The present study tested a model consisting precedents of workplace deviance. In this model trustworthiness and trust propensity were independent variables, workplace deviance was dependent variable, and interpersonal trust was mediator. Research design was correlation through structural equation modeling (SEM) and the sample consisted of 325 employees of Esfahan Steel Company (ESCO) who were selected by stratified random sampling method. Of this sample, 78 per cent were men and average age was 35 years. Participants of this study completed Trustworthiness Scale (Jarvepaa, et al., 1998), Trust Propensity Questionnaire (Mayer & Davis, 1999), Interpersonal Trust Questionnaire (Schoorman & Barlinger, 2006) and Workplace Deviance Questionnaire (Bennett & Robinson, 2000). Structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS-18 and SPSS-18 software packages was used for data analysis. In addition, Preacher and Hayes’ SPSS Macro program was used for testing mediation. The results showed that the proposed model fit the data properly. The results also supported the negative indirect effect of trustworthiness and trust propensity on workplace deviance through interpersonal trust. This study underscores the practical benefits of fostering trust in the workplace. Considering the importance of trust to key organizational outcomes, for instance workplace deviance, the results can provide a guide for increasing trust in organizations.