Qari is one of the parodist in Timurid period. Qari, by imitating from Atame, had collected a book, which its basic subject is about clothes. There is not so much information about Qari. The most basic source for knowing him is his book, for this reason, the first step in knowing Qari, is providing a corrected text of it. Furthermore, this literary work has linguistic, literary, historical, and sociological values. Its textual-criticism encountered difficulties which the basic difficulty is the absence of an arranged version from it and another difficulty is the peculiarity of the terms and the compositions in the book. Qari’s-book was corrected twice: by Mirza-Habib and Taher. The textual-criticism of Taher has new findings. But it has some mistakes. In this article, on the basis of inside-text analysis and the techniques of textual-criticism and on the basis of outside text of resources, we have correct some mistakes. By using inside-text analysis we have tried to solve some of these difficulties which are seen in the text. And on this basis we have obtained some findings about Nezam Qari, his life, his literary-status during his day, his social and anthropological information, his language-news and language points in that period. And then on the basis of outside text references and by using from common and technical. Persian, Turkish and Arabic dictionaries, and Hadith source and by investigating in biographies, itineraries, historical source, geographical text, some of the Qarie’s praised, we have identified the some Proper Nouns, too. Furthermore a number of unknown terms and idioms in the field of clothes have been described in detail by getting help of these sources. Being aware of these Proper Nouns and terms cause to resolve some parts of difficulties and ambiguities.