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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Big cities involving a considerable part of population and economic activities are known as primate city. In most of the cases, these cities are the capital cities. In static models, whenever the urban primacy index falls off the optimal point, it can negatively affects other economic performances such as resource allocation, productivity and production. Government’s settlements in primate cities can affect urban primacy and encourage the phenomena. One of the most effective ways with which the government can prevent primate cities competition with each other or with the other cities, is to put some limitation on the local transportation infrastructures. These infrastructures have a considerable effect on urban primacy in a way that a change in transportation, its infrastructures and rules can lead to a change in the location of economic factors. Therefore the effect of urban transportation and government policies on urban development pattern is obvious. In this regard the important thing is the government’s role in leading the urban primacy index to the optimal point using policy variables and the transportation sector. In this paper have been surveyed the impact of gas subsidies on Iran’s urban primacy using OLS regression during the period of 1968-2006. The results show that gas subsidies cannot reduce urban primacy in Iran. This result shows the problem of subsidy inefficiency in Iran which is one of the common problems in developing countries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Land use has main importance in tourism planning. So, tourism affected by environmental changes. Conservation of natural resources is necessary for tourism stability. The aim of this research is investigation of tourism influences on land use alteration in the Markazi District of Noshar County as an important destination for inbound and domestic tourism in the north of Iran. The methodological approach of research was descriptive and analytical-Satellite image, topographic map and interviews have been used. The results indicated that Tourism has been changed land use in the studied area deeply. Farmlands and beaches were more affected by tourism which due to natural and touristic resources.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays leapfrog development of cities is one of the most problems in cities, which is significantly in small and middle towns of Iran. In Yazd city is seen precipitance's about land transferring in recent century quarter and especially after joining organizations of urban development and improvement and establishment of city land organization. After 30 years and in spite of transferring and organizing lands in Yazd city, many applicants forsook their lands. For example in sillo project with 17.5 ha area, after 13 year, 42% of transferred residential lands are forsake. Other projects such as Emam shahr, Javad AlAemeh and Golestan have same situations. In this research, with field study and completion of questionnaire, and ultimately using of Pierson correlation and linear regression analysis, was distinguished that weakness of land-supporting policy. Including material cost and labors in the first degree and not make ready land in the second degree. Have been influenced. The regression analysis about reasons of abandoning cession lands shows strong relation between material cost in the first stage and absence of government supporting in the second stage. Also the price of prepared lands has 81% increasing growth yearly, which are caves to abandon lands. It is important to mention that nothing activities have been done by land organization and housing policy makers for knowing and helping to low-income groups about land transferring that this problem indicate incorrect policy of cession lands.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The pervasive wave of new Information and communication technologies which penetrate in rural areas, caused new conditions in these area. In this research, on analytical and descriptive method, have been focused on impression patterns of social and economic districts of rural life that reacted by ICTs in three aspects: knowledge, approach, and skill & activity. Two questions in this study are: what are the patterns of social and economic effects of ICTs on users? And what are influences of access to ICT on users and social-economic indicators? This study what was performed in central part of Gorgan Township indicated that Information and communication technologies impacts on social-economic aspects, they have specific correlations. In other hand the methods of access have a direct relation with use of ICTs and social and economic indicators. For data analyzing have been used, t test, variance analyzes, R2 and Duncan Test using SPSS.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to the location of historical Texture of Kashan in city center, it is one of the most significant areas to centralize trade, official, political and economical services. Although it covers a small part of Kashan city, studying land use in the area is an important issue. Because of the heart of the city (Bazaar) is still alive in this part and mould setting located in this area which identify individuality of city. Reply to this question that " how can it be possible to set up the heritage protection and the mould credits of the historical Texture with the mould exigencies of current civil life" is in relation to the land usewhich leads to contrive a special expedient and comprehensive planning for land divisions base on extent and portions ofusages regarding to their role and efficiency. Generally, the purpose of this research is investigation of present status of land use in the historical texture of Kashan. Also study of extent, portion, distribution, and compaction of land use to determaine the shortages and operate equilibrium for in identifying the usages regarding to their preference and efficiency. Base on principles concepts, and Land Use criteriahas been analyzed the old texture of Kashan with area of 478 ha and population of 45133 (in 2006). In present status, which have been historical texture of Kashan has shortages in cultural, sport, recreative and green spaces usages caused social anomy and social - cultural problems for young people. Result of, this research indicated that some usages such as official and trade inside texture of city, have vast extent productivity, so that have more production and attraction compare to the other usages. Besides there are some usages inside the texture with positive effects on another neibouring parts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Disequilibrium of urban different sectors in facilities, urban services and poor distribution of urban land use is an objective field which considered urban planners by urban managers. In Isfahan regarding growth and spread of urbanization, urban migration, weakness and lack of urban services, the urban problems are more complex than ever and urban land use planning has been faced with serious challenges. Among the urban land use, parking land use is one of the users that all urban users need it and it is clear that in a world dependent on car, parking as well as roads and bridges are important, because easy access to work, residence, shopping and entertainment are made possible with them. Therefore it is an integral part of the infrastructure sector. Since the time of car stops in cities is much longer than their departure time, therefore predicting the suitable space for parking cars, especially in crowded areas and downtown is very important. But despite all the organizational planning for parking in the city of Isfahan and the great help and assistance of city managers, parking user condition in the present situation is very worrying and it can be mentioned as a complex urban problem. On the other hand, volume of vehicle entry to the city of Isfahan, the ease of car buying and ownership interest of citizens to use personal vehicles for various reasons and the increase of urban travel because of poor access to municipal services, is one of the reasons that signify the importance of parking user. This article is trying to analyze the geographical situation in the city for the parking of three user’s models (shift share, per capita balance test and correlation test). The results from these models shows that per capita for parking in areas 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10 are lower and at the regions 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 are above per capita in Isfahan. But the difference between eleventh regions and the entire city of Isfahan in this respect is not too much. On the other hand, the proposed per capita of approved plan for this user, is not achieved in any of the eleventh regions, and all of these urban areas are deficient in this respect and in regions 1, 3 and 5 this issue has become excessively acute. At the end, analysis and recommendations in order to solve urban problems are presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In present century the air transportation has had a very important role in relations between different countries of the world, as exchanging of culture, showing the economical and military power and speeding the vital affairs of a country and in this case airports form a very critical role in the Air Transportation system. In fact, airports are considered to have the most basic role in Air Transportation industry. At present, , regarding the importance of airport in transferring travelers and being busy with the economical, industrial, tourism and problems, it seems necessary to survey the role of airport in speeding the above activities. The reach at this target Mehrabad Airport has been chose as a model in this article, using the monthly information gotten from passengers coming in and out of Mehrabad Airport to (20 cities), Ranking the economical, industry activities in these cities years 2001 to 2006, the number of tourist entering in Mehrabad Airport and using the gravity model, regression model and time series model with the help of using Spss and Itsm soft ware's, the interval request to travel to Tehran (Gravity Model) have been analyzed, and the market demands for economical, Industry and tourism (Regression Model) has been used and anticipating the number of travelers entering and going out of Mehrabad Airport during the years 2007 to 2009 (Time series Model). The consequence of the above analysis show that the distance of the cities Tehran has been an important factor to travel by air to Tehran and vice versa has an important effect with the rate 17% (R2=17%), between economical, industry and tourism factors the distance and industrial activities have had the highest effect to demand for air traveling. It also should be noted that travelers coming in and out of Mehrabad Airport will be increased in future.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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