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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objectives: Industrial wastewater included the dyes one of the important sources of environmental pollution, that founded in loom wastewater which are harmful for human health and environment. Therefore, the purpose of this research was investigated removal of RB5 dye from aquatic solution by using of adsorption onto synthesized magnetic sodium alginate beads.Material and Methods: At first, synthesized magnetic sodium alginate beads. Then, acquired beads optimum dosage equal to 18 g/100CC, with constant other parameters. The effect of pH, contact time and initial RB5 dye concentration was studied at the constant of beads (18 g/100CC).Results: Results showed that removal efficiency was decreased by increasing of initial RB5 dye concentration. Also the results showed the removal efficiency was increased by increasing of adsorbent dose and contact time. The results showed data were explained acceptably by Langmuir isotherms and pseudo-second-order kinetics models respectively.Conclusion: The results showed that removal of RB5 dye from aqueous solution by using of magnetic sodium alginate beads can be done cheaper and effective.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Discharge of textile colored wastewater industries without providing enough treatment in water bodies, is harmful for human and aquatic organisms and poses serious damages to the environment.Most of conventional wastewater treatmentmethods don.t have enough efficiency to remove textile dyes from colored wastewater; thus in this research the efficiency of electrocoagulation treatment process with aluminum electrodes for treatment of a synthetic wastewater containing C.I. Reactive Red 198 in batch reactor was studied.Material andMethods: The experiment conducted in a Plexiglas reactor with a working volume of 2L that equipped with 4 aluminum electrodes. The effects of operating parameters such as voltage, time of reaction, initial dye concentration and interelectrode distance on the color removal efficiency, electrical energy consumption and electrode consumption were investigated.Results: in the optimum operational condition electrocoagulation, is able to remove color and COD as high as 99.1 and 84.3% in aluminum electrode in 75 minutes at 20 volt and 2 cm interelectrode distance, respectively. Under this condition, operating cost was 2986 rails per cubic meter of treated wastewater. Increase in the interelectrode distance and initial dye concentration, lead to the decrease in efficiency of dye and COD removal.While as the voltage and time of reaction increased, energy consumption, electrode consumption, final pH and color removal, increased too.Conclusion: electrocoagulation process by aluminum electrode is an efficient and suitable method for reactive dye removal from colored wastewater.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1016

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Background and Objectives: Wet air oxidation (WAO) is One of the advanced oxidation process which reduce organic matter concentration from industrial wastewater, toxic and non biodegradable substances and, solid waste leachate, etc. In this study the efficiency of wet air oxidation method in leachate treatment generating from Esfahan Composting factory was Evaluated.Material and Methods: The experiment was carried out by adding 1.5 Lit of pretreated leachate sample the steel reactorwith the volume of 3L. The reactor then underwent10 bar pressure at different temperature (100, 200 and 300oC) and various retention time (30, 60 and 90 min). Leachate sample in 18 stages from composting factory in Isfahan in the volume of 20 Lit was taken and the WAO method, was used for pre-treatments. Removal efficiency of COD, BOD, NH4-N, NO3 and TSS were examined.Results: The results showed that the removal efficiency was more than 35% for COD, 38% for BOD, and 85% for TSS within one hour of reaction. The Maximum removal efficiency obtained in this study were 53.3% for NH4-N and 73.9 % for NO3-N.Conclusion: the results indicate that the reaction temperatures are the most important factors affecting degradation of organic matter. COD and BOD5 removal efficiency by WAO process increased as the time of reaction went up. In addition, BOD5/COD ratios of the effluents, which are generally regarded as an important index of biodegradability of leachate sample, were determined and improved grately as it reached to 84%. TheWAO process presented in this paper is considered an efficient process for pretreatment of leachate, as the COD, BOD5 and NO3 reduction observed in leachate samples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2346

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Background and Objectives: Fluoride is widely used in industries such as manufacture of semiconductors, power plants, glass production etc and release to the environment via their effluents. The purpose of this sturdy was to compare the efficiency of low price adsorbents in fluoride removal from water.Materials and Methods: The optimum values of pH, contact time and adsorbent dosage were determined and different concentrations of fluoride were experimented in lab scale conditions for bagasse, modified bagasse and chitosan. Then Langmuir and Freundlich coefficient were determined based on optimum conditions.Results: The pH value of 7, contact time of 60 min and adsorbent dosage of 2 g/L were determined as optimum conditions for all three adsorbents. The most fluoride removal efficiency of 91% was obtained for modified bagasse in optimum conditions.Conclusion: Based on data obtained in this study, it can be concluded that adsorption by modified bagasse is an efficient and reliable method for fluoride removal from liquid solutions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1209

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Background and Objectives: The dyestuff manufacturing and textile industries consume a high volume of water and produce a great amount of wastewater containing various toxic substances.Different methods are used to remove dye compounds from wastewaters. Removal of dyes from water by adsorption processes received considerable attention and a number of studies focused on the adsorption of some dyes by non-conventional low cost and effective adsorbents. In this study, the suitability of the canola stalks for Acide orange 7 adsorption was assessed.Materials and Methods: The dry canola stalks obtained from the research farm were milled and screened and the particles size ranged between 0.4-0.7mmwere used in all experiments.Acid orange 7 supplied by Alvan Sabet. Initially, the effects of initial dye concentration, pH and temperature on adsorption were examined. The kinetic and equilibrium data obtained for various concentrations of evaluated on the basis of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.Results: The results showed that the absorption efficiency depended strongly on pH and slightly on the temperature.Absorption of acid orange 7 on the canola stalks was fairly rapid and more than 95% of adsorption occurred within the initial 5 minutes of the treatment. Both Langmuir and Freundlich models were applicable for the description of acid orange 7 dye adsorption by canola stalks.Conclusion: According to the Langmuir model, the highest capacity of canola stalks for acid orange 7 adsorption was found 24.8 mg/g which was higher than the capacity of beech wood sawdust and soil mixture with fly ash.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Fresh leachate has a low pH and high amounts of BOD and COD which are mainly constituents with low weight molecular such as volatile fatty acids (acetic and propionic acids). Management and treatment of leachate is an important subject in sanitary landfill operation and performance.Th objective of this study is determining the efficiency of the integrated coagulation-flocculation and ozonation processes in fresh leachate treatment of Tabriz city.Materials and Methods: Quantitive parameters of pH, BOD5, COD, alkalinity and TSS were studied based on standard methods.The study emphasizes of COD and TSS leachate removal. Alum , ferric chloride and PAC had been used as coagulants.Results: Results indicated the superiority of Ferric chloride at the dosage of 1 g/l in pH 10, which reduced 34% of COD and 54% of the stage of ozonation the leachate sample coagulated by ferric chloride was treated by 3 g/h ozone gas at optimum pH and after 39 hours ozonation about 51% of COD and 18.2 % of TSS were reduced.Conclusion: This study clearly indicates that there would be need to apply biological treatment (after coagulation-flocculation) and ozonation, various advanced oxidation processes and/or other treatment methods for further reduction of COD in leachate and meeting discharge standards.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Owing to the non-seperated municipal solid wastes the leachate form in land fills contain high amounts of heavy metalls and toxic substances Hence, leachate treatment is a serious problem. In order to design leachate treatment and collection systems, estimation of quality and quantity of leachate is of high necessity. Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model was used to estimate leachate generation in the lined landfill cells for a variety of conditions. The HELP program is a quasi-two-dimensional hydrologic model for conducting water balance analysis of landfills, cover systems, and other solid waste containment facilities. In this paper HELP program is used to predict leachate generating in Semnan landfill after its operational life.Materials andMethods: HELPmodel useweather, soil and design data to estimate leachate quantity.The meteorological data were obtained from semnan Atmospheric Data Centre. Soil mechanics examinations in the landfill area were applied to achieve soil data. In addition, design parameters were based on Semnan landfill design specifications. Semnan landfill capacity is designed so as to accommodate municipal solid wastes generated during the next 25 years.Results: In this study result indicated that precipitation and evapotranspiration has the most influenced on leachate generation increase and decrease, respectively.82% of annual precipitation isn.t percolated into Semnan landfill due to evapotranspiration. HELP Model simulations were indicated that the maximum and average value of leachate height above barrier layer is 36 and 3mm, respectively.Conclusion: Semnan landfill is designed under minimum standard condition. Therefore, low height of leachate generated is due to area weather. The precipitation amount is low while the evapotranspiration amount is high in this area. High evapotranspiration is due to high temperature and solar radiation in Semnan landfill area. High evapotranspiration in the landfill cap caused 14.2% of the precipitation to infiltrate into the wastes and became leachate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Heavy metal pollution has always been a major cause contamination of environment and considered as a major concern for food health. Rice is the most popular food among Iranians and presence of heavy metals in trace level in rice has received special attention because they are directly related to health.The aimof this researchwas to investigate the concentration of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni in rice prevalent in the market of Iran.Materials and Methods: 20 of the most widely consumed brands of Iranian rice were purchased from local market in Iran. 3 samples of each brand were collected and certain volumes of each sample were digested with acid. Heavy metal contents in the digested samples were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry.Results: The results showed that mean concentration Pb, Cr, Ni in rice samples respectively was 0.387, 0.683, 0.019 (mg/kg) Conclusion: Notably the Ni and Cr content in the rice samples was found to be below the food sanitary standards in India rice. In the other hand 50% samples content Pb was found to be upper the food sanitary (Pb: 0.3 mg/kg). The result indicated that weekly intake of heavy metal by rice was below the provisional tolerable weekly intake recommended by WHO/FAO. However, risk assessments needs considerable attention and better prevention this low pollution.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Backgrounds and Objectives: Indusrial noise exposure is the most common hazardous agent in the world.This study has been done to determine the prevalence associated with occupational noise in car smoothers at qazvin.Materials andMethods: The study group composed of 50 subjects who were selected out of a total of 218 car smoothing workshops.Background information, exposure time and.with a questionnaire collected.Noise exposure and hearing loss were measured by noise dosimeter model CEL-280 and audiometer model OB 288 Madsen.Results: The mean of age and work experience were 38.7 and 21.5 respectively.Noise exposure and total hearing loss were measured 98.2±3.4 dB (90-104dB) and 22.1±9.16 dB respectively.Spireman correlation was significant between right and left ears (P<0.05, R=0.87).Total hearing loss were measured natural (NIHL£25) in 64 percent (32 person), slight (26£NIHL£40) in 34 percent (17 person) and moderate (41£NIHL£60) in 2 percent (1 person).The most and the least hearing loss were measured 42.4 (4000 HZ) and 37.1 (8000 HZ) dB in left and right ear respectively. The chi square analysis was significant between hearing loss, work experience and age (P=0.015).ANOVA analysis was not significant between noise exposure and hearing loss (P=0.09).Conclusion: Considering NIHL and severe noise exposure, the necessity for improvement of controlling and protection measures has prime importance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2009

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Background and Objectives: Not paying attention to management and control of medical wastes in different stages of production, keeping, gathering, transporting and finally eliminating them all have been creating various setbacks such that the environment and human’s health are in danger with the relevant consequences. This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in Vali-e Asr, Amir Kabir, Taleghani, Amir Al-Momenin and Imam Khomeini hospitals of Arak city in 2009. In this research the current condition of gathering, maintaining, transportation and final elimination of hospital wastes of Arak city was investigated.Eventually an appropriate model was introduced.Material and Methods: Solid wastes were separated, weighed and registered in two sequential intervals. In order to get acquaintance with the management procedure of medical solid wastes in the hospitals studied, a questionnaire approved by W.H.O was used. The questions were then replied by the Managers and Hygiene Experts worked at hospitals and their responses were recorded.Results: The investigations conducted in 5 hospitals reveal that the average per annual was2.9 Kg in 24 hours per active bed and 4.6 Kg for each patient. This volume consists of 60% for semi-home solid wastes, 39% for infectious solid wastes, 0.34% for sharp wastes, 0.28% for the pathologic and 0.38% for medicinal and chemical solid wastes.Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, in order to reduce pollution create in the hospitals, action should be taken to deal with pollutants at their source of generation. The staff members involved in waste collection and transportation should practice all the personal protection measures. finaly it also should be considered that, success in medical waste management wouldn’t be achievable unless all groups of medical staff involved cooperate and participle.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1920

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Background and Objectives: widely use of antibiotics as therapy and uncontrolled discharge of them to receiving waters increased the percentages of antibiotic resistant bacteria in various environments which may cause problems in therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the antibiotic resistance of E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa bacteria isolated from urban and hospital wastewaters. Nine antibiotics namely Chloramphenicol, Ciprofloxacin, Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazol, Gentamycin, Ceftizoxime, NalidixicAcid, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxon and Cefalexin were investigated in this study.Materials and Methods: through a cross-sectional descriptive study the isolation of bacteria from hospital and urban wastewater samples was performed by microbiological identification techniques.The resistance to nine antibiotics was tested by application of the standard disc diffusion technique and zone-size interpretation chart of Kirby-Baeur. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used to assessing two environments differences.Results: The resistance percentage of E. coli to studied antibiotics was significantly less (ranged from 1.81 to 51.02%) than the resistance percentage of P. aeroginosa (ranged from 3.57 to 61.76) and K. pneumoniae (ranged from 6.45 to 91.83%). the highest resistance to antibiotics studied was for K. pneumonia in comparison with others. E. coli, K. pneumonia and P. aeroginosa bacteria showed the highest resistance to CAZ, SXT and CN, respectively. The study showed the resistance rate in hospital wastewater is more than urban wastewater.Conclusion: Easy access and uncontrolled usage of antibiotics cause discharge of antibiotics to wastewaters and consequently diminish the drugs. effectiveness. High concentration of antibiotic and diversity in wastewater of hospital in comparison with urban wastewater causes to transfer resistant agents between bacteria and increased the multiple resistances.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Fresh fruit juice is one of the best drinks which contains minerals and vitamins besides its appealing nature as a good source of water.Whoever does the microbial quality of fresh fruit juice not meet the standard level, it can play a large part in food transmission diseases.Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all of 58 fruit juice. The Samples were then tested for total Coliform, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, yeasts and molds.Results: The results obtained showed that 142 case out of 146 samples were contaminated by microorganisims. All of Carrot and mango juices were contaminated. The mean contamination rate of Coliform bacteria, Mesophilic bacteria, Escherichia coli and yeasts in samples were detected as 86.2, 53.2, 57 and 56.6 percents respectively.Conclusion: 97.3 percents of samples did not have a goodmicrobial quality for human consumption.If consumption of fresh fruit juices will cause the consumer at risk of food borne diseases, all the natural benefits of them in terms of richness in minerals and vitamins will waste.Therefore it can be concluded that the natural benefits of frash fruit juice would be under question due to their low level microbial quality which move people to the high risk of food born diseases.

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