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One of the issues in theory field of architecture which has been considered in recent decades is ontology and its branches. The changeability and the domain of the meaning in architectural works are some of the most important issues which are considered in this field. It is related to some subjects such as the role of the creativeness of the architectural work, audience of the architectural work and the process of the perception for receiving the work’s meaning. According to some of the latest theories in this field such as Deconstruction and Neopragmatism. All of the perceptions of audiences are affected by their prejudices and their prejudices are influenced by some external subjects such as history, meanwhile these external subjects are changing constantly. So, it is not possible to believe in a certain domain for architectural works. Due to this viewpoint, all of the objects should be presented in adaptability with this changeable process and so in designing the architectural works, we should use geometries which can be adapted with changeability and relativity in perception.On the other hand, some of the other theories such as functional theory and the propositional theory believe in a certain domain for meaning in architectural works. For example, according to functional theory, the meaning of an architectural work is referred to its function and even if its function can be changeable during the time, but because it is not possible to define each function for a certain architectural work, the domain of its meaning is a definable domain.So, the major problem of this article is derived the relationship between architecture and ontology especially contemporary ontology. Due to this problem, there are some important questions in the theory field of architecture such as if we can assume a final meaning for an architectural work or not?Different steps for specifying and analyzing this problem consists of these ones: In the first stage we will define ontology and its features. In the second stage we will define the identity of meaning in architectural works. For accessing to this aim, we refer to some of the most important theorists in this field such as Foucault, Fish and Rorty.Meanwhile, we try to evaluate the theories which are cited in this stage.In the third stage, we will explain the Islamic view point about the major problem of this article. Then, according to Islamic teachings, the identity of meaning in architectural works will be specified. On the base of the findings of this stage as the last stage, it is concluded that the domain of meaning in architectural works is a certain and definable domain but the audience’s perception about this meaning can be changeable which this variability is referred to their different prejudices and experiences.In this article for accessing to the targets that are assumed, the authors have utilized qualitative content analysis research in the first gathering step of data. Moreover the authors have used logical- argumentative research in analysis step and judgment of data.

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The Expansion of urbanization needs along with the comprehensive development, is followed by purposes, such as the needs for citizens’ satisfaction with their habitat and leisure time, optimal use of natural and cultural heritage, economic development and livelihood of citizens, social development and the expansion of knowledge in the city, cultural development and generalization of good traditions, fostering the great people (scientists and philosopher), In other word generally improving the quality of urban life and taking steps to the uplift of the city and citizens became more than ever necessary.The theory of “City of sublimity” which aims to develop the material and spiritual aspects of life in the city, has been provided. This theory seeks to determine the status and sublimity of the citizens and city based on the comprehensive development environment and the physical, economic, social and cultural in the city on an ongoing basis, in order to achieve maximum participation of citizens respond to moral and material needs of society (directly and indirectly).The theory “City of Sublimity” aimed at exalting the citizens and the city and on the basis of the principle of more efficient in urban system and social justice or equality is presented. In this theory, the basic topics such as “environmental development” with the aim of sustainable development to achieve the citizen satisfaction of the habitat, their happiness and vitality of the city, “economic development” for the purpose of economic growth and earn their livelihood, “social development” of the city with the aim of expanding knowledge of the city, “cultural development” in order to restore the good customs and traditions have been followed. And comprehensive development of the city in terms of environmental, economic, social and cultural will result the presence of the great people (Philosopher and scientists) in the city that on one hand, field of interaction and taking advantages of their ideas and knowledge is provided and on the other hand, they themselves will afford the field of comprehensive and sustainable development in the city and thus lead to more sublimation of city and citizens.The “eminence demand” from home to go roving, travel, and five benefits of travel: “happiness” and “livelihood”, “knowledge” and “manners” and associate with “The Great” are such factors that cause cities to compete with each other.Helical or spiral graph indicates that the development of city is continuously. City of Sublimity as a helical or spiral form will grow and enhance over time. The way of motion of lines in spiral form indicates the development and growth, and the most appropriate form to chart the evolution of the City of Sublimity which aims to develop and upgrade prominently, is distinguished.It seems that the sublimity of the city and citizens is achievable during the time with the preparation and implementation of structural-strategic projects for cities, so, to create a transformation of the urban system in all fields, includes of laws and regulations, the structure and content of the development projects of the city is necessary more than ever.

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Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that is common in childhood. Now this disorder is considered as a very important problem in mental health. Diagnosis of Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder has increased dramatically since 1990. The prevalence of Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder were reported approximately 7 to 10 percent of children in Iran. The groups of ADHD children have one or more symptoms include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder can lead to many problems in the personal lives of the patient. These problems include personal and social problems. Also this disease in addition to the influence in a personal life of patient is significant effects in family life and community members of patient because children, that they are Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, expose at high risk of relationship abnormalities, academic problems, anxiety, depression, conduct disorder, antisocial personality, delinquency and substance abuse. If we don’t pay proper attention at appropriate treatment for children with Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, eventually society will be have many problems such as crime and addiction in the community.By considering the prevalence of Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in children and irreparable damage that it remains in their academic and personal performance, early detection and appropriate intervention can play a significant role in preventing it. For treatment of children, that they are suffering Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, many studies and researches were conducted. Based on these studies, the Standard treatment for hyperactivity disorder in children mostly relies on drugs and medications. Likewise special education and counseling is often used to treat these children. According to the importance of the title is raised, the question is raised whether children with Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder need to different spaces in terms of form, color and other architectural elements? The aim of current study is to examine the effects of architectural space on the behavior of children with Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. In other words, the purpose of this paper is helping in the treatment of Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in children with science of Architecture. In conclusion, the results show that architectural space can have appropriate effect in improving children’s quality of life that they have Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. In order to do this research project, first, Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder are defining. In the following, we considered the needs and characteristics of children with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder then is examined environmental psychology on them. In addition, using interviews with Medical professionals and Psychiatric that they expert about the diseases and disorders in children with Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder by snowball method, view treatment facilities for children with behavioral disorders and review related articles and books about this disorder are the methods used for the purpose of this study. The findings of this study show that the effects of various aspects of architecture space such as color and form on the behavior of children with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. According to the findings, placing children with ADHD in normal school accordance with their physical and mental conditions can help to treat and increase the amount of learning.

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The complexity of urban subjects has made urban planners to make decisions in fuzzy situations. The variety of criteria and factors which influence urban subjects and the necessity of paying attention to the benefits and points of views of different stakeholders in policy making, have made decision making more complicated. Every change in one of the urban subjects may affect other subjects because it is undeniable that Urban Planning is a multi-disciplinary field of science and deeply relates to other fields of study such as architecting, economy, civil engineering, sociology and etc. Obviously, in such situations decision-making is not a simple process for urban planners and managers. They have no choice but providing advent of models. Planners become able to predict the results of different interferences from different aspects and make the optimal decisions by means of models. Decision support systems are modern techniques that have emerged in response to the inflexibility of models and are used by urban planners as useful means for guiding decision making process. In fact, these systems aim to combine different aspects of science with computer science and usually are used for decision making in complicated, multi criteria cases or in fuzzy situations. As Urban Planning is a multi-disciplinary field of science, which faces complicated subjects, it is compatible with decision support systems. In the other hand, due to importance of location and spatial relations in urban decisions, usage of Spatial Support Systems is much more helpful. These systems cooperate with policy makers in decision-making especially in semi-structured cases. The system provides the possibility of studying transactional influences between different effective factors by means of modern techniques and tools also using different modeling and analyzing methods. Semi structured situations cannot be solved just by planners or decision support systems. In fact decision support systems or spatial decision support systems are as a supportive engine for planers and decision makers to do the best. In the other word these systems are not decision makers they are some tools which contain three main components: DBMS, MBMS and DGMS. The outcome of these components is a helpful document for managers.Making use of spatial decision support systems lead us to be able to save time, money and energy. Checking more alternatives and making optimal decisions. After designing a decision support system for an urban subject, there should be consideration of five main phases. Firstly introducing the problem, secondly modeling different parts of the problem, thirdly giving possible alternatives, after that assessing and comparing different alternatives and finally choosing the optimal alternative.The aim of this paper is in addition to giving a brief introduction about decision support systems and their components and the most important benefits of applying these systems, give some examples about the application of these systems in urban planning. The examples which are introduced in this paper are: Usage of spatial decision support systems for assessing land use of built areas and usage of decision support systems in finding suitable sites for residential development.

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The growing interests in the notion of place during the 1960s led to the development of place attachment. The concept of place attachment was coined in environmental studies and then was extended to human geography, sociology, architecture and urban design and planning studies.Different definitions of this concept which have been offered, remained scattered in the literature, and thus the theoretical development of the concept has not yet been acknowledged, nor has a more general definition of place attachment been agreed upon. Furthermore, there are many similar terms such as sense of place, place identity, place dependence, belonging to place and so on. These various notions are seemingly interconnected and are often used interchangeably without much attempt to distinguish them from each other. This makes the concept of place attachment a slippery term and difficult to define.This paper tries to reach a specified and clear definition of this concept and its process which helps distinguishing it from other relevant concepts by reviewing the literature in place attachment. A Framework of principals and a conceptual model of place attachment process which embodies different dimensions of place attachment are proposed. Based on the proposed conceptual model, place attachment as the core of the sense of place and an affective, cognitive and behavioral process is being established by creating two levels of place dependence and place identity. Place dependency or functional place attachment is established when a place can meet ones or groups functional needs. Place identity or emotional place attachment refers to the condition that attaching meanings to a place and identification with it, construct a part of one’s identity. Because of the Emotional origin of place identity formation, functional Accountability has no role in this process. Also because of the weaker role of emotion in place dependency, it is more fragile than the place identity bond.Place attachment Behavior dimension, includes grief of being away from the place, desire to maintain closeness to the place, social support and choosing similar places.Dependent upon the proposed framework, principals of place attachment have been classified into four categories namely self-efficacy, continuity, self-esteem and distinctiveness.Self-efficacy refers to the capabilities of place to meet ones substantial demands. Continuity includes two distinct types; place-referent continuity and place-congruent continuity. In place-referent continuity places act as referent to past selves and actions and that for some people, maintenance of a link with that place provides a sense of continuity to their identity. Place-referent continuity refers to the self-maintenance of continuity via specific places that have emotional significance for a person, whereas place-congruent continuity refers to the maintenance of continuity via characteristics of places which are generic and transferable from one place to another. Then, Self-esteem refers to ones feeling of worth or social value as a result of communicating with the place. Finally, distinctiveness refers to a situation that a place can help people to maintain personal distinctiveness or uniqueness.The sub-components of each main principal will be different based on the context and its characteristics.

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Todays, excessive consumption of energy is a critical issue for communities. About 40% of energy that used by people is consumed in buildings. Therefore, buildings could be the greatest threat for energy resources. So, architectures play an important role in the decrease of this threat. Unfortunately, energy consumption is increasing in undeveloped countries such as Iran. Daylight utilization in buildings is appropriate not only for considering aesthetic and behavioral aspects of users, but also for preventing energy shortage as well as to reach sustainability goals. Necessity of this study can be stated as follows: emerging of global energy crisis, important influence of lighting in increasing of efficiency of studying and design of dysfunctional buildings in lighting field in Iran. This paper examines different methods of lighting design in terms of the following aspects in order to provide a design framework for lighting in a library.1. Situation of building in site, considering overshadowing of adjacent buildings and surveying of sunlight paths in the region.2. Buildings volume, including aggregation, porosity and geometrical traits of the buildings in the region3. Ways of entrance of daylight, this comprises two principle ways off, pass-through component and conduction component. The recent component includes two types of intermediate space and interior light space.4. Promoting systems of day lighting quality, including solar shelter, transmission, and dispensation that the latter case is divided into light shelf, mirror louvre, prismatic glazing, and prismatic film.This framework intends to achieve the maximum daylight utilization in each stage of design activities. For grasp this purpose after examination various methods, we develop an instruction for designing of lighting in a library. In this project, a library is designed with utilization of the described instruction and with attention to conditions and needs of selective functions in Tehran. In our plan, a lighting system has been designed in roof of study hall of the library that is adjusted with the sun path. This design increases the time period of daylight utilization. This system includes 120 mirrors on the roof of atrium of study hall that are changed their orientations coordinately with sun path. Further, there are suspended reflectors under the roof that receive sun rays from those mirrors and reflect to light shelves that are contrived under roof of floors bordering the atrium. Then reflected light from light shelf penetrates depth space of floors and causes quality of lighting entrance. In this design, we increase possibility of utilization of northern and southern daylight as a result of shaping linear volume and make open space in building that contain court yard and atrium. Our design also promotes quality of interior lighting with preventing direct sunlight from penetrating to indoor. For achievement to this aim, projection of building in southern façade and design of light shelves were very effective. We try to enhance quantity and quality of day light in interior spaces of building. We are hopeful that our design instruction can be a practical framework for other designs in natural lighting field.

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City as a live and dynamic creature can have important function at meeting mental and psychological needs of people but due to improper growth of population with urban development of cities and many problems, urban managers have paid attention to the physical aspects of cities and to some extent have neglected psychological and mental effects of cities’ skeleton on citizens. This paper is based on a qualitative research considering the relationship between visual factors of urban spaces and behavioral patterns of consumers from these spaces aimed at identifying favorable and unfavorable visual factors of urban spaces and also regarding visual perception and behavioral pattern of citizens at urban spaces. In this relation it was tried to answer the question that whether the existence of visual factors of urban space affects citizens’ behavior and encourages especial behavior or prevent appearance of some behaviors? For achieving this goal after reviewing basic concepts and hypothesis related to the project and writing analytic model of the research and also collecting data through two methods of direct observation (behavioral mapping) and indirect observation (questionnaire); data extracted by considering a case sample in Rasht city and its skeletal analysis through pathology of wall, floor, furniture and green space. For analyzing data, the correlation statistic method has been used and the relationship between variables and hypothesis of the research has been tested by chi-square test and by using SPSS software. Finally regarding the importance of the research, some suggestion for strengthening social interaction at studying site and procedures have been presented for favorability of visual factors to prepare conditions for changing some behavioral patterns of citizens and on the one side it has been tried to consider visual aspects of mentioned urban space a lot so that by some outstanding visual factors of these spaces, create the condition for appearance of new behavioral space at studying space. The significant point is that in studying area due to the significance of placement function, behavioral patterns are more resulted from this function that in suggestions the urban space have ben emphasized. Finding shows that urban space that is far from its main function is a functional problem and by paying attention to the point that we know city as a live creature the existence of this problem means that there is a kind of skeletal disorder in city and in this state with the existence of skeletal disorder we cannot merely rely on the manifestation of beauty. Therefore regarding the point that firstly visual factors of urban space affects behavioral pattern of citizens and secondly the type of function of; urban space can affect the degree of citizens’ attention to surrounding visual factors and the existence of social life at urban cities is emphasized. The important point that is observed at the research was that citizens use a space properly while there is factors for their attraction to the considered space that regarding visual factors of the space and the degree of citizens’ satisfaction of these characteristics is important.

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Much writing on changing trends in urban design scope is based on subjective interpretations of the discipline’s scholarly output. Scientific and professional journals are assumed as ducts of scientific production and scientific communication and trying to play these two functions between scholars in different academic fields. Review of last century researches shows that efficient factors have had a general role in formation, emergence, growth and development of science with a particular role in knowledge of urban design in which we can consider the scientific journals. Scientific and professional journals are specialized publications which are published at regular intervals and play two-function of scientific production and scientific communication.The place of publications in addition to the role of enormous scientific findings resource in which used by most professional staff members of the community, is another important source assessment, including the level of countries or areas of science degree in special and the ability to assess the extent of scientific research and higher education for young people. Research Journals of urban design (Journals indexed in Scopus Data Center) are scientific research journals approved by the Commission reviews of the countries.The main goal of research is discovering the methodology and subject matters in the field of urban design which have been used mostly in papers. It also seeks to answer two main questions:- How is the distribution of printed paper in terms of trends in realm of urban design issue?- Which methods used in international urban design articles?The methodology of this research is based on content analysis approach. Content analysis is a research method that uses a set of procedures to make valid inferences from the text. Change over time is likely to be observed if a sufficiently long time interval is chosen. In this study the content analysis was conducted for an 8yr period. The period of analysis was from 2005 to 2012 inclusive.This study only analyzed papers that were identified as “articles” in the SCOPUS. Other types of papers such as “book reviews,” “reviews,” and “editorial materials” were all excluded from this study. From 1732 published articles in journals, 241 numbers of articles have had directly related to the term of urban design in their titles. The results and findings show the quantitative and qualitative progress of the 2 parameters. The articles with the subjects of “ecological urban design” have the most used subjects in these articles with 12.5% percent. The topics of these papers include conservation of environmental cycles, preservation of natural ecosystems, energy saving and relationships between human and environment. According to this paper 33 themes of urban design explored in international papers. In most of the articles, the methodology is not mentioned and the most used research method of the articles is Case study method. Case study reviewing is a helpful method in urban design research. The second research method which mentioned in articles frequently is analytical-descriptive methods. This reality relates to the nature of urban design discipline and qualitative aspects of it.

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