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Serum level of zinc, copper, b-carotene, vitamin A, and concentrations of Zn and Cu in hoof of 97 multiparous Holstein dairy cows with different locomotion scores (LSs) were evaluated. Simultaneously, Zn and Cu concentrations of close up, fresh and high yielding cattle rations were 77, 94, 75 and 31, 28, 22 ppm, respectively. Based on LSs, despite normal serum copper levels in all three groups, with increasing degree of lameness serum and hoof Cu concentrations of the severe lame group were significantly lower than healthy and moderate lame groups (P=0.0178) and (P=0.0002), respectively. Serum b -carotene and vitamin A level of the three groups were sub-optimal. Significant negative correlations were observed between LSs with serum vitamin A level (r=-0.246, P=0.0145), LSs with hoof Cu concentration (r=-0.323, P=0.0150) and serum Zn concentration and Cu (r=-0.281, P=0.032). The results suggest that the deterioration of hoof tissue may be associated with reduced copper hoof content. Our findings demonstrated that lame group was at risk of subclinical vitamin A deficiency, which could be established from the healthy stages. Possibly, excess consumption of Zn could conflict with Cu absorption and utilization. Furthermore, vitamin A supplementation may have assisted in reduction of lameness in experimental animals. In conclusion, the serum and hoof concentrations and dietary intake of copper, zinc and vitamin A can have an impact on degrees of lameness and their interactions should be considered.

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Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) is one of the inhibitory neurotransmitters that may have the ability to relieve the intensity of stress. Heat stress remains a major threat for duck production in summer in most areas of China. The current study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary GABA on performance parameters and plasma metabolites of heat exposed ducks. Two thousand Cherry Valley ducks (19 d) were randomly divided into two groups, each group with five replicates. One group was fed basal diet and the other fed basal diet with 100 mg/kg GABA for 42 days. The ambient temperature from day 19 to 42 was 29.7±3.5oC. Growth performance and rectal temperature were determined on days 19, 32 and 42. Plasma samples were collected at day 42. The results showed that dietary GABA had no significant effect on ducks’rectal temperature but decreased the feed intake (P<0.05). No differences were observed on survival rate, body weight, and dressing percentage. Gamma aminobutyric acid decreased feed conversion ratios (P<0.05) and plasma glucose concentration (P<0.05). However, GABA increased plasma concentrations of triglyceride and free fatty acids (P<0.05). No differences of GABA concentrations were found in the blood, heart, liver, and kidney between the two groups, but was increased in the brain of GABA group (P<0.05). These findings suggest that 100 mg/kg dietary GABA decreased feed intake and increased fat mobilization in ducks exposed to high ambient temperature, which might attenuate the adverse effects of heat stress on duck production.

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Prevalence of different aggression types and some related risk indicators were studied in 434 dogs presented to the School of Veterinary Medicine at Shiraz University over a one-year period (From March 2010 to June 2011). After taking case histories and examining all dogs, related questionnaires were completed for each dog and the nine classical types of aggression were evaluated.25.3% of all cases had bitten at least one person or animal during their life. The most frequent aggression type was conflict (dominance) aggression (36.6%) followed by fear (20.9%) and protectiveness (20.9%) aggression, intraspecific (7.8%), medical (3.9%), redirected (2.6%), pain (2.6%), maternal (2.6%) and predation aggression (1.9%). Sex, age and indoor/outdoor keeping had a significant effect on conflict aggression. Males (P<0.001), more than 2 years of age (P=0.001) and outdoor dogs (P=0.02) revealed significantly higher levels of conflict aggression. The majority of the cases did not understand obedience orders of the owners and needed more training to obey properly. Raising the level of socialization of the pet and owner’s knowledge about training principles may reduce these behavioral problems in Iran.

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A study was conducted to investigate the effect of follicular size (small, <2 mm diameter and large, ≥2 mm) onin vitro maturation, fertilization and culture of ovine oocytes. The ovaries (n=80) were collected from abattoirs in Srinagar city, India and transported in normal saline solution containing 50 mg gentamicin sulphate per ml in a thermos flask. The oocytes were collected by puncture technique and good and fair quality oocytes obtained were subjected to maturation in TCM-199 supplemented with epidermal growth factor (EGF) for 24 h under 5% CO2 and humidified atmosphere at 38.5oC. The matured oocytes were then subsequently subjected to fertilization and culturing was done for six days. The results revealed that the maturation rate of large follicle oocytes (85.20%) was higher than small follicle oocytes (52.44%, P=0.002).In vitrofertilization rates for small and large follicle oocytes were not significantly different (79.54 and 76.65%, respectively). However, cleavage and morula rates were higher in large follicle oocytes (58.69 and 34.13%) than small follicle oocytes (38.63 and 19.32%, respectively, P<0.05). In conclusion, there is higher developmental competence of oocytes from the large follicles than small follicles and the pre-maturation of oocyte occurring during follicular growth is essential for subsequent embryonic development in sheep.

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Two experiments were designed to examine the effects of crude seminal plasma (CSP) exposure of ejaculated and epididymal spermatozoa before freezing. Experiment 1, two consecutive ejaculates were collected (n=4) within 5 min, the second one was carried out in a tube containing Fiser extender (coated spermatozoa); by centrifugation, seminal plasma was removed from coated ejaculates. The pellets were split into three parts and 0, 50 and 100% CSP (v/v) was added and they were frozen. Samples were thawed and incubated at 37oC for 6 h. The highest progressive motility (10.41%) and the highest hypo-osmotic responses (12.62%) were found for the coated spermatozoa without CSP at 6 (P<0.05). The maximum viability was found for coated spermatozoa without CSP at 0 (29.4%) and 6 (17%, P<0.05). Experiment 2, epididymal spermatozoa were recovered (n=6), pooled and split into three fractions and 0, 50 and 100% CSP and the diluents were added, after that they were frozen. Thawed epididymal spermatozoa were incubated at 37oC for 6 h. The highest (33.3%) and lowest (25%) progressive motility were found for the epididymal spermatozoa without CSP and the epididymal spermatozoa with 100% CSP at 0, respectively (P<0.05). The highest (19.37%) and the lowest (9.38%) viability were related to the epididymal spermatozoa with 0 and 100% CSP at 6, respectively (P<0.05). Under the conditions of the current study, the addition of CSP to the ram epididymal and coated spermatozoa strengthened the detrimental effect of the freezing procedure.

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There are morphological and reproductive physiological differences between swamp buffalo (Bubalus carabanensis) and river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). The development of fetus weight and fetus biometry was reported in river buffalo and other animals but not in swamp buffalo. The aim of this study was to describe the inherent variability in fetus related measurements during swamp buffalo pregnancy. The data is based on measurements of 267 fetuses and 5 new born claves from swamp buffalo. The results show that a significant linear correlation exists between estimated age of fetuses and parameters of fetus sizes. There were correlations between crown-rump length (CRL) and other fetal parameters, as well as between fetus weight and its parameters. In conclusion, our data indicated that the feasibility and value of fetal measures in swamp buffaloes being used for the evaluation of fetal development.

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This study was conducted to evaluate histochemical alterations of river buffalo’s uterine wall acid and alkaline phosphatases (ALP and ACP), lipase and carbohydrate ratio during follicular and luteal phases.Forty apparently healthy and non pregnant river buffalos were considered for removal of the uterus after sacrifice in slaughterhouse. All dissected uteri were divided into two luteal (by observing corpus luteum on the ovary) and follicular phase (by identifying growing follicles) specimens. In order to prepare frozen section slides, the fresh samples of uterus were transferred into chilled normal saline and cut with cryostat.ALP, ACP, lipase and periodic acid-schiff (PAS) staining techniques (paraffin sections) were conducted.Endometrial epithelium, glandular cells, vascular endothelium and macrophages in luteal phase showed positive reaction to both phosphatases. Comparing the luteal and follicular phases showed that, the mentioned cells presented significantly higher reaction to both phosphatases in luteal stage. The number of endometrial macrophages increased in luteal phase. The cytoplasmic carbohydrate ratio of endometrial epithelium and glands were significantly higher in follicular phase. Reactions to PAS staining revealed that, the glandular cells showed remarkably denser PAS stained cytoplasm in comparison to epithelial and endothelial cells. In luteal phase, uterus represented higher lipase ratio in comparison to follicular phase. In conclusion, similar to other bovine and buffalo species, in river buffalos the histochemical alterations in endometrial phosphatases, carbohydrates (mainly glycogen) and lipase depend on cyclic hormonal changes.

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Leptin is secreted mainly by fat, which is involved in energy metabolism and reproduction. Leptin and its receptor (Ob-R) have been detected in human spermatozoa and testis, thus it can be concluded leptin involves in male physiology. The goal of this study was determination of the presence of leptin receptor mRNA in the ram testis, epididymis and spermatozoa by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).Ejaculated spermatozoa from ten fertile Taleshi ram were collected by means of an artificial vagina. Testes, placental cotyledons and adrenal glands were obtained from abattoir. Placental cotyledons and adrenal glands were used as the positive control. Epididymal spermatozoa recovery was performed from epididymis. To purify spermatozoa, motile sperm were isolated by the swim-up procedure. Total RNA was isolated from epididymal spermatozoa, ejaculated spermatozoa, adrenal gland and placental cotyledon and then they were purified. The mRNA for the long form (Ob-Rb) and the short form (Ob-Ra) of leptin receptor was detected in testis. RT-PCR analysis of total RNA from epididymal spermatozoa and ejaculated spermatozoa revealed the presence of leptin mRNA in these cells. The mRNA for Ob-Rb was observed in epididymis and epididymal spermatozoa, but the Ob-Ra mRNA was absent. The presence of Ob-Ra mRNA was found in ejaculated spermatozoa, whereas Ob-Rb mRNA did not exist. It can be concluded that the mRNA for leptin receptor is present in ram gonads and spermatozoa.

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Accessory gene regulator (agr locus) is a global regulator of many virulence gene expressions in Staphylococcus aureus. Four interference classes related to genetic polymorphisms in the agr locus have so far been described. In the present study, theagr locus specificity groups were studied within a total of 43 S. aureusisolates which were isolated from ewes with mastitis in three regions in the Northwest of Iran. In addition, the isolates were examined for the presence of TSST-1 (toxic shock syndrome toxin-1) encoding gene (tst) using PCR. Identification of agr groups, using agr group-specific multiplex PCR, classified the majority of isolates into group I (51.16%) and to a lesser extent intoagr group IV (44.19%). Only one isolate (2.23%) for each of theagr groups II and III was found. This study also indicated that 44.19% of isolates (n=19) possessed thetst gene and that 94.74% (n=18) belonged to agr group I. According to the results, certainagr groups comprised the great majority of sheep mastitis associated S. aureus isolates. Moreover, the high proportion of S. aureus isolates was tst positive, indicating an issue requiring consideration as it is relevant to food hygiene. The results also showed a variation in distribution of thetst gene among the differentagr groups.

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The aim of this study was to examine the anti-inflammatory effects of co-administration of growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 (GHRP-2) and growth hormone (GH) on tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene expression induced by LPS in the mouse brain. Thirty-five male NMRI mice (25±5 g) were injected through the mouse tail vein with saline, GHRP-2 (100 mg/kg), GH (25 mg/kg) or GHRP-2+GH, 30 min before the intraperitoneal injection of LPS (5 mg/kg).Then, inflammation was induced by the intraperitoneal injection of LPS. The control animals received sterile saline in the first and second injections. Changes in the expression level of TNF-a, IL-6 and iNOS genes were studied in the mouse brain by a semi quantitative RT-PCR method. The results of this study showed that GHRP-2 or GH significantly decreased the expression of TNF-a and IL-6 genes in brain 2 h after the injection of LPS. Co-administration of GHRP-2 and GH markedly reduced the expression of TNF-a and IL-6 genes. LPS had no effect on the expression of iNOS gene in brain. The data suggest that co-administration of GHRP-2 and GH has a protective effect in brain inflammation induced by LPS through inhibition of TNF-αand IL-6.

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Microscopy as “field based test” was compared with IS900 blood PCR for the diagnosis and estimation of prevalence ofMycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in domestic livestock with clinical Johne’s disease (JD). Of 252 animals screened, 39.3 and 13.1% were positive by faecal microscopy and blood PCR, respectively. Proportional agreement between “microscopy” and blood PCR was substantial.1262 faecal samples from animals suspected of clinical JD were screened by microscopy in 2009-2010 and 41.3% were positive. Prevalence of MAP was highest in cattle (61.8%), followed by goats (41.3%), sheep (33.4%) and buffaloes (15.7%). Faecal microscopy was cost effective, easy to adopt and repeatable for the screening of domestic ruminant population against MAP infection.

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Nucleocapsid (N) protein of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), one of the viral structural proteins, induces strong antibody response in natural infection. In this study, a simple, recombinant N protein-based dot-blot test was developed to serologically examine chicken serum samples for the presence of IBV antibody.Initially, 72 serum samples were tested for the presence of IBV antibody using a commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Forty six IBV positive serum samples (group A) produced strong signals in the dot-blot assay. Seven negative serum samples (group B) produced weak but specific signals using the dot-blot assay in conjunction with Western blot analysis. The remaining 19 samples (group C) from IBV negative specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens did not produce visible signals using the dot-blot assay. In conclusion, the above results suggest that the dot-blot assay is a reliable, sensitive, and specific test for serological detection of IBV positive chickens.

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Chicken anemia virus was detected by PCR in tissue samples collected from poultry flocks in Gujarat, India. The VP1, VP2 and VP3 gene sequences of CAV from Anand, Gujarat were obtained after cloning the PCR products in pDrive cloning vector. Nucleotide sequence alignment with other CAV sequences demonstrated overall identity of 95-98.8%, 98.8-99.8% and 98.8-100% for VP1, VP2 and VP3 regions, respectively. Deduced amino acid sequences revealed 91.7-99.7%, 99-100% and 97.3-100% homologies for VP1, VP2 and VP3 proteins, respectively, indicating high level of genome conservation. Further, placement of critical nucleotides and amino acids at particular positions indicated that Anand CAV is possibly of more pathogenic potential. The CAV isolates were phylogenetically grouped together independent of their geographic origin.

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A 4-month-old, intact male domestic short-hair cat was presented to Veterinary Hospital with an acute onset of regurgitation and respiratory distress. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs identified a mass consisted of a heterogeneous mixture of soft tissue and gas densities between heart and craniodorsal part of the diaphragm that was shifted to the left. The stomach could not be seen clearly. Radiographic signs suggested a tentative diagnosis of gastroesophageal intussusception (GEI). Esophagoscopy revealed gastric mucosa in the lumen of the esophagus, and a diagnosis of GEI was made. The GEI was manually reduced by use of insertion tube of scope. Ten days later, the case was euthanized because of GEI recurrence and aspiration pneumonia. Gastroesophageal intussusception is a rare condition in cats. This case report shows that gastropexy along with manual reduction of GEI is essential for prevention of recurrence and reduction of mortality.

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