Probably there is only one artistic work, which shows a saint or god, stands on a lotus. It is in Tagh Bostan that shows Mehr or Mitra standing on lotus which has a Sacred planet (Barsom) in his hand. There isn’t another example of depicting a saint or god standing or sitting on lotus in Persian art.In Upanishads lotus is flower of manifestation. In Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism lotus is placed under the foot of one saint or god. In other words, it is under the foot of one who has holy origin. Therefore, lotus clarified this holy situation. Certainly, it was in Hinduism books in which lotus situation had been explained. Iranian books like Bondahish, which relates a flower to an especial god, for example lotus to Anahita, are the latest and have been affected by Hinduism stories about lotus. There is an important question: Bondahish or Hinduism books have affected the only illustration of lotus in Iran, which is in Tagh Bostan?This essay tries to explain that Iranian and Indian wisdom have had a deep and contemplated thought about lotus, so they have tried to use and represent it in their artistic works. Therefore, as other ancient civilizations, art in Iran and India manifests their beliefs, cults and thoughts. This manifestation about lotus has been very vest in India so it is completely clear in their art and architecture. Nevertheless, in Iran, lotus has been only in cults and there have not been any function in proving someone holiness or goodness except one case, which is discussed in this essay.