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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources




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Scientific researches considered as one of the main and the most important ways in finding the obscure and hidden facts about the universe as well as discovering new resources and strategies for problems and necessities of human being and the society. in line with reaching the country's development objectives, the role of universities and research centers in establishing social institutions and foundations which are in deal with such centers, is highly effective. Comprehensive and expanded protection of policymakers and officials from science and technology development centers and parks in addition to adopting new managing methods, would lay the necessary grounds for achieving the associated objectives. It is obvious that filling the existing gap between universities and other sectors such as industry, agriculture, health, etc, As well as transfer of knowledge and technology through such centers would be facilitated. That is, the science and technology parks accelerate the economic knowledge-based growth and development. Science and technology parks as research and development units can solve lots of existing problems and improve the situation and condition. With a glance to some of the units' activities it can be grasped that they have not been fully utilized yet.From many important factors, the lack of sound resource and facilitates distribution based on priorities, and lack of required decision adoption by innovation and technology policy makers and planners, different communication, law, and regulation problems lead to lack of suitable utilization. One of the patterns which presented for solving such a problem is the utilization of intermediary organizations and institutions in the cycle of the research to the market which could be realigned through establishing science and technology parks. Science and technology parks play essential role in creating and developing technology institution and professional research centers. Farther more, such R&D units would facilitate the aggregation and technical cooperation with its complimentary units such as engineering services companies, engineering and designing institutes, and professional research centers. Also, it provides suitable connection for funding and addressing the groups adjusted with R&D activities. This article by mentioning the establishment and characteristics of Iranian science and technology parks, explains the general situation of such centers are explained based on geographical conditions and establishing bodies as well as the numerous of center categorized based on dependence type and their different activities and international organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Different levels of knowledge and technology among countries play a key role in describing the development gap between them. Hardware-based technology comprises equipment and machinery and software-based technology is an outcome of human intellect. The latter is protected by intellectual property rights. Protection of patents and inventions within the intellectual property framework plays a significant role in trade development of countries, because new ideas that their properties have been protected can create or strengthen competitive advantages. In this paper, we investigated 0the effect of protection of intellectual property rights on the export of Group 15 member countries during 1995-2007. The index of patent applications is used as an indicator of the level of protection of intellectual property rights. The effect of protection of property rights to export has been surveyed directly and through other variables such as GDP, foreign direct investments and Research and development expenditures. The results indicate that extensive protection of intellectual property rights in the domain of common needs for Group 15 members will provide suitable conditions for increased investment in R&D activities, foreign direct investment, competitiveness power and increasing the exports, especially high-tech exports, if the conditions for application of this patent is provided, then the protection of property rights will be effective on the export, directly of through other variables.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, managers have come to this understanding that technology is the main source of competitive advantages and also growth in firms, hence it must be taken into consideration. Although Technology Management (TM) has become popular in the management area and many frameworks have been proposed, a practical framework and management tool is not available yet. To this point, Dynamic Capabilities Theory (DCT) has been utilized to introduce a TM framework in technology-based firms by focusing on the creation of the dynamic capabilities' flows. This article aims to clarify TM activities in DCT context, and moreover tries to determine relationships and interactions among TM, Knowledge Management (KM), and Innovation Management (IM) concepts. By reviewing TM frameworks proposed by different scholars an integral and appropriate framework based on Cetindamar's et al. (2010) is suggested for technology-based firms. By considering that each of TM activities (Acquisition, Exploitation, Identification, Learning, Protection, and Selection) can create a specific dynamic capability, six TM tools namely, Patent Analysis, Portfolio Management, road mapping, S-curve, stage-gate, and Value analysis are described to implement TM activities. These six TM tools and the six TM activities could be a well starting point to apply TM in firms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Knowledge-based companies are established to turn innovative ideas into products, create sustainable technology-based jobs, commercialize research, create synergy between science and wealth, and to empower and guide university graduates towards success in the business environment. A successful factor for these companies can be their involvement in science and technology parks and incubators. These parks and incubators can be considered as key infrastructures providing legal and commercial supports for these companies for leading them to success. This study aims at determining the success rate of knowledge-based firms located in science and technology parks or incubators. It also targets eliciting the correlation between the success of these companies and their number of employees. The correlation between their success and the time period during which these companies are residing at parks or incubators will also be investigated. The study will be based on a questionnaire survey on the statistical population of science and technology parks in Iran in 2010. The data collected from the current 758 tenants has been analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that the success rate of target companies was 68%. The chi-square test shows that the rates of success are not equal in different science and technology parks. The average numbers of workers in successful and unsuccessful tenants have been 5 and 2.8 respectively. The analysis of variance also shows the average numbers of workers are not equal in different science and technology parks. By using the chi-square test, the relationship between the number of employees and success is significant, and by increasing the number of workers, the rate of success in tenants has increased. The average duration of time within which tenants have been residing at parks or incubators has been 22 months. The chi-square test confirmed a significant relationship between their duration of stay and the success rate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the most important discussions in recent decades is human capital. Human capital, or in other words, quality of labor or institutionalization of knowledge in human, increases production and economic growth. Although human capital has been discussed since the classical period in economics, modeling and presentation of national models of economic growth, in which, human capital is considered, captured the attention of researchers in recent decades. In classical models, production was assumed to be the function of labor and capital, however, the quality of labor or human capital must be also considered in this function as an effective factor. The impact of human capital and technological knowledge on economic growth is commonly accepted. This study aims to measure the impact of human capital promotion on economic growth in selected countries of OPEC. Economists have presented different indicators for measuring human capital, one of them is the amount of government expenditure on education. In this study, the growth rate of government total education spending, along with other influential variables (R&D expenditure, Investment) are analyzed through the panel data approach for the period of 1998 to 2007.The research results of this method, indicate that the impact coefficient of all variables are confirmed by theoretical bases, coefficients for all variables are significant, and human capital has a positive effect on economic growth. According to the research findings, improving human capital by increasing labor skills and capabilities, which leads to increase in productivity and production, along with enhancing research and development expenditure is recommended in order to achieve higher economic growth.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The importance of creating Research Spin Off (RSO) companies as the most tangible tool in commercialization of research achievements, increasingly catches more attentions. But it is the most complex tool, too. The main aspect of this complexity is multiplicity and variety of resources which should be available at the right time and portion for success of the process. The aim of this article is showing this multiplicity and variety of resources and their role in policy making for successful RSO companies, by having a glance at Iran's circumstances. It starts by having a look at the RSO concepts and the studies of their formation in an "open innovation model", then the two aspects of this process, knowledge and the financial and necessary resources for developing in these companies are studied. It shows that financing is not the only needed resource at the beginning stages, but a variety of technical, financial, social and human resources are needed, too. The existence of experienced consultant teams, access to scientific, technologic, industrial and commercial networks and experts of technology transferring, commercialization and management of growth companies are some of them. In conclusion it emphasizes that in Iran only some resources for the start stages are considered but more resources are needed in the middle and final stages of process.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, industrial property rights play an important role in international trade, e-commerce, investment and growing economic relations. In general, industrial property rights system has been introduced as one of the fundamental issues of modern economic policy at the national level and as a context and important tool for sustainable development in developing and least developed countries. Furthermore, robust and effective protection of industrial property rights is very important and decisive factor in facilitating technology transfer policies and to attract foreign direct investment in certain sectors of economic that is vital for sustainable development. Countries that are experiencing liberalization of economic and industrial policies, the existence of a strong and robust intellectual property system is one of the most important factors that are necessary to ensure the process of liberalization. One important result can restructure the industrial and commercial sectors and finally to encourage small and medium investors to use the intellectual property system as a tool for economic and national technology development. However, in spite of the great quantitative and qualitative potentials in Iran, it is not happened any significant growth in the field of knowledge, production and preservation of the protected examples in the field of industrial property, On this basis, the patents system, industrial designs, trademarks, integrated circuits, trade secrets and geographical indications of origin in the system of industrial property rights are reviewed and studied and a comparative study to Paris Convention and Trips Agreement is conducted in this paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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