Culture is meaning system that inserted in the mind of human beings and characteristic to them. Although behaviors and rituals related to marriage, birth, eating, etc are, as many believe, influenced by culture, i.e. they differ between different cultures, but, at first glance, death is seen by many as a sudden, accidental phenomenon which does not follow any determined pattern and is the same in all societies. The truth is that death, like other human behaviors, is a social, cultural category; looking from this standpoint, one can distinguish the dying steps for any individual. Moreover, one would argue that the ways of dying are internalized by the process of socialization and, hence, taught. The ways of dying, for this reason, are not the same in different societies. The meaning and the forms of giving meaning (as Weber puts it forth, Sinngebung) to it is subject to change in a given society in historical periods. Let us set an example. The time and the place of dying, and the causes thereof, which were common in the past time are all changed in modern societies. Remembering the mentioned phenomenon and confronting with it, in addition, is intentionally avoided today.This is the ignorance of death and life experience which are unavoidable realities of human being.The essay tries to introduce a new disciplinary which takes the death as its object; dose not metaphysies vather as a cultural, social element as a cultural, social element.