Nameye Bastan is a book written by Mir-Jalal-al-Din-Kazzazi, in the editing and interpretation of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. In editing, marking helps readers read and understand texts, but the great beauty of this work is in the aspect of its interpretation. This book contains useful and educational points in linguistic and literary discussions, the etymology of words in Iranian languages and mythological discussions. However, this book could be better than this, and because of that, the author published new editions of the work. Obviously, criticism should help to improve this, but criticism must have the characteristics of accuracy, honesty, and trust. This paper seeks to discuss the mistakes in Nameye Bastan, especially in the interpretation of poetry, as well as in the correct writing of poems. But it can be seen that the discussions in a significant number are inadequate, short, and simple, sometimes based on self-citation, physical and far-fetched expert knowledge, lack accuracy in terms of interpretations, sufficient evidence, precision in referral, honesty, and trustworthy. As some of the author's commentary has been cut off, they have narrated one of the few points that the author has discussed for immersive curiosity, in order to be able to violate it, they have hidden the other aspects of the debate. In this paper, we also quoted and criticized five of the criticisms of this article to illustrate the deficiencies of the article. Meanwhile, the other purpose of this review, as will be seen, is a detailed report, full of evidence, of the same poems that had been criticized before.