Final perfection of human being is his progressive movement is to attain to the threshold of the Most High, and this in itself is his perfection and goodness, because human being whom God has created as His image has so high a dignity that as the most noble creature among possible beings can posses the attributes of the Truth and imitating the moral of the Truth. In Ibn Sina's view, mystic is a person who has turned his attention to the saceed world so that the light of the Truth continually shines on his inner being. Ibn Sina regards asceticism and worship as a preparation for mystical journey. He calls the first phase "volition" that he interprets as desire and inclination and considers its origin as demonstrable certainty and heart's inner faith. According to him the second phase is "asceticism" which means piety and doing hard works by suffering pain in the way of self-discipline. In Ibn Sina's view, after traveling the following phases, that is time, deep penetration, tranquility, fear and concealing, quietude, providence and ascent, the way fare reaches a state where he has a glimpse of the Most High and sees himself as a mirror of Him. Finally the mystic, who is now united with God, at the end of this journey attains a state where he only sees God.