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earthquakes have been affected the human life since the dawn of time; however, the complexities of human societies and communications in the cities, intensify the deleterious effects of the earthquakes, that affect urban areas. Hence, in emergency phase and reconstruction, attention to the basic needs and shelter provision are the most important activities but urban design also play an important role in restoration and improving the condition of damaged city, and also prepare for the future probable earthquakes by mitigating the vulnerabilities. Iran is an earthquake-prone country and has experienced a number of devastating earthquakes; however, reconstruction in urban areas were less experienced. After the Bam catastrophic earthquake (2003), the reconstruction program of the city was developed based on “Bam Sustainable Manifesto”. Three major criteria where considered in the program as “identity, participation and sustainability”. However little attention was given to these criteria in implementation of the reconstruction activities in Bam, after the catastrophe. In this paper, the correlation between the concepts of resilience, resilience urban design and resilience urban disaster reconstruction, are drawn. Field study particularly focuses on Bam city and selected areas, considering urban identity and legibility also eliminate city scape and image disturbances, examining development of green multi-functional open spaces in residential neighborhoods; Likewise physical retrofitting and vulnerability of streetscape against probable seismic disorders. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach associated with analytic methods and in-depth interviews with Bam citizens and authorities. Based on the “Bam reconstruction program”, the paper examines the effectiveness of urban identity and sustainability through resiliency in the post earthquake reconstruction. In this regards, to obtain information for qualitative analysis and examinations, considering the situation of Bam, the following methods are used: 1- A review of bibliographical sources and documents, consonant with Bam condition as an ancient city and extensive destruction happened after 2003 earthquake.2- The undertaking of in-depth interviews with authorities whom involved in the reconstruction process and also Bam citizens.3- Conduct of a field survey, and 4- Direct personal observations. It should be born in mind that in the case of resiliency, reconstruction and urban design have shared qualities that result in a framework for resilient reconstruction after disaster in urban areas. The findings show that, those qualities have differentiated due to the condition of the survey locations. In the case of Bam, the main and important criteria that must consider are: 1) preparedness and steps toward means of increasing resilient in reconstruction; also 2) to consider some qualities in the reconstruction phase from the urban design point of view, in order to reach resiliency, such as developing green multi-functional open spaces in residential neighborhoods, considering diversity and variability of urban spaces and also accessibility in the city; 3) trying to achieve objectives of resilient reconstruction approach by applying methods for rapid recovery, coping capacity, mitigating physical vulnerability by retrofitting, remarking urban identity and above all, turning the threats of earthquake into opportunities in order to increase urban resilience against future disasters and improving the living conditions of residents.

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nature has developed materials, objects and processes that function from the macro scale to the nano scale. The understanding of the functions provided by objects and processes found in nature can guide us to imitate and produce appropriate architectural forms. Biomimicry is a science that derives inspiration for solutions to human problems through the study of natural designs, systems and processes. In consideration of the global trend of environmental protection, the disciplinary focal point also tends to work on the issue of sustainable development. However, though the researches of sustainable design and green design have been increased, the subjects of these researches yet were mostly undertaken from the aspects of material, structure and form; and the application of ‘bionics’ to architecture or design seems to be treated as a new, contemporary idea. The attraction of Biomimetics for architects is that it raises the prospect of closer integration of form, material, construction, process and function with regard to a holistic building design. It promises to yield new means by which buildings respond to, and interact with, their users means more subtle and more satisfying than present mechanical systems. The appeal of biomimetics is not only from a method for acquiring abstract design ideas from nature but also from the manner in which nature utilizes those ideas. Nature has adapted the plans from which it derives organisms to be based on a relatively simple set of instructions. Common to both natural and man made environments is the issue of cost. There is always an issue of how much an object, structure, or organism will cost to design, manufacture, construct, maintain and ultimately recycle. In an architectural sense this can be reduced to a monetary cost where often times the lowest tender wins. In the natural world the cost is energy, where competition for available resources favors the organism that can survive and grow with the least amount of required materials and energy expenditure. This project selects nature as model in the design of the auditorium acoustics. Bivalves are often the most common seashells that wash up on large sandy beaches or in sheltered lagoons. The goal of this paper was to design a biomimetic multipurpose auditorium inspired by seashells that would have appropriate acoustics for a variety of purposes, specifically conferences, lectures, movies and orchestra. The objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between room shapes and speech intelligibility in auditorium acoustics. Three different auditoriums shapes; seashell, fan and rectangular with the same RT and volume were modeled in Rhino and the models were then exported to EASE acoustic analysis software. The comparison of STI values estimated from EASE indicated that the seashell shaped room had the highest mean STI values. The comparison of C50 and center time (ts) values show that the shell shaped auditorium has the best values. In addition, musical sound qualities were investigated using clarity index (C80) and Ts acoustical parameters. Appropriate values were found in all of the rooms.

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when the human habitat can provide more utility to a man who meets his expectations. The expectations are defined in all aspects of environmental, social, physical, economic situation and so on in residential places. If any of these desirable qualities are lacking in a person's life, will affect both the perception and feeling of space and the level of satisfaction from quality of residential place. On the other hand nowadays more than half of the world's populations live in urban areas. So the phenomenon of urbanization has become inevitable today. Therefore, we should always pay attention that civil society encompasses a wide range of the cultural – social and occupational groups. Each of these groups according to the type of insight and norms has different criteria for choosing a place to live and work. Therefore they have also different criteria about satisfaction of the city environmental quality. However in developing societies, attention to the demands of all the people is very difficult and Complex, so often is reliance only Specialist understanding of the qualities of the environment. But in this research we emphasize on the mental image of citizen about urban environmental quality. So, this research, in order to improve environmental quality in urban residential places, trying to answer this question that what a priority criteria and indicators of environmental quality are in the urban residential place in mental image of citizens. To achieve this, first of all, we express the concept of urban environmental quality and its component, then we develop the theoretical model for evaluating the level of residents' satisfactory. The model is divided into five levels; each level evaluates benchmark of one component such as Environmental, Socio – cultural, Economic, Physical and management criteria involve in the quality of the environment. In this regard, a questionnaire was designed according to the range of five-point Likert scale (1<X<5) to assess the quality of the urban environment.378 Questionnaire based on the formula of Cochran is distributed between Citizens residing in Qazvin residential place, And we were using analytical – descriptive method and Spss software in data analysis and one-way ANOVA and Duncan grouping test to evaluate and rank components of environmental quality in the urban residential place. To determine the validity of the research instrument of the questionnaire we referred to professors and experts, all of them were positive with all comments and the reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha test, the value of this coefficient is 0.927 that shows the high reliability. Questionnaires measures the level of environmental quality in two general of quality living environment and quality of residential environment quality in Three regions of Qazvin. In general summary and conclusion, the results of Comparative evaluation between three regions of Qazvin indicate that, the citizens of the second region in the neighborhood of the city of Qazvin in comparison with other areas of the city are more satisfied with the quality of any components of residential place and the formation of the social fabric has great impact in this results.

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nowadays, cities and communities have been established in places where are exposed to different disasters or due to technological progress are exposed to man-made incidents. The view to disaster management and urban management has been changed from response and mitigation to resilience and bounce back. Resilience is a new concept which was introduced by Hollings (1979) in ecology. This concept is used in uncertainties and unknowns and based on the latest definition of resilience in National Academy (2012) resilience is “the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from or more successfully adapt to actual or potential adverse events”. The objective of this study is to assess and analyze the resilience of Tabriz. Therefore, based on seventeen relevant studies including previous authors study, influential factors in urban resiliency were classified and categorized into seven dimensions and their related components. The dimensions are mitigation, infrastructure, physical, environment, socio-cultural, economic, and management which has been tried to be complete and comprehensive to cover all aspect of urban resilience. Then, the questionnaire was designed and distributed between 40 scholars and expertise of relevant fields such as disaster management, urban planning, social and economic sciences, civil engineering and environment studies. Each items of questionnaire was included of five sections from 1 (completely vulnerable) to 5 (completely resilience). It was asked them to specify the condition of Tabriz in each component. Finally, obtained results of questionnaire was analyzed and evaluated by SPSS. It was clarified that the mean of resilience in hazard mitigation is 2.3, in infrastructural is 2.18, in structural and physical is 2, in economic is 1.94, in environment is 2.23, in socio-cultural is 2.8, and in management is 2.16. The most resilient components of mitigation dimension are education and drills, governance role, and risk and vulnerability assessment. For infrastructural dimension, they are critical infrastructure, lifelines and urban facilities. Neighborhood coherence, land use and urban fabrics are the most resilient components of physical dimension. In economy, value of property, occupation and salary, and economic stability are more resilient components. The most resilient component of environment is biodiversity. Political stability is resilient component of management dimension. It is noticeable the entire mean of resilience for Tabriz is 2.23 (less than 3) which indicates inappropriate resilience condition of Tabriz based on experts’ perspectives. The most proper dimension also is socio-cultural. In this dimension, beliefs, family structure, ideology and religion, ethnicity, attachment sense, cultural capital and social capital are resilient components. It is obvious that Tabriz can be introduced as a resilient city whenever all components and therefore all dimensions of defined and proposed model are in a proper and suitable condition. Although, Tabriz is in better condition of socio-cultural dimension, the results of other dimensions and also entire resilience of Tabriz state vulnerability of the city. Therefore, authorities and managers of city should not ignore improper condition of other dimensions and they should move towards resilience improvement.

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one of seminal factors on urban life quality is attention to place as an inclined ensemble and attention to identity of place as a basic to know a particular place into unique entity. Identity of place originates from individual and public values and beliefs, and gets depth, spread and change by passing time. Physical attributes, activities and meanings are inchoate elements of identity of places. There is another aspect of identity of place named Genus Loci or sense of place that is less perceptible than others. Sense of place is not inside of those elements even it is formed from mutual relation between human and them. Now there are some questions: how is the relationship between identity of place and sense of place? And how we can achieve a unique identified place? Considering this research, to answer first question, we can equate identity of place with "our" sense of place; and to answer second question, we find that identity of place is not a self-styled matter. It is formed by people step by step and during time. But first of all we should do essential implementations in line with achieving identity of place through. Physical setting, activity and meaning as components of it. Those measurements are: 1- Assessing current conditions based on built meanings in human mind with human sense of place. For example in this level, we assess relation between human and physical setting of place. The aim of this assessment is comprehension of points of users concerning different physical elements of place. Advantages of those points of view indicate existing common, prominent and clear bodies in terms of users and then exercising existent elements and designing based on them.2- Designing of physical setting, activity and meaning based on done assessment of conditions. In this level, based on done assessment of current conditions and perception of main effective elements on identity of place, we strengthen these elements in relation to kind of correlation between human and place.3- User planning and participating over time. User planning and participating over time is requisite to achieve identity of place for sustainability and durability.4- Achieving identity of place over time. Based on these four measurements, constituent elements of identity of place are human, place, sense of place (physical setting, activity and meaning), participation, planning and time. Achieving procedure to identity of place, by above elements, is: At first we consider existence of human and place, and making human-human and human-place relationship that organize sense of place. Then constituent elements of identity of place including physical setting, activity and meaning are made by human and his planning and participating over time and finally place will be received its own unique identity. At the first, this article surveys related contentions and thoughts in order to recovery and detection role of each constituent of identity and sense of place, base on reviewing related literature. Then, we introduce a novel model of constituents and formation process of identity of place, and after that, experiment this model in case study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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iran has many historic cities and villages with economic, historic and cultural values facing with many seismic faults. There have been no comprehensive studies about reducing the vulnerability of the historic villages, and the available documents describe the retrofitting experiments only about the single buildings. Lack of a comprehensive look at the subject leads to the loss of the resources and carries out parallel and sometimes conflicting actions. Nayband, in the center of Iran, is a historic village near Nayband fault. Because of unique physical context, performing social, cultural and economic relations, follow up vernacular construction patterns and past earthquake evidences, this village is a proper case for conducting a seismic safety study to make use of defined process as a pattern to other historical contexts and villages that are exposed to earthquake. The first step in the seismic safety process is the identification of context structural vulnerabilities. seismic vulnerabilities can be achieved by different methods. Some of these methods have abilities such as large-scale covering and little time data processing. The appropriate method must be selected in according to evaluation objectives. In this research, a comparative study conducted for 19 vulnerability analysis methods, and finally based on data availability, large scale covering, low entry and data processing time and high reliability, FAMIVE method was chosen. This method which has high validity in the world can determine buildings vulnerabilities levels and major structural failure mechanisms in order to set them up later for retrofitting operations. Afterwards, based on factors include historical and artistic value of the building, usability of habitation after disaster, building type and structural evidence of past earthquakes, 39 facades belongs to 21 buildings were selected and their data were recorded to Excel forms. After processing forms using FAMIVE method, the following results were obtained: The anticipated failure mechanisms, The seismic vulnerability level of buildings and The Building resiliency in the face of different earthquakes. According to the results of the vulnerability analysis and a high level of risk faced by the village, the need for physical intervention and housing retrofit operation to protect the lives of residents and cultural heritage of the village was confirmed. Historical buildings in terms of structural systems, artistic value of its assets, and usability after disaster are differ. Also, newly constructed buildings or public buildings exist due to the presence of humans in them or having the potential to be service provider of post disaster, planners must consider them. By studying international experience and review their criteria, indicators recognized and given weight to identify priorities for retrofitting in this area were: kind of ownership, potential use after disaster, historical and artistic values, number of occupants, hours of occupancy, kind of building use and number of stories. Finally priorities identified through the GIS analysis in terms of four distinct building groups. Finally, considering the need to optimize the physical intervention level and output of previous steps, the anticipated seismic performance levels of buildings against earthquakes recommended.

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according to statistics, in 2009 Iran’s oil and gas consumption were 1.4 and 3.1 times higher than the world average and during 1998 to 2008 residential sector accounted for 42% of the total energy consumption in the country. As hot-humid climate is the most severe climate across the world, climatic consideration must be incorporated in design of the new dwellings in this area. Over the centuries, Climate consideration has been a fundamental principle in the design of vernacular Iranian houses, and application of these indigenous patterns in modern constructions of hot-humid region will optimize the energy consumption and result in higher rate of thermal comfort. Climatic patterns of these vernacular houses not only affect the external characteristics of the building, but are also involved with the configuration and properties of the internal spaces. This paper is introducing open and semi-open spaces patterns of Dezful, Bushehr and Bandar-e-Lenge vernacular houses using grounded theory parameters, In this way, it tries to clarify whether these patterns are in accordance with the climatic characteristics. This paper has applied objective to establish the patterns of semi-open spaces of vernacular houses of Dezful, Bushehr and Bandar-e-Lenge, so that it can be used in new-built dwellings to improve thermal comfort for building occupants in the mentioned regions. The method of analysis and resultant in this research is qualitative based and answer to questions are found by grounded theory and data gathering from chosen samples, classification, analysis and finally choosing related data and integrating them. Data gathering are conducted by use of theoretical studies and analysis of vernacular houses documents and also in-depth analysis. Results show in studied regions, open and semi-open spaces are in accordance with local climate attributes. Differences in these attributes has made differences in climatic patterns. climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Dezful is in accordance with optimizing high temperature. theses spaces are located in south west side fronting to north east and are aligned into depth. Semi-open corridors in south west side of the courtyard operate like solar chimney to ventilate the courtyard. Climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Bushehr port is in accordance with using sea breezes and natural ventilation. Semi open spaces are located in north-east, north-west and south-west sides and semi open staircases are located in four corners of the courtyard. composition of semi open spaces and staircases, courtyard and the orientation of them toward air current is acting the same as a passive system of ventilation. This system works as a solar chimney when there is no breezes. Windows around the house help the ventilation system. Climatic patterns of semi-open spaces in Bushehr port is in accordance with using sea breezes and natural ventilation and at the same time with optimizing high temperature. Corridors incorporated in these plans facilitate the air current and protect the living spaces from the sunshine and heat. The porous structure of plans is yet another unique feature of these houses, which changes heavy materials with walls of light-weighted materials which allow the air movement.

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