This research was done in the salt desert of south of Varamin (Tehran) .This region with an area of 16 Km2, situated in south Varamin.The soil of region including; lume, clay, silt, with salt and alkalin pH. Karaj and Brackish rivers situated in this region. The altitude of this region is 850 meters high from sea level and annual averege of precipitation reaches to 172.28 mm. Flora of this region includes 41 plant species that belong to 30 genera and 11 families. The important families considering that number of species are Chenopodiaceae, Tamaricaceae & Poaceae with 15 (36.58%), 6 (14.63)& 6 (14.63) species respectively. Tamarix with 6 and Salsola with 4 species are the largest genera. Life forms of the plant species of region include: therophyte 53.66%, phanerophytes 19.51, chamaephytes 12.19%, hemichryptophytes 7.32%, geophytes 4.88% and holophytes 2.44%. From the view point of regional elements plants of this region include: 39.02% IT, 19.51% IT; SS, 14.63% Cosm, 9.76% IT; SS; M, 9.76% IT; M; ES, 4.88% IT; ES, 2.44% IT; M .