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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 37)
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Nowadays, rural cooperation in rural affairs and with more specialization view in rural development is the essential part for making plan in rural areas. We face with two procedures by reviewing the rural participation history in rural affairs. The first one, it had been the rural Tradition participation that contents of parlance regulations and unwritten that has been done with social-economic motivations much more than others. The second one, new participation which has statutory and regulars that make the people participation official and lawful.This essay supposed to answer this question. Does any difference between the rural participation rate in past and present times? In this survey, scholars are trying to evaluate the people participation in past and present time, and are trying to survey about the succession of tradition participation, and components of both. By means of this, for making suitable time-table between these two samples, the Islamic Councils has been made and these two samples shall be compared. The research data which are based upon questionnaire information and output based upon 380 families and 30 rural samples in central part of Mamasani-Noorabad Twonship has been analyzed by presumption statistics. The results obtained from the analysis and examination of hypotheses show that there is no significant statistical relationship with the probability of 95% between traditional participation and their new participation in Central Part of the Noorabad Mamasani Twonship, this difference is considerable in the traditional and new participation senses.

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    1 (37)
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This article aims to explain the relationship between social responsibility and social capital of the young with the age range of 18 to 29 in the Shiraz city. Development of social responsibility and commitment are important subjects which are considered more than cognitive subjects by scholars (Fathi Azar, 1373:180). Social responsibility is a part of socialization process. The most important factors which have major roles in socialization are culture, family and social institutions. Social responsibility is a skill of doing behavior which is evaluated by people. These skills can make positive and successfully results and lead to personal and group’s satisfaction. Otherwise, the lake of social responsibility results to less confidence and cooperation. In this article the researchers used survey method and questionnaire to collect the data. Sample size is 386 young which were selected randomly. The result of multiple regression showed the effects of the variables are as follows: social capital (beta=0.27), self esteem (beta=0.27), age (beta=0.21) and gender (beta=0.22) have significant and positive relations with social responsibility. These variables explain 20 percent of the variation of social responsibility (R2=0.20). In path analysis model, maximum direct effect belongs to social capital and maximum indirect effect belongs to mother’s education.

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View 2169

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    1 (37)
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Modernism and social class both are categories rose up from the west capitalism system and create some challenges for the society. The aim of this discussion is explaining the conflict between tradition and modernism based on one of the main conflict roots which is called class conflict. In the other words, in this article authors tried to indicate that one the creator or accelerating factors of conflict between traditional system in the society and modern values is conflict among the attitudes, insights and value system of various social class individuals and therefore, it is possible to reduce conflict between the attitudes towards traditionalism and modernism enjoying reduce class intervals.The subject is analyzable in two macro sociological areas: 1) Conflict theory in which modern society characteristics is inescapable consequence of industrial society, capitalism system and economic relations in the society. 2) Sociology of knowledge that is pursuing explanation of social conditions of modern awareness. Using a survey research modernism was operationalized into nine indicators consist of rationality, consumption, criticalism, individualism, liberalism, democratic attitude, secularism and scientism and measured by a Likert scale. The total score for every case was computed by adding up the scores of nine sub-scales. There were 382 cases selected using a quota sampling design across ten regions of the city of Isfahan. Social class of the studied cases was measured based on income, education, job, location of living, and some properties including home and car. Finally, after analyzing the relationship between social class and modernism some results were achieved as follow:There was a significant correlation between social class and rationality whereas no relation was observed between social class and utilitarianism. All other aspects of modernism were significantly correlated with social class. Comparing means among various social classes using Tuki post-test showed that there was the most difference between upper and lower classes on the basis of modernism total score. Middle class attitude toward modernism was near upper class on the scale. Generally speaking, it can be noted that the social class is higher, the attitude is more positive. Moreover, as class interval would be lower, modern society is more possible to be observed.

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View 1860

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    1 (37)
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The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between personal, familial, social and economical factors with the level of life satisfaction of aged people of Isfahan. To achieve this end ,from among 84912 elderly people above 65 living in the eleven districts of Isfahan in 1386 a sample of 384 was selected using cluster sampeling method and Kurjesy-Morgan formula. The research procedure was a descriptive survey in which a researcher, developed questionaire with 44 close ended questions was employed for data collection. The respandants provided their answers based on Lickerts five-point scale. The reliability values for the first 29 questions and subsequent 15questions on the questionaire were 0.84 and 0.88 respectively. The questions targeted not only demographic factors such as age ,sex ,educational and so on, but also research variables under investigation; namely, personal, familial, social and economical factors. The data was analayzed, at both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. while the first accounted for percentage, frequency, median and mean values, the second enlisted pearson and spearman correlations, F,T and multiple regression tests. The finding  revealed that the level of life satisfaction  was positively correlated with social (r=0.652), economical (r=0.656), family (r=0.618), physical health (r=0.183) and individual independence (r=0.525). In addition there was no significant difference in life satisfaction of the elderly people in regard with marital status for the F-value of 4.516 at the confidence level of 0.001.

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View 3164

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    1 (37)
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Child bearing is one of the most vital elements in Demography science, which has absorbed many attentions in social fields. In according to the importance of population transition in the 4 recent decades, as well as social and economic impacts on Child bearing, this survey is supposed to consider the relation between religious tendency, social beliefs, social cooperation and economic advantages with the rate of tendency to Child bearing with each of their effect on this case, which can be done by the usage of Veber, Esterlin, Fazio and Durkheim theories.The method is a survey. In order to gather data “Questionnaire" has been used. The statistical population contains married youth in Tabriz, being chosen by Random Sampling and with the use of "Cochran" formula 386 people are selected. For descriptive analysis, SPSS software and for the multi structural variables analysis, LISREL is used. Totally, result indicates that used independent variable could explain 22%. of dependent variable variance. Also result showed there are reverse effect of social participation and increasingly effect of Religious Tendency on the rate of tendency to child bearing.

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View 5628

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    1 (37)
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Job quality refer to process of promotion of socal and organizational identity at large organization. Specially industrial organization. There is several bariable that impact on job quality that is: physical Environment; Job safety and participation of workers and staffs in work place. So far explanation of this matter, we select 300 case of workers from tabrix industrial towns and obtain several result that is blow: Job quality Score is 49.5 and this score is in middle point and there is relationship between job identity and professionalism commitment and job quality with result of this relation effects organizational productivity and personal satisfaction.

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View 1470

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    1 (37)
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After “Renaissance”, human wants to overcome nature and using it for peace or at least getting comfort life, but passing of the time shows that human in achieving ideals and imaginations of “modernity” is unsuccessed. In such condition, some thinkers are disagreed with this trend, but Habermas wants to reform it. Habermas with using different thinkers’ thoughts believes modern rationality could not explore all dimensions of itself and only strategic rationality rule over modern society, so Habermas wants to reform “modernity project” that he says is “unfinished project”, with developing new epistemological approach and “Communicative Action Theory”. In this essay, writer using the analytical-discursive method wants to explore moral education goals. The finding shows that Habermas emphasizing on “communicative rationality”, “life world”, “discourse ethic” in “communicative action theory” propounds following goals: in personal level growth and fulfillment of rationality based on normative communication) communicative rationality) and in social level achieving to consensus based on moral actions are moral education goals. Of course, achieving to consensus is occurred in the context that there is freedom and equity and this context also provides growth of virtues such as justice and freedom.

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    1 (37)
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Mental health is a state of being effective for society and reaching to a state of compatibility and social relations, well-being and comfort, life's satisfaction and physical health that is in interaction with society with low levels of deviant behavior and alienation. According to this, the aim of this report is to study the satifaction of non-material needs, compatibility and social relations, life's statisfaction, feeling a sense of alienation from oneself and the others, the condition of mental and physical health, family's living and social control of children as the dimensions of mental health among women whose hucbands were imprisoned for drug addiction. This study uses survey method, and to do this, 800 drug users who had passed at least three months of their sentence period, were included and systematic random sampling is chosen and prisoners's wives were quiered by questionnaire. Findings show that the mental health of women whose husbands successful the rison punishments declined during the imprisonment period. So in regard to the heavy expenditures on the difference dimensions of mental health that prisoners wives had to pay the punishment of drug addiction convicts is their wives punishment rather than themselves.

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View 1649

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    1 (37)
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This research administer with the purpose of investigate relationship between organizational socialization (include training, understanding, co-worker support and future perspectives) with career aspirations (include technical–functional competence, general managerial competence, organizational stability and dedication to cause, geographical security, entrepreneurial creativity, autonomy/independence, life style and pure challenges) among personnel of organization related to petroleum ministry in Esfahan city. Research method was correlation and statistical population were the total of male and females of above mentioned organizations. Research sample were the 501 persons (405 males and 96 females) which selected from personnel’s list of each organization with using simple random sampling. Research instruments were: organizational socialization inventory with 20 items (and four subscales) and career aspiration questionnaire with 25 items (and eight subscales). Face, content and construct validity of research instruments along with internal consistency studied and verified. Data analyzed with using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and enter regression analysis. Results revealed that some of organizational socialization subscales have predictive power for career aspirations subscales as below: training and future perspectives for entrepreneurial creativity (b=0.235 and b=-0.204 respectively), future perspectives for pure challenges (b=0.223), understanding and future perspectives for organizational stability and dedication to cause (b=0.258 and b=-0.275 respectively), training for technical – functional competence (b=-0.260), training for general managerial competence (b=-0.204), training, co-worker support and future perspectives for life style (b=-0.229, b=0.272 and b=-0.205 respectively) and training for geographical stability (b=-0.2).

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