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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The question of national and religious identity of youths has a very high significance due to their large population and their role in the future of the country. Since the young generation take their models from their parents, the family counts as an influential factor in this matter. The purpose of this article is to survey the level of religious and national identity of the sample, and its relation with the respect to the training performances of the parents, in addition to their intimate relationship.This research has the symbolic interaction approach, while by using the technique of questionnaire, regarding the religious and national identity, 390 young people in Tehran of aged between18-25 were studied. The mentioned identities was then related to their individual and family characteristics; finally leading to the following results;In families which the parents highly respect and adhere to their national and religious identities, their young ones also enjoyed a stronger religious and national identity as well. The parent’s role in the field of educating and instructing the youth in both the national and religious dimensions has a direct and positive relation with their religious and national identity. There is a negative and inverse relation between the living region and the youth’s national and religious identity. The religious identity decreases as age increases, while there is also a negative and diverse relation between academic education with national and religious identity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The mutual interaction of structural and value forces in Iran’s modern society has created a new situation for the transitional experience towards adulthood and the relation among generations. Developments,   and individualization are among the major fields leading towards non-standardization and unrelated transitions.The present article surveys the demands of change and evolution during the experience of transition process and its effects on the power relationship of youth with their families, their increased tendency for capturing independence, democratizing the family relations and mutual socialization based on the researcher’s experimental studies about culture and sub-cultural issues of the Iranian youth. The researcher has also relied on recent national surveys and studies. The major reasoning of this essay is to express that the experience of mutual generational of youth in family and greater communities shows consistency and unity rather than the so-called generational gap and detachment. And although the forces directing it are increasingly influenced by the evolutionary cultural and value circumstances, it is still dependent on the structural and fundamental forces such as class, gender and the living place.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This essay studies the sense of belonging to the national and ethnical identity in Kurdistan, a province in Iran, by emphasizing on the youth of town of Piranshahr. Considering identity demands and expectations, the small town of Piranshahr- in West Azarbayjan- has been indeed of high notice in recent years. The close distance of this region to Iraq has made the situation of this town even more vulnerable and complicated. This research emphasizes on the economical circumstance of the youth of the region, and particularly the existence of legal and illegal relations in trading goods with Kurdistan in Iraq. It reveals that through these links and relations, the youth of Piranshahr have improved their situations for globalization, promoted their ethnical media such as satellite and moved towards improving and developing their communal ethnical identity. The most important elements of this identity are; clothing, loyalty to their own land and ethnical nationality, adhering to ethnical rituals and cultural traditions, and especially believing in their own ethnical identity. The Kurds feel they have common cultural identity with rest of the Iranian ethnics; although they realize a distance between their Iranian identity and the political fields.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 4135

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One of the current problems of Iran as a young populated country is employment. The high rate of unemployment in the country is the consequence of two factors; the increasing rate of population and lack of enough and sufficient employment opportunities. Although some of the unemployment factors have roots in the economical circumstance of the society, but other major and significant factors should be searched within the culture of a given society. In some of the provinces- such as Yazd- although the climate is unsuitable and the natural situation is not desirable, there is no   unemployment problem. Yet in Kermanshah, although it enjoys diverse climates and a suitable condition in overall, the provinces is in the group of province with the highest rate of unemployment. This article intends to study the attitude of the youth aged 18-26 in Kermanshah about working and social factors influencing this issue.The method applied for this research was questionnaire; while the hypothesis on this research shows that social factors are related with the attitude regarding employment and working; The rate of “family satisfaction”, “life satisfaction” and also “attitude about people and city’s future” is related to “attitude towards employment”.The findings of this research reveals that the value crisis obstacles proper socialization and as a result youth fail to experience and internalize a positive attitude towards employment.

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View 2798

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Since a few decades ago, especially since collapse of the United Republic of Russia, democracy has found a prominent position among the methods of ruling the world. Therefore studying the process of transition from authoritative regimes to political democratic regimes has turned into one of the significant debates in the contemporary political sociology. The globalization of democratic values on one hand, and the experiences of the political-social evolutions of many countries for establishment or strengthening democracy on the other hand has produced a vast, suitable and scientific literature for the scientific expression of societies’ transition towards democracy. Also, in recent years, the role of social movements within the social-political domain of the societies has increased and the domain of the activities of such movements has expanded from a national level to an international one. Considering these two subjects, this article seeks to offer a theoretical model in expressing the role of social movements, especially the Youth Movement for transition towards democracy in different societies; particularly in the developing communities. This pattern is offered by emphasizing on the new phase of the scientific literature of transition, utilizing the opinions of scholars such as Claus Oufeh, Hauberss, Lacklaew, and Moufeh; while simultaneously        emphasizes on internal, international, political, economical and social factors; in order to highlight the role of social movements in this process.

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The present article is part of a research done during Norouz (New Year) of 2006 on the Iranian travelers who set out from Shiraz to Dubai for entertainment. In this research about 300 travelers were chosen through purposeful sampling and were afterwards questioned by standard interviewee. Then by using the analysis technique, the motivations were drawn out. These motivations and intentions was related with the diverse age of the questioned subjects and finally evaluated through the T lest. In the results earned through data analysis, it can be realized and understood that in most of the surveyed factors and related motivations, there is no conceptual difference among the age groups, except in one particular case.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Immigrating from villages to cities is a phenomenon appearing in the process of countries’ industrialization. As a matter of fact several of the social-space changes are the result of this phenomenon. In Iran, along with the industrialization of cities, many of the youth unemployed in agricultural work, try to find one in industry and began to immigrate from village to city; as a benefit to industrial and social services activities. This article intends to illustrate the consequences immigration of young from villagers to cities, in addition to the manners it affects immigrates and the immigrating communities. Therefore primarily according to the existing approaches and attitudes on immigration, the motivations for immigration from villages to cities has been discussed in brief, and then by using the descriptive- analytic method and research, the consequences of youths’ immigration has been surveyed within three domains; economically, socially and culturally.The results of this research reveal both positive and negative consequences. The positive consequences are; the improvement of the economical situation, the increase of knowledge in youth, better education, social relations young migrators; whereas the negative consequences include; the disconnect and separation of the young individuals from their families in the village and its related issues the distortion of sex ratio balance in villages and also in cities; in addition the other impacts of migration is delinquency and other social vulnerability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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