University library is an important intelligent centers and developing science and knowledge that provide required information for students. Moreover, students can refer to library to collect information for research in different scientific and research issues, and even entertainment and recreation. Familiarization with method of using library has important place in research and development.Execution of this research is necessary, concerning the library development experience in higher education of developed countries, and the importance of library in education and education success. On the other hand, this research is necessary regarding necessity of library establishment and information resources suitable with professors’ and students’ needs, execution of this research is necessary, for determining the importance and library position and information resources of library in training system of Islamic Azad University, . This research is applied in terms of goal and descriptive from the kind of survey in terms of method.In this research we used questionnaire, plotting questions for gathering information about familiarity of students with library, the amount of usage of library, familiarity with references, amount of using Persian and Latin references, using internet and electronic references. To analyze information, first we studied demographic characteristics of samples and then hypotheses of research tested by K square method. Results of this research show that the amount of familiarity and use of library by students affect educational success.