Khajeh Hafez, as it is clear from his poems, was completely acquainted with admirable life story of Hossein Ibn Mansoor Hallaj, who was a distinguished mystic in the 3rd century. This, in itself, caused Hafez to study not all his works but at least some of them, including his Tavasin and his other poetical works, as a result of which he was affected by his great mystical thoughts. Since there has been, so far, no research on Hafez' impressions from Hallaj's Tavasin and his poetical works, this essay is to introduce two of Hallaj's works. Then, the term Shath (paradoxical writings) would be defined because most of his thoughts are based on it. Finally, each of Hafez' impressions from Hallaj, should be stated comparatively so that it could be used as a motivator for the literary men to do more research in this field. Certainly in the poetical work of Hafez, there are many verses regarding such concepts as "circle" and "point" in which there is no trace of impression from "Tavasin" and "Divan" of Halaj. Khajeh had, indeed, taken their geometric shapes and common meanings into account. However, in order to take the best advantage of such a discourse, we would have a short look at these cases, as well.