In this research, the active safety control systems are introduced and their operations are investigated in vehicle handling. Among them, the systems which directly control the yaw and lateral vehicle motions (Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Active Front Steering (AFS), and Active Rear Steering (ARS)) are separated. After that, the control roles of yaw rate and side slip variable motion are studied in vehicle handling. Then, one model of vehicle which could describe the yaw and lateral vehicle motions on the road is selected and modeled in MATLAB/Simulink software. Moreover, by designing a PD controller in the Electronic Control Unit for preventing wheels locking during the braking, the model vehicle is equipped with the Anti-lock Braking System. This model, which doesn’t have any of ESP, AFS or ARS control systems, is named uncontrolled vehicle. In the next stage, via these control systems (from introduced references) and adding them to the ECU of the uncontrolled vehicle, the controlled vehicle is made. This model is applied for demonstrating the ability of each ESP and AFS systems in vehicle handling and also their effects on deriver’s behavior. Both controlled and uncontrolled vehicles are carried out under a critical double lane change maneuver with the driver’s model in MATLAB/Simulink software. The maneuver is simulated in a high longitudinal velocity on a snowy road with driver’s hard braking and the results are presented comparatively.