The importance of commercials is increasing due to its influence and effectiveness on various areas of life, as well as becoming one of the most important sources of media financing. In addition, the responsibility and guarantee of advertising has always been an important issue with which the legal experts and Jurisprudents have always been concerned. The study, using content analysis, examined the juridical rules of TV commercials which making responsibility. The statistical population was TV advertisements that broadcasted (non-repetitive) from channel 1 of IRIB during 2017 October and 2018 September. The sample size was 455 ads, selected randomly. The findings showed that there were no violations of the juridical rules in 87. 7% of advertisements. There were only Najash (saying a high price for a product as a buyer just to deceive other buyers) with 5. 1%, Tadlis (cover the flaw and weakness of product) with 4. 6%, misdeclaration of the subject of deal with 1. 1%, Qash (mixing the product with other product) with 9%, Nafy-e Sabil (dealing in which Muslim will lose) with 4%, Ghorar (buying something that glimpses customer's look but it is really unknown) with 2%. There were no other related items including Zarar (losing), Tasbib (wasting peoples’ properties directly or indirectly), Ijabe-e Molzam (promising reward), Takhalof-e Shart-e Zemni (violation of assumed condition), and Ta’ von Bar Ethm (co-optation in criminal matters). Finally, the most frequent non-observance of juridical rules was in the advertisement of health & beauty, food, financial institutions, banks and insurance.