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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Cultural industries are engaged in creation, production and commercialization of themes with cultural nature within the framework of goods or employment services and include such cases as publication, cinema, toys, fashion and clothes. The cultural industries innovation system refers to a network of governmental, private or public institutions and their interactions to create, product, distribute and exploit cultural products and services. The objective of this paper is to conduct a pathological study of the cultural industries innovation system of the Country. Using "institutional mapping" and "stakeholder analysis" methods to analyze the innovation system, authors diagnose 5 selected clusters of the cultural industries including publication, toys, computer games, fashion, clothes and stationaries. The results show several institutional issues in cultural industries innovation systems: lack of interactions of Hawza and academia with cultural firms in generating basic concepts required for cultural products and services; redundancy in institutions assessing and supervising cultural products and services; lack of effective supervision of cultural products imports; ineffectiveness of cultural and public diplomacy institutions in foreign marketing and cultural products exports; lack of effective communications between cultural industries firms and institutions supporting entrepreneurship, technology development and knowledge economy including incubators, technology parks, and technology development funds; lack of institutions for communication and networking within the innovation system like unions and guilds, lack of effective relations between effective institutions such as the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, the Basij Organization, and the Education Ministry for information dissemination, publicity and promotion of cultural industries.

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Border trade in Kurdish regions has had a considerable growth due to the border situation and expansion of global markets. Due to the considerable and increasing growth of the commercial spaces in the field under study over the past twenty years, the City of Baneh has become known as the City of malls and shopping tourism has found a considerable place in it. The present paper within framework of ethnography method is an attempt to study local people’ s identity due to their consumption of international goods. In this regard, besides participative observation, interviews were conducted with 19 active youth in the market environment. On the basis of the narratives of the interviewees, market has been turned into the dominant culture of the current city and the engine and main incentive of the public for work and activity. The findings of the research indicate that the establishment of the market has brought about such trends as anti-social individualism, single-dimensional man, ritualization of the public habit, emergence of fragmented identity, moderation of justice, metamorphosis of values, popular capitalism, reactive management and a mindset of the uncertainty about tomorrow.

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The objective of this paper is to analyze the situation of students’ study in three universities, i. e. Tehran, Kharazmi and Shahid Beheshti. 440 students were selected, using simple random sampling. Analytical framework of the study is based on Chalabi’ s theory of Abartabe’ . Based on this theory, meanings, expectations and opportunities created by family and university, interfere with individual’ s pattern of study. . The findings of the research indicate that the time of study is 3. 5 hours per day out of which 2. 5 hours are allocated to textbooks and 1 hour to other materials. Different disciplines do not show different hours of study and among all disciplines nearly 50% of students study less than 1 hour a day. Family plays a more influential role in shaping study pattern of students before entering university but afterwards, social opportunities in university and meaning implied to study have more influential role. It seems that recent changes of cultural atmosphere and economic relations of university have weakened its chief functions and led to deterioration of quality and quantity of student study.

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Academic alienation, as one of the alienation forms, is a concept that explains the process of separation of the students from learning and isolation from an academic or university group to which a student should belong or be a member. The main objective of the present paper is to analyze the academic alienation of the students of Mazandaran University and its dimensions within and outside the university fields on the basis of Bourdieu’ s incompatibility) Hysteresis) theory. The necessary data were collected through questionnaires developed by the researcher. 390 students of the Mazandaran University in 2014-2015 academic year were selected through classified sampling method and questionnaires were distributed among the respondents. The findings show that the inner university field (restricting norms, weak educational sociability and relational disorder) as well as the outer university field (employment ambiguity, thirst for getting a degree, crisis of status and lack of interest in study) have positive and direct impacts on the dependent variable (academic alienation). Also based on the theoretical model test, which was carried out through structural equations modelhng, it was found that the inner and outer university fields along with their indicators could explain 66 percent of the variations in academic alienation.

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The main objective of this paper is to express the lived experience of the pilgrims who have chosen walking as a means to go on pilgrimage to holy Mashhad. Using qualitative method and semi-organized interviews with 17 pilgrims of the holy Shrine of Imam Reza (PBUH), who experienced walking and using phenomenological analysis as well as Moustakas analysis method, four main themes emerged regarding the journey of the walking pilgrims which included formation of walking journey, spirituality, the walker body and intentionality of the journey that can illustrate the understanding of the walking pilgrims of the phenomenon of journey on foot. The findings of the research indicate that the journey on foot takes shape on the basis of its spiritual and material aspects. The pilgrims, in order to enjoy the spiritual reward and considering the journey as a sacred act, take this long and hard journey which shows the spirituality aspect of the pilgrims in their journey on foot. Also, the pilgrims had different material, spiritual and socioeconomic intentions and incentives. Moreover, the holiness and spirituality existed in all pilgrimage experiences of the walking pilgrims: this commonality shows the social phenomena of the pilgrimage on foot. In contrast, the individual aspect of pilgrimage, related to its material aspects, include recovering of the sick people, enjoyment of the journey on foot, finding a job and shelter, walking with barefoot, etc.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Amuabdullahi Fatemeh



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With the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and strong Islamic inclinations across the world, particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union and decline of Marxism, “ Islam” has been introduced and known as one of the fault-lines against the hegemony of the United States. Simultaneous with the introduction of the issue of Islam in the West, it is observed that the media of these countries have launched the project of Islamophobia, particularly in the Hollywood films. One of the main means to confront the said condition is utilizing the capacities of the Iranian domestic media, which requires to be equipped with knowledge, technology and Islamic insight in this campaign. In this regard, one should prepare a suitable picture of the possible future trends and take steps toward proper planning and offering policies to confront the problem. By employing scenario planning method and critical uncertainty approach as well as using Micmac software, attempts have been made in this paper to find out the alternative future scenarios of Hollywood cinema activities in the field of Islam. The findings indicate that the drives of US National Security Doctrine and globalization have the highest degree of uncertainty and in their crossing in two axes, four scenarios are created about the alternative futures of Hollywood Cinema in the field of Islam, i. e. scenario of terrorists, scenario of the Third World people, scenario of the globalized people, and the scenario of outsiders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The objective of the present paper is to study the ethno-cultural empathy ability in the metropolitan Tehran. 156990 citizens from five neighborhoods in the geography of the Tehran constituted the statistical population of this research. The sample constituted of 553 citizens who were selected through classified sampling. The Scale of Ethno-Cultural Empathy (ECE) by Wang, et al. (2003) was used to collect the data. Cluster analysis with Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), single t-test and analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The results indicate that overall ethno-cultural empathy ability in the mega city of Tehran is above the average and two groups can be identified on the basis of empathy ability. The average of all dimensions in the first group, expect acceptance of cultural differences, is above the mean, while in the second group awareness and acceptance of cultural differences is above the mean. The average of the expression of empathic feelings in the first group is higher than that of the second group. Accordingly, it may be said that the first group is emotionally oriented and the second one is pragmatist. In both groups the acceptance of cultural differences has higher predictability significance compared to other factors. The findings of the research imply the domination of emotional empathy over pragmatist empathy in the mega city of Tehran.

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