Lifestyle is a phenomenon which provides beliefs، values، knowledge and interpersonal competencies in social-personal situations. Lifestyle makes the real part of human civilization; however it does not occur as a simple and linear. Crystallization of the inner human، means lifestyle، is seriously affected by the action’s position; time and location based on personal perception، which together form the context of the action. While religion makes the main basis of a religious person’s lifestyle، but the institutional actor is affected by the current realities of organization’s life and acts in terms of laws and requirements which resulted in different lifestyles. In confrontation between religious beliefs and institutional realities، three situations may consider including full conformity، partial conformity and non-conformity. In each of these forms a particular lifestyle based on the university condition may emerge، which is known as academic educators’ lifestyle. The importance of these forms is due to the effect of them on educational effectiveness of academic activities. The educator is not only a person with a personal lifestyle، but also is a “lifestyle learner” which it acts with a latent and indirect manner. If the implementation of “Modern Islamic Civilization” is important، and the “real part” of it، is made by people’s life context and visibly and invisibly is affected by educators’ manners in each society، therefore the explanation of academic educators’ practice is important since they are the main reference of lifestyle model for young.