Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 732

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Introduction: Bilingual individuals are compelled to control the interference of two languages toper event the unintended use of the non-target language. It has been shown that in the subcortical level, basal ganglion and the thalamus are involved in controlling the two languages in bilinguals. As the auditory middle latency responses (AMLRs) investigate the thalamocortical routes, this study aimed to compare the AMLRs in early Azeri- Persian bilinguals with Persian monolinguals. This cross sectional descriptive analytic and non-intervention study Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study AMLRs were conducted on 37 early Azari-Persian bilinguals with mean age of 21.77 and 37 Persian monolingual controls with mean age of 22.02in two genders. The AMLR test was recorded in two groups, with click stimulus. amplitudes and latencies of the waves compared in two groups. also, the correlation of the azari language’s application examined with AMLR scomponents in the azari_persian bilinguals.Results: The average of the Na-Pa amplitude in the Azeri- Persian bilinguals were statistically larger than the Persian monolinguals just in the right ear (P=0.04). but this significant different in the Pa-Nb observed in the right (P=0.01) and left (P=0.03) ear. There was correlation between usage of Azeri language and Na-Pa (p=0.01) (r=0.427) and Pa-Nb (p=0.04) (r=0.348) in the bilinguals.Conclusion: It appears that auditory middle latency responses in the adults have high the study the bilinguals that have high level of proficiency in two languages and use the two languages currently, have larger amplitude in comparison to, the bilingualism should be consider in the explanation of the AMLRs results.

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View 704

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Introduction: low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common and crucial health problems, which is difficult to treat and manage, causing an enormous economic burden on individuals, families, communities and governments. Walking as a usual and basic daily activity in order to have an independent life, is necessary. However, it seems that musculoskeletal sufferers like NCLBP patients spend more energy than normal individuals during walking. So, the purpose of this research is to evaluate energy consumption of patients with non-specific chronic low back pain during walking, compared with normal individuals Materials and Methods: this is a cross- sectional, case- control study, in which 2 groups of 16 (normal and patients) individuals participated in spring of 2013. Energy consumption was assessed during walking, based on the Physiological Cost Index (PCI), as a clinical tool. Difference between the mean values of walking speed and PCI was measured using two sample t-test amongst the participants.Results: heart rate (HR) of normal individuals is significantly different from HR of those with NCLBP during resting and walking (P-value<0.05). The mean value of walking speed of normal subjects was 76.05±5.7 m/min compared to 69.17±7.83 m/min in NCLBP patients (p-value=0.006). The PCI, measuring the difference between walking HR and resting HR in different walking speeds, was also significantly different between the two groups (0.298±0.06 in normal individuals and 0.388±0.098 in NCLBP patients).Conclusion: the results of this study showed that energy consumption of patients with NCLBP is more than that of the normal individuals due to insufficiency of heart muscular activity as a result of inactivity, or due to decrease in walking speed.

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View 693

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Introduction: Cupping therapy as one of the common therapeutic methods in most Asian countries has been widely used for clinical treatment of soft tissue lesions, but there is no high quality evidence-based to support that. As one of its possible effects, cupping therapy can influence biomechanical properties of tissues under treatment. As such, the current study was intended to investigate the effects of cupping therapy on some biomechanical properties of the skin, such as stiffness and ultimate tensile strength, in Wistar rats.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, the convenience non-probability sampling method was used to collect 20 rats (10 rats in experimental group and 10 rats in pure control group) from the Department of Anatomy of Tehran University. The rats were divided into 3 groups known as experimental, control of experimental and pure control. In the experimental group, the skin were cupped 10 minutes per day for 12 days and then skin stiffness and ultimate tensile strength of the rats in all groups were measured using tensiometer. As for the statistical analyses, paired sample t-test was used to compare the both sides of the skin in the experimental group while the independent sample t-test was adopted to compare between the groups scores.Results: Compared to control of experimental group (P=0.048, P=0.029) and pure control group (P=0.018, P=0.008), in experimental group (cupped group) skin stiffness and ultimate tensile strength decreased significantly.Conclusion: Cupping therapy can bring about changes in biomechanical properties of the skin such as stiffness and ultimate tensile strength reduction.

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View 1433

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Introduction: Myocardial Infarction is the major cause of death in the industrial countries. In addition to the clinical and economic burden, myocardial infarction affects health related quality of life. Original version of the SAQ was developed cross-sectionally and may be used for measuring clinically important dimensions of coronary artery disease. However, the Persian version is not available for Myocardial Infarction patients yet.Materials and Methods: After multi-stage translating based on Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation protocol, the reliability examined on 130 patients with MI. The SF-36 was used to assess the validity of the questionnaire. To assess test-retest reliability, the patients refilled the questionnaire after 5 days.Results: Reliability was assessed by Cronbach’s Alpha and the Intra-class Correlation Coefficient. Validity was determined using Pearson correlation matrix for the subclasses and the total scores (r). The Intra-class Correlation Coefficient exceeded 0.6 in all domains. The weighted kappa ranged from 0.492 to 0.853.Conclusion: Reliability and validity of the Persian version of the questionnaire was acceptable. This questionnaire seems to be a useful tool in assessing health related quality of life in Persian speaking patients with myocardial infarction suffering from angina.

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View 1030

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Introduction: today the position of clinical education in training of physiotherapy students is becoming more prominent. Proper planning for students’ clinical training requires accurate understanding about students’ experiences. The aim of this study was obtaining a better understanding about physiotherapy students’ experiences of the ongoing processes in clinical education.Materials and Methods: twenty-one final year physiotherapy students in bachelor level selected by purposeful sampling and invited to this qualitative study. Data collected through five Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and Colaizzi analyzing method was used in analysis of data. Validity of the findings based on data triangulation method.Results: after data analysis and classification of Codes, four themes emerged: “clinical education and evaluation”, ”clinical learning”, ”patient admission”, ”student relationships in environment”. In this study, participants emphasized on some issues such as, patient shortage in number and diversity, non-Implementation of clerkship education headlines and large population groups.Conclusion: lack of attention to current processes in clinical education influences the students’ clinical experiences. Therefore, improvement of clerkship processes providing the more effective clinical experience. Providing adequate patients diversity in clinical education sites, increase the practical and clinical courses, greater and more practical emphasis on better implementation of clinical education headlines and balancing of clinical groups’ size may be helpful in order to enhance the clinical experience richness for students.

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View 1576

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Introduction: According to the previous studies, left hemisphere of the brain has specialized for language processing. The relation between handedness and the brain hemispheres is very obvious. In more than 95% of right- handed people and 70% of left- handed people the left hemisphere is responsible for language processing generally. A few studies have investigated the relationship between handedness and the brain hemispheres by means of Dichotic Consonant- Vowel (DCV) test. The aim of the present study is to investigate the results of DCV test in right- handed and left- handed adults with normal hearing.Materials and Methods: 40 right- handed and 40 left- handed adults aged between 18- 40 years whose handedness was verified by Edinburgh scale participated in this study. This research was performed at rehabilitation faculty, Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences. DCV test results were analyzed t- test parametric and Mann- Whitney non- parametric statistical tests.Results: Right- handed group scores were more than left- handed group scores which was meaningful statistically (P≤0.01). The percentage of double corrected consonant- vowels in right- handed group was more than this in left- handed group.Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that right- handed group function is better than left- handed group function in the DCV test. Right ear advantage is obvious not only in right- handed group but also in left- handed one which shows left hemisphere advantage in processing the linguistic information.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 772

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Introduction: Cupping therapy as one of the common therapeutic methods in most Asian countries has been widely used for clinical treatment of soft tissue lesions, but there is no high quality evidence-based to support that. As one of its possible effects, cupping therapy can influence biomechanical properties of tissues under treatment. As such, the current study was intended to investigate the effects of cupping therapy on some biomechanical properties of the skin, such as stiffness and ultimate tensile strength, in Wistar rats.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, the convenience non-probability sampling method was used to collect 20 rats (10 rats in experimental group and 10 rats in pure control group) from the Department of Anatomy of Tehran University. The rats were divided into 3 groups known as experimental, control of experimental and pure control. In the experimental group, the skin were cupped 10 minutes per day for 12 days and then skin stiffness and ultimate tensile strength of the rats in all groups were measured using tensiometer. As for the statistical analyses, paired sample t-test was used to compare the both sides of the skin in the experimental group while the independent sample t-test was adopted to compare between the groups scores.Results: Compared to control of experimental group (P=0.048, P=0.029) and pure control group (P=0.018, P=0.008), in experimental group (cupped group) skin stiffness and ultimate tensile strength decreased significantly.Conclusion: Cupping therapy can bring about changes in biomechanical properties of the skin such as stiffness and ultimate tensile strength reduction.

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View 793

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Introduction: Identification of health condition is the first step toward prevention of chronic diseases and promotion of health level among senior male citizens. The purpose of the present study was to compare mental health in senior male citizens with different levels of weekly exercise.Materials and Methods: Participants included 300 senior male citizens (more than 65 years old) with different levels of weekly exercise (high, medium and low) from Tehran, Iran. Data was collected by Goldberg's Mental Health questionnaire (GMH-28) and its reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.86). Kolmogorov - Smirnov (KS) test was used to determine normality of the data, ANOVA test to compare mental health in senior male citizens with different levels of weekly exercise, and post- hoc Tukey test to examine group differences.Results: ANONA test results indicated a significant difference between mental health of senior male citizens with different levels of weekly exercise (p=0.05). In addition, Tukey test results showed a significant difference between mental health of senior male citizens with high levels of weekly exercise and those with low levels (p=0.000), and also between senior male citizens with moderate levels of weekly exercise and those with low levels (p=0.001). An interesting finding in the present study was insignificant difference between mental health of senior male citizens with high and moderate levels of weekly exercise (p=0.59).Conclusion: Given the effectiveness of physical exercise on mental health of senior male citizens and the relationship between mental health and average weekly exercise, especial exercise programs are suggested to promote their health.

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View 1087

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Introduction: Language development and social behavior are considered as crucial aspects of initial development in children. One of the most common behavioral problems in childhood is relational aggression that is defined as behaviors that harm others through damaging to social relationships. Relational aggression is related to the different factors such as language development, which has been examined among normal preschool children in the present study.Materials and Methods: In a descriptive cross-sectional survey, 106 children of 4 and 6 years old (42 girls and 64 boys) who satisfied the inclusion criteria were recruited from Shiraz kindergartens by multi-stage random selection method. The Test of Language Development-Primary: 3rd Edition (TOLD-3) and Relational Aggression Questionnaire for Preschool Children were used to assess children. Data was analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient and independent t-test. Significance level was set at less than 0.05.Results: There was a positive and significant correlation between oral language development and relational aggression in the boys (p<0.01). Although the girls’ scores of language development and relational aggression were significantly more than the boys (p<0.01), there was no significant correlation in the girls (p>0.05).Conclusion: The better oral language skills among 4-to-6 year-old boys can be considered as a facilitative factor in expressing their relational aggressive behaviors.

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View 754

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Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disease of the central nervous system that deteriorates myelin sheath and produce plaques in white matters of the brain and spinal cord. Studies indicated that Language skills of these patients are affected. Speech and Language Pathologists take a little attention to the language skills of these patients. The purpose of this study was to comparison some of the syntactic skills in Relapsing Remitting Multiple sclerosis and normal adults’ resident in Esfahan Province.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive- analytical study was investigated 17 adult with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis from Esfahan MS centre and 34 normal adults that matched in age, sex and education with patient group. When persons had entry criterion then was took speech sample about their biography. This sample was recorded and wrote. Then was gathered and compared data.Results: This study found significant difference between normal and patient groups in mean max leanghtsntence (Pvalue=0.043) and number total sentence (Pvalue=0.001). There was no significant difference between two groups in mean leanght sentence and simple sentence ratio and compound sentence ratio.Conclusion: however patients in this study suffered to mild degree Multiple sclerosis (EDSS mean=1.35) but they had differences in some of syntactic skills.Conclusion: This findings conform need to assessment language skills of this patients and intervention this problems.

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View 742

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Introduction: Back muscles fatigue is one of the risk factors in workplace and throughout daily activities. Under fatigue conditions, loads will be redistributed among active and passive tissues in a non-optimal manner, where a single tissue may become overloaded and thus increasing the risk of injury with minimal loads. Because of the importance of abdominal muscles in producing and maintaining spinal stability in unstable conditions, it was necessary to investigate the response of these muscles in the presence of back muscles fatigue. Since it is not possible to study deep muscles with surface electromyography (EMG) techniques, in this study the function of abdominal muscles after lumbar extensor fatigue was investigated by ultrasound imaging technique.Materials and Methods: Fifteen healthy women participated in this experimental study. Abdominal muscles thickness was measured from the lateral abdominal wall (Transverse abdomen (TrA), Internal oblique abdomen (IO), External oblique abdomen (EO)) using ultrasound imaging technique before and after the back extensor muscles fatigue protocol in upright standing with and without axial loading equal to 25% of the participants’ body weight. Repeated measure ANOVA was used to test the main effects of the load and back extensor muscle fatigue on the thickness of the abdominal muscles.Results: Although, symmetric axial loads equal to 25% of each participant weight had no significant effect on the thickness of abdominal muscles, back extensor muscles fatigue increased IO thickness significantly (P=0.009).Conclusion: The results showed that abdominal muscles response changes with back extensor muscles fatigue. By increasing the thickness of abdominal muscle, the stability of the spine could be maintained.

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View 849

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Introduction: Although the effects of cold on joint position have been investigated in many studies, but research that used the cold spray for this purpose have not found. The purpose of this study was to examine the immediate effect of using a short-term protocol of topical cold spray on ankle joint position sense (AJPS) in healthy individuals.Materials and Methods: Thirty healthy male soccer players with a mean age of 23.2±1.29 years, height 177.11±5.92 cm, weight 69.5.±6.73 kg, participated in this study. Simultaneously, inside and outside of the ankle was cold by spray. The accuracy of the ankle position sense before and immediately after applying cold was assessed by Electrogoniometer at angles of 10o and 20o dorsi and plantar flexion.Results: The results showed that despite the reduction of AJPS accuracy after using a short-term protocol of local cooling; there was no significant difference between the error of estimated angle before and after cold therapy.Conclusion: It appears that the use of cold spray for a short time only has an immediate effect on the skin receptors. But the muscle spindles and joint receptors as deeper receptors, which have a key role in JPS, are not affected.

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View 1123

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Introduction: Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) is a common childhood disorder characterized by developmentally inappropriate errors in speech production that can reduce intelligibility. Some data suggests that a deficit in phonological working memory may contribute to the disorder. Phonological working memory as a part of the working memory system which is responsible for coding and storage of phonological information. Many researchers have employed Non-Word Repetition (NWR) to measure phonological working memory. The aim of this study was to providing a Non-Word Repetition test and determining its validity and reliability and explore differences the phonological working memory in 4 to 6 years old Farsi-speaking normal and SSD children.Materials and Methods: The participants in this study were 32 SSD children and 32 normal children matched for age and sex- as a control group. Phonological working memory was examined in both groups with NWR task. For this purpose, NWR task was designed, and after determining its validity and reliability, was employed in both groups. Mann-Whitney U Test was conducted to examine the differences in mean scores in NWR task.Results: 25 non-words in this test, has content validity. Coefficient correlation between consecutive performances was obtained. 997 (P<.001). Mean scores in SSD children compared with the control group was lower and results of statistical test revealed that the children’s ability to repeat non-words in normal and SSD group are significantly different (P<.001).Conclusion: Non-word Repetition test showed high validity and reliability. Weaker performance of the SSD children in NWR task could be due to a weakness in hold novel sound sequences in phonological working memory presumably doesn't allow stable long-term phonological representations to be established. In the absence of known etiological factors, a deficit in phonological working memory may consider as a cause of SSD in children.

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View 1453

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Introduction: Previous investigation of microprocessor-Controlled knee joints have reported mixed results, ranging from data showing when using a microprocessor-controlled knee joint during level walking, improved gait symmetry, a reduction of the amputee's metabolic energy consumption and load pattern on prosthetic and sound limbs. In contrast, some investigators suggest there is no difference at all when compared to conventional knee mechanism. It is controversial weather using these joints improves the performance of amputees or not. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to review the literature about microprocessor knee joints and evaluation of stability, energy consumption and gait performance in transfemoral amputees.Materials and Methods: Medline, ISI web of knowledge and PubMed data bases were searched to identify relevant studies within 1999-2012 time range. After screening and categorizing, papers were assessed for methodological quality and sorting based on these terms: stability, energy consumption and gait performance.Results: A total of 22 articles were determined to be pertinent: energy consumption 6, Gait 8, Stability 7 and 1 review article.Conclusion: The reported results are not sufficient to objectively determine the benefits of the microprocessor-controlled knee as most of the reported studies are related to the Intelligent Prosthesis (IP) by Blatchford. Objective evidence is needed to determine if there is significant benefit when prescribing expensive microprocessor-controlled knee mechanisms over high-performance passive knee units that cost significantly less.

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View 995

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Introduction: Golf is a popular sport played worldwide for which there are no sex and age limit and also no extreme strength or flexibility requirements. The incidence of golf injuries has received little attention in the literature. The diversity of the ages and abilities of golf players leads to a wide spectrum of injuries. However, there is a paucity of data regarding golf injuries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the epidemiology of spine injuries in golf players.Materials and Methods: Searching in specific scientific citations was carried out for relevant articles with the subject coverage of golf injuries, spine injuries and golf spine injuries from 1982 to 2011.Results: Results showed that the prevalence of the total body injuries in golf was 42.3%. The most common site of injuries was lower back (18.3% to 31.5%) with an average of 26.2%. The incidence of spinal cord injury was 39.4% that indicates the high prevalence of spinal injuries in this sport. The average percent of lower back injuries in golf is 33%. The most commonly reported site of injury was lower back in men and forearm and elbow in women. Moreover, the low back pain was somewhat more common in men than in women. Comparing professional and amateur athletes, low back pain was more common in professionals.Conclusion: Lower back is the most common site of injuries in golf. The main causing mechanism of such injuries may be the overuse of incorrect swings. To prevent lower back injuries, it is recommended that amateur golf players attempt to learn correct swing movements. Coaches of professional golf players may also focus on the core stability exercises in order to minimizing the likelihood of lower back injuries.

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