This article describes the details of a Tri-axial Spacecraft Simulator Testbed (TSST) that has been developed as part of a research program on spacecraft multi-body rotational dynamics and control in Space Research Laboratory (SRL) at K. N. Toosi University of Technology. This dumbbell style simulator includes a variety of components: spherical air-bearing, inertial measurement unit (IMU), rechargeable battery, reaction wheels (RW), on-board computer (OBC) and balancing masses. In this paper, an attitude control problem for the spacecraft simulator actuated by three reaction wheels is studied. Under the assumption of uniform gravity and frictionless air-bearing environment, reaction wheels generate control moments about the roll, pitch and yaw axes of the base body. The control objective is to perform attitude commands sent from users with the least power consumption and a high precision. To handle the non-linear model, a Linear Quadratic Ricatti (LQR) controller has been programmed and it efficaciously controlled the computer-modeled simulator for any given slewing maneuver.This control approach has been developed to facilitate the system to accomplish largeangle, three-axis slewing maneuvers using RWs as effective actuators.