The fall of the truth in the abyss, and hegemony of the metaphor characterize our days in various fields of knowledge and subsistence (epistemology, philosophy science, theory, spirituality, ethics, values, history, identity, politics, the law, economics, trade and transactions, industry, the art, literature, comprehension and interpretation, etc.).Tradition, modernity and post-modernity are periods comprising the life, and historical and cultural identity of the realms and people of the West. Traditionalism within its vase of culture and value is meaningful and it may also prove to be useful for the Westerners who suffer spiritual poverty. Analyzing conditions and circumstances of people residing in other parts of the world in Western historical frames, and proposing and propagating non-prophetic traditionalism and spiritualism, especially among societies that enjoy the rich and strong spirituality derived from Ali’s (peace be upon him) Shiite lineage, is one of manifestations of hegemony of the metaphor over the life and historical identity of the missionaries.