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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This research is in the field of technology & the title is identifying effective factors in technology transfer. Becoming familiar with factors that have effects on technology transfer to Iran's industries is the main goal of this research. Therefore we discuss technology definition and the process of technology transfer, and then, study success factors in technology transfer to developing countries and also the constraints of technology transfer to Iran. In this research, we use both survey and analytical methods, and the collected data and information have been obtained from library and comprehensive literature. With regard to the key factors identified in the process of transferring technology and considering all different effective aspects, an appropriate model showing the main eight ones is offered. They are as follows: effective and efficient management, governmental supports, strong cooperation ties between research centers and the industry, considering research and development activities, great technology-acceptance capacity of the host country, sufficient market access, both technology-importing & exporting countries' tendency and ability, and export policy development. In the next parts of this research we extract sub-factors of each main factor. Eventually all identified factors were put into a questionnaire which was prepared by technology transfer experts assessing the effectiveness of each factor. The factors were analyzed by T-test and SPSS softwares, in this research; Cronbach's alpha is used for the reliability of the questionnaire. The results may increase efficiency and effectiveness of technology transfer projects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, R& D is becoming one of the most important pillars of corporations. But there are several different and diverse approaches regarding the structure and position of R& D department in corporations. Most of the large companies have in-house R& D department. Except corporate R& Ds, independent research and development organizations have been established in many countries to promote scientific and technological capabilities. Each of these two types of research and development organizations has a special mission and making policies for them requires a particular process. The aim of this paper is to do policy-making for research and development organizations according to idea to-market-process. For this purpose, first, the elements of idea-to-market process and then the types of research and development organizations, including corporate and non-corporate are described. Then different types of structures of corporate R& D (in large organization) will be defined and policies for the duties and nature of their activities in centralized and decentralized sectors of corporate R& D (in hybrid R& D structures) based on the elements of the idea-to-market process are discussed. Next, the proposed principles for the oil industry as the country's largest industry, which has several research and development departments as a case study, have been applied and finally suggestions for improving research and development in the petroleum industry are presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A considerable percent of our population who can work, are obviously or hiddenly unemployed.What is the solution? Different countries have chosen different ways to solve this problem.Such as: the use of potential ability of society and economy, support of Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs), unemployment insurance, offering aid to small producers by buying their products and help them to establish and launch services and manufacturing units that require less capital, and paying for new ideas to help those who have the ability to think, but are not able to produce or to do a service. What has been chosen as the solution by the ninth government, In Iran since 2005, is development of SMEs and support them more, in order to expand the dominance of their with the purpose of reducing unemployment. Experts have presented several pros & cons comments regarding the success or failure possibility. Because this project is located in the beginning of its pathway, these comments come from the experts' relative knowledge of other countries experience.Our purpose is to describe this type of firms and then we assess the results of this kind of supports and eventually the performance defects and weaknesses. The relevant literature will be reviewed.Eventually, the future developments as well as legal and financial infrastructure improvement in Iran could lead to considerable success in this plan. We hope to minimize the shortcomings and improve the quality of this plan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research evaluates the theoretical and analytical role of domestic R& D bank, human capital as well as foreign R& D bank on total factor productivity (TFP) growth of Iran? s industrial sector. Since the research and development activities of Iran's industrial sector as compared to developed countries are little, just like other developing countries there could be hope for us that foreign R& D bank and their spillovers will have positive impacts on total factor productivity growth of this sector. It's all because attracting foreign R& D spillovers along with domestic R& D development activities will provide a more favorable ground to TFP growth. Therefore, this study investigates the direct impacts of foreign and domestic R& D bank (via the technology in importing capital and intermediate goods (and human capital on TFP growth of Iran's industrial sector during 1959-2006. The analytical results imply that, human capital and foreign R& D bank have respectively, the highest positive effect on TFP growth of industrial sector. While, in theory, domestic R& D bank also has a determinant role on TFP growth. But, by reason of low investment in research budgets and lack of demands as the base for research activities, the effect of domestic R& D bank on total factor productivity growth of Iran? s industrial sector has had little impact comparing to foreign R & D bank.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although at present time trade cannot be the engine of growth by itself but still can help developing countries a lot. A developing country can move from a non-efficient point to an optimum point in production through trade. That's why export of industry in each country depends on exchange rates, research and development and productivity. The main purpose of this study is the role of R & D activities in the export industry with ISIC two-digit codes. For this purpose, a statistical panel (9 Industrial Groups during 2008-1995) within a logarithmic multivariate econometric model was used. Besides R & D expenditure variable effects of variables such as real effective exchange rate, the value of each industry profitability, firm size and the amount of square workforce, the share of foreign raw materials on export volume is also investigated. The results of this Regression Model indicate that within the study period, the real & effective rate of exchange, the amount of each industry's profits, labor force, and firm size has positive impacts on exports and the share of foreign raw materials (unlike Vernon cycle) does not affect exports, and R & D costs with some three-break codes have positive effects in some codes & in some other they make no sense..

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Policy decisions are shaped by policy makers' concept of development. Development is a value based and normative concept, and accordingly, there are various approaches to it. Science is the key to the creation of wealth in a "national economic development approach". Therefore, policy makers invest in human and social capital as valuable assets. Firms are important because they can cause growth and wealth. According to the literature in this field, there is a positive correlation between innovation and inequality. It means that inequality will increase by increasing innovation. But the wealth derived from innovation can later be used to reduce that inequality. In contrast, the concern for "human development approach" is improving human quality of life, and speaks about Pro-poor, Para-poor, and Per-poor innovations. Some economists argue about development as freedom and improvement of people capabilities. The concern for "capability approach" is improving human opp ortunities, eliminating inequalities, and achieving justice. Freedom and capability are prerequisites for people creativity. Because of the paradoxes in different development approaches mentioned above, in this article the relationship between innovation and inequality is examined and a negative correlation is found. Less social and human capabilities has resulted in less innovation and more inequalities in various dimensions. Therefore, a greater emphasis on enhancing human capabilities is recommended in policy-making efforts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Through deep library research, the influential factors in accepting electronic commerce by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the agricultural sector with the objective of displaying the importance of these factors are assessed. Achieving some objectives like equitable distribution of resources in disadvantaged areas, increasing production and exports, strengthening economic mobility, enhancing entrepreneurship, employment and increased job opportunities demonstrates the role of small enterprises in the agricultural sector development. Currently, small enterprises play an important role in the development economic indicators, so utilizing new methods of business such as e-commerce will be very effective in the development and success of these enterprises in the agricultural sector. In this regard, e-commerce will have positive effects on trading agricultural products. This study shows that many benefits of e-commerce are: providing better services for consumers, finding new suppliers and customers, and improving trade process. Factors such as compatibility, relative advantage and increased perception about profit-making have positive affect in electronic commerce adoption. Small-scale enterprises should pay more attention to application of e-commerce technologies such as communications networks to ensure that their method of work and organizational culture is compatible with e-commerce norms. Along with applying this technology, SMEs should learn more about the advantages of e-commerce in agriculture sector through workshops, seminars and training courses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Organizations, recognizing that they cannot be world class in every activity and function involved in producing their products and services, are moving toward business strategies based on "core competencies"- a set of "skill and knowledge" that help maintain their competitive advantage in serving customers. Outsourcing is promoted as one of the most powerful trends that improve organization efficiency and growth. Outsourcing was defined as the operation of shifting a transaction previously-governed internally to an external supplier through a long-term contract. The most common benefits of outsourcing are: downsizing, cost savings, restructuring costs, focus on core business, quality improvement, operational expertise, access to talent, capacity management, and risk management. Nowadays organizations focus on core competencies and downsizing and try to outsource other activities to external provider. Also outsourcing helps organizations to achieve new organization's structure like flat organization and fast response organization. This article is aimed at presenting the advantages, risks and challenges of outsourcing strategy. After an introduction with outsourcing, a definition of outsourcing, outsourcing history and a review of outsourcing's features will be presented. In the following sections, we examine the motives and risks associated with outsourcing operations and propose a number of recommendations that require managers to focus on implementation of outsourcing operations. Also the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing are reviewed and a framework for the service activities of outsourcing will propose. The proposed framework considers moderator and independent variables of outsourcing and how they affect service activities. The outsourcing model for service activities emphasizes different service aspects and is also simple and holistic.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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