In the third millennium, knowledge management was introduced as a strategic need for educational institutions and higher education systeme. In fact, relying on human capital, ideas and information, will ensure long term excellence of the organizations and communities. Nowadays, it has been possible to enhance higher education and research capabilities and skills through wise utilization of new technologies, share of knowledge, and increased cooperation between universities and academics. In view of importance of knowledge management in universities, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the level of knowledge management in selected Iranian higher education institutions including; Tehran, Esfahan, Tarbyat Modares, Alzahra, Mazandaran, Guilan, Yazd, Araak and Razi universities based on the level of knowledge management The study includes the population of all academic members of different departments at the selected universities. Employing a classified random sampling, the data was collected through the distribution of a questionnaire among 355 academic staffs of respective departments. SPSS16.0 was used for the purpose of statistical analysis. The results of this research showed that the situation of selected universities is unsuitable based on the level of knowledge management.