Nodushan region with an approximate area of 109400 hectares is located in 80 km NW of the city of Yazd in Yazd province. The average annual rainfall of the region over a ten-year period (1998-2007) is 98mm. The analyses indicated that the region under study contains 30 plant species, 15 of which are aromatic and 20 ones are medicinal and aromatic plants belonging to 46 genera and 21 families. The most frequent species were Lamiaceae family with 18 species, Asteraceae family with 9 species, Apiaceae with 7 species, Brassicaceae with 6 species, and Rosaceae with 5 species, respectively. Regarding the life forms, 46% of the species were Hemicryptophytes, 20% were Phanerophytes, 14% were Therophytes, 11% were Chamaephytes, and 9% Geophyte. Regarding the geographical distribution, the plants under study included: 63.1% Irano-Turanian, 9.2% Irano-Turanian and Mediterranean, 7.7% cosmopolitan, 6.2% Irano-Turanian and Saharo-Sindian, 4.6% Irano-Touranian and Mediterranean and Saharo-Sindian, 4.6% Irano-Turanian and Euro-Siberian, 3.1% Irano-Touranian and Mediterranean and Euro-Siberian, and 1.5% Irano-Touranian and Mediterranean and Euro-Siberian and Saharo- Sindian. Of the 65 identified medicinal and aromatic plants, 8 ones are endemic species of Iran andHymenocrater yazdianus, among them, is endemic of Yazd. By collecting information from related resources, the important medicinal properties of the plants under study were identified and briefly addressed in this article.