National innovation system (NIS) as a system approach to innovation is composed of institutions that interact with each other for creation, dissemination and application of new knowledge commercially, acting within the boundaries of a country. One of these institutions is research and technology organizations (RTOs). In most countries, such organizations exist independently and non-corporate. In the innovation system, the role of intermediaries (especially RTOs) in the innovation process is an important element of successful innovation. RTOs in developing countries are, therefore, important actors in NIS, since they contribute significantly in the intensive learning process, which enabled these countries to successfully catch up with developed ones and, subsequently, shape their economy into a Knowledge Based Economy. The most prominent of such organizations in the innovation system of Iran, is the academic center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR). This article reviews and explains the research and technology organizations in the National Innovation System and studies ACECR as an example. Also, this article reviews reasons of formation for, distinguishing features, functions and domains of activity and position of research and technology organizations in National innovation system. Furthermore, the position of ACECR is explained as a Research and Technology Organization in Iran's innovation system and finally some recommendations related to the role of ACECR in the innovation system of Iran and it’s domains of activity are made.