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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 34)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (34)
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In this paper, how relationship between girl students' social participation and effective factors on it, is examined and analyzed and it has performed whit measurement method. General purpose of this study is to identify status of girl students' social participation and examination of effective, social factors on it and after reaching to these purposes, identification of appropriate backgrounds and necessary facilities and conditions to have girl students' social participation in different dimensions are the main purpose of this study.Whit relying on existing theories, social trust, feeling of not having power and self-centredness are important and effective variables in determining of girl students' social participation.Statistical society of the study is girl students in range of 18 to 29 years who are studying at the social sciences' faculties in Tehran's governmental universities. Sampling of the study are sampling method and with use of Cocran formula, 343 girl students were chosen as a sample society.Pierson tests show relationship between three variables–social capital (social trust), feeling of not having power and self- centredness with social participation have meaning and variable of social trust has the most influence on girl students' social participation. Based on results of the study , above variables have 22% variance of social participation (R2=0.22).

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    2 (34)
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The sociology of emotions as one of the sub-disciplines of sociology received attention around the late 70s and mid 80s in American sociology. During this period several important contributions took place to make the roots of the sub-discipline robust. Drawing upon five theoretical discourses, this paper aimed at presenting a general picture of emotions in sociology. Among all, Shott’s symbolic interactionist theory and Hochschild’s normative theory, which are labeled as social constructionist approaches, together with structural-relational theory of Kemper and Collins’s conflict theory, which are categorized as positivist approaches, are discussed. Having reviewed these four theories, the paper goes on to consider synthetic approach introduced by Turner, which is known as general sociological theory of emotions.

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    2 (34)
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This paper investigated fear of crime in the case of personal and neighborhood related variables. A questionnaire survey conducted in two high crime areas (Ahnmadino and Dehpialeh) in Shiraz-Iran, among 300 residents. Results showed that among personal variables, gender had significant relationship with fear and surprisingly males were more fearful than females. Other personal variables didn't have significant relationship with fear of crime (age, education, ethnicity, income, home ownership). But neighborhood related variables (incivility, neighborhood attachment, and neighborhood quality and crime perception in neighborhood) significantly related to fear of crime. In regression multivariate analysis only incivility entered and explained 19 percent of dependent variable.

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View 1657

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    2 (34)
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Agricultural extension is the important part of agricultural knowledge Information system. This research investigated the role of sociocultural factors that influence the acceptance of agricultural extension among farmers in Neyriz city. Neyriz Township is located in the southwest of Fars province. Because of the importance of the agricultural section in the occupational structure and the economy of Neyriz area, it is essential that this issue be further investigated, hence, some related social factors were selected to be included in this study.The method of this research was survey and the tool of gathering information was questionnaire. The statistical population of the research included of 9821 farmers in the Neyriz. The sample group of 370 persons has been chosen through the stratified sampling method, with the probable desired precision of %5 and the confidence level of %95.The dependent variable of this research was "tendency toward agricultural extension", and selected independent variables included, fatalism, social status, belief in innovation, the rate of using mass media and social partnership.The results showed that all independent variables were significantly related to "tendency toward agricultural extension".Result of analysis multi regression show that independent variables such fatalism, social status, belief in innovation, the rate of using mass media and social partnership have significant relations with dependent variable and by them 45 percentage of total variance are examined.

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View 1455

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (34)
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Every "social class" has its own culture in the general culture realm. One of the essential elements of each society is the term "value". Individuals belonging to a particular social class, own specific value system, and their value tendency priorities are different from other social classes. The aim of this research is the determination of the rate and type of value tendency inclinations and social class. The statistical sample includes 582 male and female B.A. university students of various courses in Islamic Azad Tabriz University. The sample was chosen from, 19052 students using a random classified sampling method, appropriate to the faculty and include respectively: social values (52.49), religious values (52.02), theoretical values (51.98), economic values (49.51), political values (49.17), and aesthetic values(38.9).the single-sample Kolmogrov-Smirnof difference from normal distribution. The non-parametric Freidman Test also showed significant.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (34)
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Current research aim was to determine the organization accommodation for equal Opportunity, internal Tension of society for Poverty maintenance, a work ethics and social interest. Research method was survey via correlational type and statistical in population include Participants in 9th Presidential selection in Isfahan city (1384). Two stage random sampling method was economics status responsibility position (Feldman, 1981), economic individualism inventory (Feldman, 1981), and social interest Questionnaire (Crendal, 1969). The most significant findings indicate that there is relation between economic status change with personal and social attributions. Also there is significant relation between organization accommodation for equal opportunity and both internal Tension of society for Poverty maintenance and work ethic factors and personal and social attributions for economic improvement of subjects. There are significant relations between social interest and social factor of economic improvement, and between organization accommodation for equal opportunity and both internal Tension of society for Poverty maintenance. Findings were discussed by two clusters of theorems namely economic self- interest and social- interest.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (34)
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Aims: One of the main problems in social science, particularly in sociology and behavioral scientific is youth s social commitment and their involvement to the basic rules in society. Social order reflects integrity between social system elements to achieve social aims which is main characteristic of ideal society. This can be achieved when members of society recognize and operate their tasks properly. The main purpose of this study was The Survey on Relationship between Social Satisfaction and Identity with Social Commitment on Youths in the Shiraz City. This article is passed on a social exchange approach with particular emphasis on Lawler and yoon ’s theory. Research method: This research conducted based on survey method and with questionnaire among 19-35 years age old in the Shiraz City. Sample contained 400 persons and selected through systematic random sampling. Face, criterion and construct validity have been used to verify the validity and alpha coefficients to assess the reliability of the measurement. To test the hypotheses, Pearson correlation coefficient and analysis of variance were employed. Multiple regression and path analysis were used to assess the research model.Results and discussion: The data analysis show that the structural relationship between Social Satisfaction and Identity with Social Commitment. According to the research findings, There is significant relation between the youth s social commitment and social satisfaction, social identity, education and mother education. Regression results show that the six variables: social satisfaction (Beta=0.39), national identity (Beta=0.42), employment status (Beta=0.33), marital statues (Beta=0.26), education (Beta=0.21), gender (Beta=0.17) and age (Beta=0.13) entered to regression model and explained 59 percent of dependent variable variance (R2=0.59).

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View 1722

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (34)
  • Pages: 

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The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the type of organizational culture and the degree of total quality management acceptability at the Iranian public universities based on the faculty members' perceptions. Four research questions were examined the relationship between four types of cultures (developmental, rational, hierarchical and group cultures) and six TQM indices(leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, information and analysis, human resource management, and process management).A descriptive –correlation research method was employed. The statistical population included all tenure faculty members during 2005 -06 academic year from which a sample size of 330 was selected randomly through a cluster and multi-stage sampling method (263 subjects answered the questionnaires. The data gathering tools included two researcher–made questionnaires based on Likert’s five degree scale. The organizational culture questionnaire consisted of 42 items and the TQM questionnaire included 57 items, and their reliability coefficients were estimated 0.93 and 0.96 respectively.The results of regression analysis indicated a positive significant relationship between developmental culture and the degree of acceptability of TQM in two dimensions including strategic planning and process management. The relationship between group culture and TQM acceptability was positive and significant with regard to leadership and human resource management. Rational and hierarchical cultures had positive and significant relationships with all TQM indices. In sum, hierarchical organizational culture correlation with TQM acceptability in the universities was stronger than the correlation of the other three types of culture.

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View 1256

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (34)
  • Pages: 

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Objective: This study aims at investigating social trust and its determinants in Sabzevar city. The dependent variable social trust has been measured through two dimensions: thick trust and thin trust. However our emphasis is on the second one. Hypotheses have been extracted from two theories: social capital theory of Putnam and institutional theory of Rothstein and Stolle.Method: Through survey method and questionnaire technique, a sample of 600 individuals at the age of 18-65 was interviewed.Findings: Results indicates that there is a significant relationship between independent variables including discrimination experience, corruption, feeling social security, institutional trust(these four variables are based on institutional theory) as well as age, and thin trust. These relationships are negative for the first two variables and positive for the rest. However there is not a significant relationship between variables such as participation in formal groups, using media, participation in informal groups, education, income, and job rank. In multivariate analysis using stepwise regression method, four variables entered in the model orderly: institutional trust, corruption, social security and age. The four variables explain 53 percent of the variance of dependent variable- thin trust.Result: All together we found out the Rothstein and Stolle's institutional theory is more suitable to explain social trust than Putnam's social capital theory.

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