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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pedestrian safe passage on walkways and accident prevention on crosswalks are among the most important aspects of urban design.Among the road user groups, pedestrians are considered the most vulnerable, because the accident may result in pedestrian’s death or injury. Pedestrian safety devices can reduce the risk of accident occurrence, as well as the severity of the injury.In the present study, the location of safe pedestrian crosswalks and the type of safety devices were determined and a comprehensive expert survey was conducted. Then, the most important and effective parameters were indentified and prioritized. It was concluded that the safety devices should be compatible with the type of local and ambient environment.

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Traffic accident, as a world concern, is a distress and is expanding in developing countries. It is determined as one of the four main threatening factors of human health by UN and WHO. Planning for driving safety improvement requires concentration on two main topics: engineering safety and management safety. Based on experiences in different countries, safety management with the aim of coordination and resembling activities among responsible organizations is essential to reach sustainable safety in driving.Iran's successful experience at macro-management in driving safety has been achieved after establishing Road Safety Commission (RSC) in 1382. After establishing RSC, the members reached to a single agreement for their planning and specific plans were prepared and implemented. These plans include call preparation of Road Safety Strategic Plan (RSSP), accident data bank plan preparation and analyzing, execution of special plans in special holidays and planning coordination between members to implement safety plans in road networks. Compared to the third developing plan, the number of accident fatalities decreased 3.7% during the fourth developing plan. Also, fatality per 10/000 vehicles index decreased more than 40% during the fourth developing plan. The present paper, while reviewing driving accident statistics, illustrates the results of successful driving safety management.

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View 1643

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Kashan is the second largest and most populated city of the Isfahan province. The increase in the number of vehicle in Central Business District (CBD) of the city caused a heavy traffic density that could not be diminished even by parallel or new access routes. Thus, municipal authorities had to define short-term traffic control plans to lessen traffic problems of the city. In this plan, Rajaei Avenue and Kashani intersection were selected and alternatives to upgrade the Level of Service (LOS) and reducing accidents are evaluated and implemented.By having the traffic data before and after the traffic control plan implementation phase and performing a before and after analysis, the efficiency of each single action is evaluated. Using statistical tests and paired comparison analysis for two variables (number of accidents and traffic calming) before and after the deployment of traffic control plan, it is found that the reduction of the number of accidents in Rajaei Avenue is statistically meaningful. On the other hand, although the plan was not completely successful on Kashani Intersection, the sum of all traffic accidents has been reduced by the implementation of the traffic control plan. Regarding traffic calming, the data shows the considerable effect of the plan on increasing operational speed and reduction of accidents on the two above-mentioned zones.

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Today driving accidents developed. For this aim insurance civil liability vehicle keepers. In our country that code enacted in 1347 and retormed in 1387.Important that changes, more protection victim with revision on the third party, development on the damage payable, eliminative act of god and violence by force (Force-mayor) from exceptions insurer liability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2965

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Accepting the defined rules and relations is a prerequisite to modern life.Some experts consider accepting social rules, especially obeying traffic norms, as a sign of modernity and others regard it as fixed values and moralities. Since traffic is regarded as the most flexible part of social order and security, it is so tangible for all people and, hence could be considered as a norm.Various preventive course of action through training the public or engaging them in assting the police to perform his duties and missions are among police strategies which would prove useful, if implemented in the right way. Of course, performing this special mission has its own problems which could be classified in two groups: (1) unavailability of legal grounds, and (2) observing social discretion.Improving police officers’ interaction with people in the society through polite and yet professional behavior as well as observing local and international standards could be strategic solutions to the problem.The present paper concludes that traffic police can engage people in selfcontrolling through internalizing traffic rules as well as improving officers’ interaction with people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2240

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A vehicle's number plate is a distinctive feature which can be used in distinguishing that vehicle from similar ones. However, since the number of car-manufacturing companies and their products is increasing rapidly, and the fact that every year many cars are forged or stolen, it becomes necessary to access up-to-date statistics regarding vehicles.As it is common in many countries, every 10 years the vehicles' numbering system is changed. At present, many number plates have lost their quality and controllability as a result of wearing out or passage of time, hence grounds for fraud and abuse appear. Regarding rapid population growth and people's turning to use more cars, the need for appropriate and acceptable organizing to meet security, social and law enforcement goals was felt. To meet this need, the effectiveness of the implementation of plate change national plan was carried out.The present thesis aims to study the effectiveness of the implementation of the number plate change national plan and its role on the originality of the vehicles in Tehran from 1383 to 1388.The goals of the research are as follows: enabling police in performing their duties effectively identifying and resolving the shortcoming of the plan in order to improve traffic services qualitatively and quantitavely detecting unauthorized vehicles improving citizen satisfaction employing IT modern technologies in performing police duties identifying styles peculiar to forgers and auto thieves and ultimately improving social order and security.The statistical population of the research includes authorities’ experts and others involved in vehicle numbering system throughout the country.The research method is applied but descriptive in nature.

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When talking about air pollution, we often think of the elderly, people suffering from pulmonary or heart diseases, and children. But we think of police officers only when we are going to implement plans to reduce traffic congestion in central areas of cities.Studies have shown a direct relationship between air pollution and endangering people’s health, especially that of police officers. Of course, among police officers, traffic police officers are more at risk. Everybody reacts to contaminants differently, based on the type of contamination he or she is exposed to, the amount and duration of exposure and his or her health condition.Although we cannot bar entering contaminants into police officers’bodies, we can decrease their effects on police officers through certain managerial courses of action (correct shifting, distributing police officers in polluted areas and reducing work time), hygienic, engineering and medical actions (setting up kiosks with dean air and installing air conditioner detectors on cars) and personal actions (putting on masks, doing exercise and fruit consumption).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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