in commodity exchange that can have effective roll in agricultural market for overcome the problems of traditional market and reduce the risk of investors in this market. According to population, growth and increasing demand for Chicken meat and eggs, soybean meal and maize prices volatility may be fluctuating prices for white meat and egg. According to this, the aim of this study is determine the price of Asian option and Sensitivity parameters. Materials and Methods: Among quantitative methods to calculate derivatives and risk sensitivity parameters of an option, binomial tree model is frequently used. Arithmetic and Geometric Asian option with fixed and floating expiration prices were calculated using the binomial tree model for soybean meal and maize. Moreover, the sensitivity of an option's price to changes (Change in the price of the underlying asset, Delta, price volatility, time until maturity and risk-free interest rate) measured by using sensitive parameters and the impact has been obtained. Required information includes historical data on the weekly prices of soybean meal and corn in the years 2007-16. Results and Discussion: The results indicate that an Asian option is cheaper than a European simple option. Increase in asset prices, increase in asset price volatility and increases risk-free interest rate, increase the price of call option. By reducing the remaining time to maturity (T), with other factors constant, the value of an option is reduced. The hedge ratio for soybean meal is equal to 0. 69 and 0. 81 for corn, which means that in order to reduce the income fluctuations due to changes in the price of soybean and corn, 69 and 81 percent of the products must be sold in future and option markets. Two methods of Monte Carlo simulation and binomial tree model were used to determine the price of Asian option whit fixed strike for soybean meal and corn were 12. 5 and 9. 2, respectively. The results indicate that the control variate in variance reduction Monte-Carlo simulation method has a very good performance and significantly reduced the variance. Increase in asset prices, increase in asset price volatility and increases risk-free interest rate, increase the price of call option. Conclusions: In general, it can be said that to adopt a proper position in an option, is necessary to consider all the variables affecting the price. In addition, according to the sensitivity of an option to each of these variables, it should consider a good strategy to hedge these contracts. The option is a good tool for risk management, but it is also associated with risks. In volatile markets where volatility is high, the value of options is changing rapidly. Therefore, risk managers should regularly review the value of an option and thoughtful strategies to update these changes, because perhaps once-profitable option other time is extremely unprofitable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: In today’ s traditional agriculture and trade, it may not be possible to increase yields per hectare without applying some types of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. By producing 950 thousand tons of rice Mazandaran province supplies 42% of rice of the country. In the internal and external studies, it has been dealt with the study of entering nitrate into water technically. According to the destructive effects of nitrogen water-soluble on health and to the fact that Mazandaran province is the main producer of rice in Iran and applying the fertilizers containing nitrate is common in rice cultivation; the purpose of this study was to examine the effective factors on the entrance of nitrate into groundwater in cultivating rice in Sari. The aim of the present study is also to examine the effective factors on absorption pure nitrogen in the water used to cultivate rice. Materials and Methods: The dependent variable in this study indicates the amount of pure nitrogen used water by i th farmer that has been divided into three categories. Calculating the dependent variable is such that the total amount of urea consumed by farmer is obtained by interview with farmers, the dependent variable of the amount of Nitrate pollution used groundwater was divided into three classes of low, medium and high. Considering such studies and the nature of dependent variable of the present study, that is as ordered discrete, the best model to respond the research objective is to use logit ordered pattern, but if the parallel regression assumption has not been considered, the advanced generalized ordered logit pattern should be used. In generalized ordered logit, the estimating parameters of independent variables that have rejected the assumption of parallel regression, cannot be same for different groups or levels. In other words, each level not only has separate intercept but also different coefficients. In order to select the samples, simple random sampling method has been used. Data used in this section has been collected by survey research method in 2015 for Sari. In order to determine the sample size, a pre-study has been conducted based on Cochran relation. The sample size of farmers’ was set at 98 farmers but finally 106 questionnaires were completed. Estimating the model and their results were conducted through Stata v. 12 software. Results and Discussion: According to the results, the dependent variable has been divided into three groups. About 43% of rice producers are the farms who used a moderate amount of nitrate into water, but 64% of them used medium and high amount of nitrate pollution that should be noticed. The results of parallel regression test for individual independent variables showed that among 17 independent variables, seven variables have been violated the condition of parallel regression. Therefore, the generalized ordered logit model was used. The variable income that has not been violated the assumption of parallel regression, has the coefficient of 0. 83 in the first and second groups, that has been significant at the level of 10%. It means that, by increasing the level of farmers’ income and stability of other conditions, the possibility that the farmer will be in the group with more pollution will increase. As expected, the significant variable such as applying animal fertilizer, paying water expenses and agreement with omitting subsidy have negative and significant effect on the amount of nitrate used water. In other words, by increase in each variable, the possibility of placing farmers in the group of more pollution decreases. If farmers’ income increases as one unit, the possibility of placing the farmer in the group of low pollution decreases 0. 2 unit and placing in the group of high pollution increases 0. 17 unit. Being familiar with cultivating organic production will increases the possibility of placing the farmer in the group of low pollution in 0. 55 unit, while the possibility of placing in the group with high pollution increase in less amount. On the other hand, the more positive attitude in rice cultivator towards supportive and public organization, the possibility of their placing in the group of low pollution of Nitrate decreases 0. 13 units and the possibility of their placement in the group of high pollution on Nitrate increases 0. 11 units. Conclusions: Based on the obtained results and coefficient for every level of dependent variable, entrance of Nitrate in to groundwater in cultivating rice in Sari and interpreting the final effects of significant variables, the recommendations are offered for optimal utilization of fertilizers containing Nitrate and improving health of groundwater in cultivating rice as follows According to the factors effective on income and this variable that cultivating rice could not afford life express of 77% of the surveyed people, public supportive, private and insurance organizations should pay specific attention to this significant and important section. Revising supportive policies of the supportive public and private organizations for rice cultivators can be effective so that the policy making should have been lead into facilitate solving production and improving the farmers’ income than subsidiary supports of fertilizers. Revising in owner share and share on transaction under the supervision organs of agriculture are recommended. Of course income support and facilitating the sales of owner farmer can avoid renting the farm. Applying natural fertilizers and being familiar with cultivating organic and healthy products, have placed the rice cultivator in the level of minimum usage of chemical fertilizer as well as nitrate entrance into groundwater. Therefore, promoting, advertising and encouraging farmers to cultivate organic can be a strategy accompanied with financial and security incentive and finally, it is recommended to design and perform efficient policy making of water market in Mazandaran province to approach the real price of water.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Eliminating the deprivation of less developed areas has always been considered as a challenge to the realization of economic and social justice in the country that was not realized due to various reasons such as geographical isolation, imposed war and insecurities, inconsistencies and limiting factors of investment security, and credits. The budget and credit law is one of the most important strategic tools to achieve the goals of each country. Credits are the most important tools for tracking policies and priorities, programing, and modifying activities. Therefore, the proper understanding of this tool and its principled application, as well as the optimal allocation method, is very important. In general, the governments are attempting to allocate the resources optimally and reduce inequalities through optimal programing. Accreditation is regarded as a strategic tool for implementing the government's duties in the economy which can provide a competent and accountable government and promote people's participation. The previous studies indicated that traditional budget allocation patterns are not efficient and appropriate leading to inequality and widening gap between regions. Using traditional accreditation patterns led to the acceleration of inappropriate allocation of spatial areas of population, facilities, infrastructure and investment in Iran. Optimality and efficiency are considered as the most important aspects of budgeting and accreditation, which can improve the financial performance of the government, decrease inequality and increase the level of development in the regions. In this regard, the researchers always attempted to provide a scientific approach based on mathematical optimization methods for the optimal and efficient allocation of financial and credit resources. Materials and Methods: Goal programing approach was introduced by Charnes and Cooper (7). It was one of the approaches to multi-objective decision-making problems classified as mathematical optimization approaches with multiple targets. This model presented an optimal solution for optimizing the objective function in accordance with the applied constraints based on decision-making atmosphere and developed constraints. In this method, a certain number was determined for the goal and the related target function was categorized. Finally, the answer minimizing the total weight of each target deviation than the goal determined for the same target was searched. In order to optimize the appropriation of agricultural credits in Kerman province, a goal planning model was designed and presented for achieving the goals. In this method, for each goal, a certain number is assigned to the ideal, then the target function is formulated. Finally, a search result is obtained that the total weight of the deviation of each goal is related to the ideal determined to minimize the same goal. The most important macroeconomic, social and environmental goals including 6 indices: comparative advantage, labor productivity, water productivity, land productivity, fertilizer productivity and mechanization coefficient, respectively were considered for the model. Fuzzy AHP method was used to determine the coefficient of importance of these indices in nine northern township of this province. Results and Discussion: The results show that to achieve the common goals of different township of the province, it is necessary to allocate more credits to all township, especially Rafsanjan, Sirjan, Shahrbabak, Bardsir and Baft. The reason for such an outcome is the existence of capacity and potential of agriculture in these township. In Kerman, considering the available capacity and potential in agriculture, it is not necessary to use more credits. Thus, allocating credits to the county of Kerman is practically equal to carrying out the project at a higher cost. Nonetheless, other township can certainly and potentially attract more funding at a lower cost. It is worthwhile to say that to achieve the overall objectives of this study, goal programing models for reallocating agricultural credits to the field has been used. In other words, due to existing and available credits, we can plan purposefully and reprogram to achieve higher levels of macro goals in agriculture in Kerman province Conclusions: Based on the results, the credits allocated in 2014 which was made by law was not balanced. Second, considering ideals, the allocation of available credits is not optimal. Comparing the six considered ideals, all ideals, except the mechanization coefficient ideal which is higher in this situation, were lower; therefore, the present allocation of credits is not optimal. Third, the ideals could be realized if there was a convergent allocation in the agricultural credits (a convergence allocation means using more capacities and potentials in more potent Townships). In other words, the capacities and capabilities of the agricultural activities in these Townships have remained useless due to the lack of awareness and incorrect allocation of credits. Therefore, these potentials can be used with the low cost in order to reduce regional inequality, and make a convergence in the production and employment in Kerman province if a balanced budget and programs agricultural credits related can be launched.

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Introduction: Agriculture sector is the main consumer of water in Iran. According to statistics, global dependency of agriculture sector to underground water is 37. 5% while in the Middle East the rate is 46. 2% but in Iran, this amount exceeds 62%. This statistic indicates that underground water consumption by agriculture sector in Iran is much higher in comparison with other parts of the world bringing up more challenges to the country. As a result, the Iranian government has long tried to apply diverse strategies to conserve agricultural water by the sector. One of these strategies which has recently been executed by the government, is installing intelligent flowmeter on agricultural wells. Accordingly, farmers are forced to use this strategy to consume less water, thereby, managing underground water more efficiently. Notwithstanding the different extension programs applied by the government to encourage farmers to accept this new strategy more satisfactorily, farmers are not satisfied by the strategy causing them to resist against installation of flowmeter on their agricultural wells. Although compulsory, if government could encourage farmers to use this strategy more willingly, they will conduct a better behavior towards water conservation. Therefore, studying why farmers are not satisfied by this strategy of water management is of critical importance to policy makers and practitioners. To that end, the main purpose of this research was to investigate factors affecting farmers’ satisfaction from installing intelligent flowmeter on their agricultural well applying theory of Values, Beliefs, and Norms. The theory has been applied by many scholars to investigate environmental conservation behaviors but all of them have addressed voluntary behaviors. We wanted to know whether it could be applied to study compulsory behaviors as well. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional survey research was conducted in Mahidasht county, Kermanshah province, Iran. According to the statistics, there are currently 352 intelligent flowmeters installed on the agricultural wells in the region irrigating more than 8000 hectares of agricultural lands. Using stratified random sampling technique, 120 farmers were chosen. Data were gathered during spring and summer of 2016 through a questionnaire validity of which was confirmed by faculty members and experts of agricultural extension and irrigation. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed applying Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient analysis. Data were analyzed applying AMOS software. We used path analysis technique to address research objectives. Results and Discussion: Main results indicated that farmers are satisfied with an average level from installing the intelligent flowmeter on their wells. Most farmers have not been trained by the government on how to use the intelligent flowmeter efficiently. Furthermore, farmers mentioned that they have not been supported by the government after installation of the flowmeter. Most respondents mentioned that it is not fair to force farmers to install flowmeter on their wells as they cannot afford it. Also, they believed that this strategy does not decrease water consumption by farmers and considered the strategy as an insufficient solution for water management. Path analysis applying AMOS software showed that attitude towards water conservation, water conservation value, attitude towards installation fairness, attitude towards installation usefulness, income, subjective behavioral control, access to resources, education, and extension training afterward the installation, have significant positive effect on farmers’ satisfaction. A surprising finding was the insignificant influence of personal and social norms on farmers satisfaction which was against the theory of Values, Beliefs, Norms. The main reason behind this finding was that the sample was almost homogenous in terms of their norms regarding water conservation behavior. Therefore, this research cannot address whether farmers norms is influencing their satisfaction of installing flowmeter on their wells. Conclusion: theory of Values, Beliefs, and Norms could be applied to address compulsory water management behaviors by farmers. In fact, government could persuade farmers to accept compulsory water management strategies more willingly if it can change farmers’ attitudes and beliefs concerning environmental crisis. According to the result, farmers’ attitude towards water conservation has the highest effect on satisfaction followed by contextual factors of income and education. The findings revealed that lack of extension training on how to manage water more efficiently in the region is obvious. The findings of this study reveal that if government and policymakers prefer that farmers install flowmeter on their wells voluntarily even though it is compulsory, then they should invest more on changing farmers’ attitudes and beliefs towards water and environmental crisis through developing more extensive training programs in this regard. The results indicated that extension programs could have significant direct and indirect effect on farmers satisfaction and behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that different extension programs to be developed to affect farmers’ attitudes and beliefs regarding water conservation as the result shows the importance of attitude on farmers’ behavior towards water management.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Transportation has long been a special place in the economy of Iran and has already had a special position in economic, production and services systems. According to the Central Bank of Iran's statistics, about 13. 6 percent of the national income of the country is related to the transport and warehousing sector and about 9 percent of it, belongs to the transport sector. In the past decade, with an average growth of 14. 5%, the share of transportation sector has been one of the most important components of economic growth. However, long-standing issues such as the lack of utilization of all fleet capacity and lack of knowledge about optimal distribution routes have caused overhead transportation costs to be off sized by the profits of company’ s activities in the distribution sector as well as by manufacturers. Hence, researchers have always sought solutions to improve the transportation routes and eliminate these additional costs. One of the most important issues in the field of transportation, which is highly considered, is the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) issue. The most prominent types of VRP issues is, the carrying goods problem which is limited by the goods delivery time. This issue is very common in carrying perishable goods. The most vital issue in carrying perishable goods such as protein products, is to maintain its quality along the route, which is important in addition to the economic overview in terms of maintaining food safety. Tehran with population around 8293140, is one of the populated city among 25 cities in the world, which has got most important role to study in this issue. The major part of the protein which is consumed by the citizens of Tehran is poultry meat. In Tehran, about 10% of the physical distribution of poultry meat is made by the grocery section of municipality of Tehran. It is distributed through 141 retail markets, which are supplied by two central warehouses. Accordingly, in the present study, with an examination of the existing transport structure, we will present an optimal pattern for distributing daily chicken meat in Tehran's retail markets. Materials and Methods: The VRP refers to a set of issues in which a number of vehicles concentrated in one or more locations should go to a set of customers, each with a specific demand, to provide a service. For the VRP issue, a variety of different constraints are presented. But the limited-capacity vehicle routing (CVRP) is a major example of vehicle routing, in which all customers have the same delivery limited area and specified demand. In the above question, the goal is to minimize the linear composition of the number of paths, the length of the routes or the travel time, so that more convenient and less costly customer service can be provided. In order to solve the transport problem, two parallel world algorithms and a definite algorithm is used. Then, the algorithms are compared. For this purpose, according to the data of the year 92 of the chicken distribution network in Tehran, a model was made by considering two chicken distribution depots as well as 141 poultry meat market. Results and Discussion: The comparison of the answer to the meta-exploratory algorithm is used, and the answer from the definitive methods indicates that the solutions provided by definite methods are superior to the proposed meta-exploratory algorithm and this excellence has come at the expense of using more time. Increasing the execution time of the meta-exploratory algorithm results in the closeness of the solution of the algorithm to the results of definite algorithms. Also, the results showed that the best answer based on definite algorithms was 40231. 6 million Rials, which after 36, 000 seconds this answer was obtained and during different times, this answer has dramatically improved. Through the algorithm of parallel universes, although the optimal answer is different from the optimal solution of definitive methods (There is only 5. 26% difference in results), at the beginning of the problem solution, almost the optimal answer has been obtained, and the longer solving time has not changed much in cost reduction. In addition, by comparing the results of the existing conditions and the optimal transport model, it can be seen that, transportation costs in existing conditions are 2. 33 and 2. 14 times more than two definitive routing algorithms and parallel universes. Conclusions: Considering the evidence and research findings, based on the problem-solving time of VRP and the significance of costs, the Tehran municipality can apply the designed model based on parallel algorithm solving methods to improve the poultry meat transportation network. So if all markets in a comprehensive system declare their demand, then distribution of chicken meet can be optimized. It is recommended to create an intelligent system for recording and tracking market orders, for better implementation of the desired transport pattern.

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Introduction: The most comprehensive definition of food security, defined in 1996 World Food Summit, as follows: “ Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, Safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” . Food Availability: The availability of sufficient quantities of food of appropriate quality, supplied through domestic production or imports (including food aid). Food Access: Access by individuals to adequate resources (entitlements) for acquiring appropriate foods for a nutritious diet. Entitlements are defined as the set of all commodity bundles over which a person can establish command given the legal, political, economic and social arrangements of the community in which they live (including traditional rights such as access to common resources). Utilization: Utilization of food through adequate diet, clean water, sanitation, and healthcare to reach a state of nutritional well-being where all Physiological needs are met. This brings out the importance of non-food inputs in food security. Stability: To be food secure, a population, household or individual must have access to adequate food at all times. They should not risk losing access to food as a consequence of sudden shocks (e. g. an economic or climatic crisis) or cyclical events (e. g. seasonal food insecurity). The concept of stability can, therefore, refer to both the availability and access dimensions of food security. Materials and Methods: The complexity of food security estimation is beyond its definition and analysis. The indices such as the ratio of food supply per capita to required food, self-sufficiency, changes in production and consumption that shows sustainability in supply are usually used at global and national levels. This study used an index, which is satisfactory to estimate food security in Kermanshah Province, by considering an important part of the factors effective in food security. The index was offered by IFAD and it was calculated as follows: In the above relation: xl is the daily calories supply per capita in proportion to the required calories, x2 is the annual growth rate of daily energy supply per capita, x3 is food products production index, x4 is self-sufficiency index, x5 is production changes, And x6 is consumption changes. The first relation of this equation shows food security on the side of supply and demand (production and import) and the second relation shows it on the side of production. Means of the weight of two expressions, i. e. food consumption security with a coefficient of 0. 77 and food production security with a coefficient of 0. 23, shows food security index. Therefore, both the overall foodstuff supply and internal production role should be considered for a correct estimation of food security condition. Of course, further weight is considered for the first relation because supply provision in the first place is important-even through importing. Results and Discussion: In this study, the food security of Kermanshah province has been assessed by using the FSI index. The results of calculations during the years 2004-2015 showed that the average of food security index, taking into account the 2100 calories standard, indicated the existence of food security in Kermanshah province, and considering the standard of 2300 calories, there was evidence of a lack in the food security of Kermanshah province. Another result of this study was that Kermanshah province has been self-sufficient in producing major food products during the studied period. Conclusions: The detailed food security index in the province provides the following suggestions to improve the food security situation: 1-According to a survey conducted in the country, the unemployment rate of Kermanshah province according to the statistical center of Iran in the autumn of 2017 was 25. 6%, which has the highest unemployment rate in the country. According to the self-sufficiency index of Kermanshah province, in all years this province has self-sufficiency in agricultural production and have no problem, but the problem of unemployment and consequently the low-income level of citizens causes the reduction in food security. Therefore, the implementation of policies to improve the province's employment status will consequently lead to improving food security. 2-Although Kermanshah Province has been in a favorable position in terms of self-sufficiency index of agricultural production; by developing the mechanized and modern agriculture of this province, it is possible to develop production and employment as well as to export agricultural products to other provinces, And even other countries of the region. 3-In the field of agricultural production in Kermanshah province, the necessity of adding conversion industries is felt because in this province, mainly, agricultural products are used raw and are not used industrially. On the other hand, Conversion industries will promote the value added of primary products and ultimately lead to improving food security.

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Introduction: The dairy industry is one of the main subsectors of Iran's food and beverage industries, since dairy consumption is essential for people's health and dairy consumption reduces health concerns about the spread of diseases such as osteoporosis and Diabetes intensifies. According to the World Food Organization (FAO) in 2014, per capita milk consumption in Iran is about 66. 12 kilograms per year, which is a very low comparing to the global average. The global average per capita consumption of milk is 150 kg and Iran's per capita consumption is about one third of the global average per capita consumption of milk. For two main reasons, it can be argued that dairy buyers prefer brand names to not-so-famous brands. First, they are not familiar with the classification of products of unknown brands. Secondly, the disadvantages of dairy products create many health problems for shoppers. Hence, the brand is a capital for dairy companies because customer experiences from these products can help reduce the uncertainty and perceived risk associated with new products. Therefore, the brand image is decisive for better acceptance of products. The main goal of this study is to examine the effects of simultaneous purchases of various dairy products in Mashhad. The importance of this research is that dairy producers gain a higher profitability from various products by knowing the key factors affecting the simultaneous purchase of their own brand products, while respecting consumers and meeting their basic needs. Another goal of the study is to determine the effect of the total marketing mix on the probability of simultaneous purchases of dairy products from Kaleh, Pegah and Razavi brands (ie, checking the complementary and substitute relationship between brands). Materials and Methods: The statistical population in this study is dairy consumers in Mashhad, which simultaneously and individually buy dairy products from major brands including Kaleh, Pegah, and Razavi. Simultaneous purchases mean that consumers buy their products at the same time at a single purchase. For example, at a purchase meeting, consumers buy Pegah milk, Kaleh Doogh and Razavi yoghurt. In this research, the interactions and simultaneous purchases of the dairy brands associated with marketing mixes and the brand loyalty effect, the time elapsed since the last purchase meeting, the average purchase price, the number of products purchased in the current session and the number of dairy purchases on the probability of buying each brand per week is reviewed. In this study, stratified random sampling method is used and the categories considered in this study are divided into five categories according to the levels of stability and development in Mashhad. Finally, the questionnaires were completed randomly by visiting the supermarkets and hypermarkets in Mashhad. For summarizing and analyzing the data extracted from questionnaires and estimating regression models, Stata14 software was used. In this study, the Multivariate Logit and Multivariate Probite Models (MVL and MVP) have been used to achieve the research objectives. For those consumers who buy at the same time (or multiple choices), these types of models are more realistic than multinomial Logit and Probit models (MNL and MNP). Results and Discussion: The results of the calculations showed that the time elapsed since the last session of the purchase for all brands is significant. The effect of this variable on the probability of purchasing Kaleh, Pegah and Razavi brand products is negative, ie, the more time elapsed since the last shopping session, the chances of buying Kaleh, Pegah, and Razavi brand products will be reduced. The variable number of products purchased in the present session has been positive and significant for the likes of Kaleh, Pegah and Razavi brands, but it is not significant for other brands. In other words, the higher the number of products purchased, the greater the likelihood that the customer will buy the products of Kalhe, Pegah and Razavi. The loyalty variable also has a positive and significant effect on the likelihood of purchasing the products of Kaleh, Pegah, Razavi and other brands. That is, the more buyers are more loyal to a brand, the more likely they are to buy their branded products. The results of Multivariate Logit on the impact of marketing mix on the simultaneous purchase of Kaleh, Pegah, Razavi and other brands showed that taking into account the total marketing mix, there is a bilateral complementary relationship between Kaleh and Razavi brands. Moreover, between Kaleh and Pegah, Pegah and Razavi, other brands and Kaleh, and other brands and Pegah there is a mutually complementary relationships. Indeed, when companies generally use these marketing tools, they can increase the demand for their products. Simple effects for marketing mixes for Kaleh, Razavi, and other brands indicate that with the increasing use of marketing mixes for each brand's products, the likelihood of buying products from the company increases.

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