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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction High-risk behaviors are the ones that are accompanied by short-term benefits but are followed by long-term losses. Such behaviors are mostly revealed during adolescence. Majority of adolescents move from childhood to adulthood successfully but some of them show high-risk behaviors due to pressure and tensions caused by biological, social and cognitive changes of adolescence. Regarding risk factors and protective factors for high-risk behaviors, some theories will be discussed such as the biological theories of risk-taking behavior and psychological theories of risk-taking and social and environmental theories of risk-taking and the biopsychosocial model of risk-taking behavior. By discussing such theories, this study aims to investigate the effect of social relation on high-risk behavior of adolescents. Social relations affect health of people. Lack or shortage of social relations or destructive social relations jeopardize health of people especially adolescents. The effect of social relations on high-risk behaviors has been investigated by two aspects of structure and function. Structurally speaking, much emphasis is put on social networks (immediate kin, extended kin, friends, neighbors) that adolescent have relationships with them. Social network can affect high-risk behaviors of adolescents by social learning, cognitive learning, social control and membership in subcultures. Functionally speaking, the effect of social relation on high-risk behaviors has been investigated by measuring social support (attachment, social integration, opportunity for nurturance, reassurance of worth, a sense of reliable alliance, the obtaining of guidance) and self-esteem. High-risk behaviors have been examined in seven groups (violence, carrying cold weapons, suicide, sexual intercourse, cigarette, hookah, drug and alcohol use).A Materials and Methods A This study has been conducted with a cross-sectional survey. The statistical population included adolescents of 15-19 years old. Scale of sample was identified as 455 people based on Cocran formula and quota sampling was carried out based on age and gender. The information were collected based on four questionnaires including checklist of high-risk behaviors, the Lubben social network scale, social support scale of Cutrona and Russell (Social Provision Scale, SPS) and Rosenberg self-esteem scale. The information was studied descriptively and analytically.A Discussion of Results and Conclusions A the results of this study show that high-risk behavior is observed less among girls than boys. But particular attention should be paid to high-risk behaviors that relate to womena€™s potential of fertility since it will be followed by more health, psychological and social risks and consequences for them. Investigation of the hypothesis of the study which was related to the effect of social network as a functional aspect of social relations on high-risk behaviors indicates that network of immediate kin functions as a protective factor against high-risk behaviors of adolescents. Significance of family relations as a protective factor against high-risk and criminal behaviors has been noted in the theory of social control and also social and environmental theories of risk-taking which is emphasized in this study. Expansiveness of extended kin network has no impact on high-risk behaviors of adolescents and it can be caused by adolescentsa social, psychological and spatial distance from extended kin network, thus it limits effect of social relation on high-risk behaviors. Expansiveness of network of friends and neighbors as a risk factor affects high-risk behavior of adolescents. Behavior of peers has been deemed to be an influential factor for high-risk behaviors of adolescents in character, environment and behavior model and social and environmental model of risk-taking which has been pinpointed in this study. Investigation of tests of hypotheses regarding the effect of social support and self-esteem as functional aspect of social relation on high-risk behaviors indicates that self-esteem and two scales of social support (reassurance of worth, a sense of reliable alliance) affect high-risk behaviors which are emphasized by social and environmental theories of risk-taking that considers social support as a protective factor against high-risk behaviors. This hypothesis was confirmed in this study. But other subscales of social support (attachment, social integration, opportunity for nurturance, the obtaining of guidance) have no effect on high-risk behaviors. The effect of self-esteem on high-risk behaviors is emphasized by biological, psychological and social model and theoretical approach to social cognition which has been confirmed in this study. Regarding rejection of the hypothesis which relates to the effect of general scale of social support and its subscales on high-risk behaviors, investigation of social support based on age periods can be reviewed. Generally, model of structural equation obtained from theoretical model of the study is sufficiently valid to investigate the effect of social relations on high-risk behaviors.

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Introduction: In recent years we have witnessed the emergence of a "nutrition transition" between different societies. It means that a change in thetraditionaldiet, rich offiber and combined withintakeof grains, of fruits and vegetables toward to use of fat, sugar, salt and other processed foods. Accordingly, it must be said that in traditional feeding pattern, people turned to food consumptionto overcome hunger, but the new power model, the choice of food for people affected by different media and cultural factors (Madanat et al, 2011).Study of dietary patterns (including a variety of food), offer a good picture of diet and feeding habits of population and help us to identify help to identify at risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases and to identify and then have nutritional recommendations. Because the people in the choice of food,pay less attention to the nutrient content of food .Thus, according to the dietary patterns and social factors associated with dietary patterns, provide guidelines for diet and its effects on society(Barkoukis, 2007).One of the most important factors that influence the formation and persistence of consumption patterns and in particular, food choices, is advertising. Merton and Lazarsfield argued that the mass media make compatible people with existing economic and social status (quoting Severine and Tankard, 1992: 461-464). Gerbner and colleague(1980) point to implantable effects of mass media on society and believe that the news media, especially television, have the power to influence for order and harmony to deliver the message within a certain time, so that should be considered them shaping a society(Mehrdad,A 2002). Also, Williamson(1987) argues thatadvertisingcreates newneeds andconsumption patterns, but it doesnat people information about the specific features of a product(Williamson, 1987, quoted Abdollahian et al.,2010).In this regard, Popkin(2001), Boynton(2003), Mao(2007) and Akbayet al(2007) in their research on the impact of media in changing dietary behavior pattern of feeding.Methodology:A A Due to the nature of the subject, method of research was survey; survey was cross-sectional and applied research. Unit of analysis was the individual (citizens over 15years in Tabriz). According to the latest census, all patients over 15 years were 1194453 persons. Using the formula Cochran and multi-stage cluster sampling were chosen483 patients as the sample size. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire that includes questions about any of the dependent and independent variables.A A A In this study, the feeding behavior of individuals checked with regard to the selection of food items.In other words, it was questioned the respondents about their use of food items, bread and cereals, meat, beans, nuts, milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables and miscellaneous group consisting of fats and sweets during the week. Highest score (5) indicates a healthy feeding behavior and lowest score (1) represents the unhealthy feeding behavior. In this study, watching the media has been questioned. For measuring this variable, used 6 items are designed for media advertising of food items.A A A To measure level of trust in the media, designed 6 items and respondents were asked to rate their confidence in the media area in the food items. Also, the rate of watching TV programs (with different contents of sports, medicine and health, political, social, and scientific documentaries, cooking, religion-religious and entertainment) A measured by 8 items.Discussion and Conclusion: A A A According to the results, the average variable feeding behavior of the respondents indicated their attitude towards unhealthy eating behavior. About rate of watch advertisements and the level of trust should be noted that there was less effort among respondents for watching and trust them. A A The correlation between watching and feeding behavior of the media indicated that increasing respondentsa media watching, decline rate of their healthy feeding behavior. As well, increasing respondentsa confidence of the media, reduce their feeding behavior. Also, the respondentsa trust the media increases, reduce their feeding behavior. A A A Comparison of mean values show that between age groups, older age groups have higher mean and A A more healthy nutritional behavior but in younger group, the mean is less. Among respondents with different employment status, unemployed, lowest and average public sector employees have the highest average. Comparison of respondentsa educational level shows that with rising levels of education, nutritional behavior will lead to a healthy diet. A Comparison between singles and married and wife died persons, married have more healthy nutritional behavior. Finally, with comparing mean values can be concluded that the higher socio-economic class, dietary behavior will oriented to the use of healthy food. The mass media should strive to avoid indiscriminate advertising of consumer goods and unhealthy food, to make correct and accurate programs to promote food properly, provide healthy food for people, advertise on the entertainment programs and also produce videos and constructive programs, move to promotion of healthy lifestyles and behavior among the people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: With increasing urbanization and the development of cities, especially in recent decades, a phenomenon such as industrialization, population density, traffic pressure, the loss of the sense of neighborhood and kinship ties reduction, reduction of social emotions, increased immigration and suburbia, and as mentioned zukin the "urban spaces are not safe enough for people, so that people can participate in the creation of popular culture" (1995: 38). There is a potential that causes it or how to deal with crimes that residents of large cities in the field of dealing with concerns and fears are ahead. Ferraro (1995) emotional response to fear or anxiety, fear of crime as a crime or symbols that defines a person with a crime. Pain and William and Hudson (2000) assume that the fear of crime as a wide range of emotional and practical responses to crime and disorder that occurs in an individual or community (Quoted from: Jyhyng Park, 2008: 11). The consequences of the fear of crime (insecurity) at different levels of individual, neighborhood and community can be studied at the individual level, fear of crime has a significant psychological impact by limiting the possibility for movement and mobility of people in their local neighborhood, their individual freedoms to reduce and cause their dissatisfaction with the neighborhood, the community and the whole of their lives. In the neighborhood and the fear of crime reduces solidarity, participation in community and social relationships and, ultimately, at the social level, as unjust and unequal potential adverse consequences of fear of crime can be imposed on people who are disadvantaged in terms of economic and social and lacks the resources to take care of themselves, their property or change the location of the crime areas are fertile (McCrea A et al., 2005: 40-41). We can say this for very vulnerable urban areas. Today, in urban areas, most reference data are crime (Rabbani, Afsharkohan2002, koldi and firozjah Rahmani f 2007) This fact and its interaction with other urban inevitable features, including: high rates of migration, ethnic and cultural diversity, intense class conflict, the low level of solidarity, development and rapid changes in the result, the legibility of the city and all undeniable phenomenon that is causing the fear of crime and reproduction. the design of the urban environment, population density, disorder and indecency environmental and spatial factors, the latter including: readability and identity of urban space, how to use the urban environment, social control, police, social capital, social and gender inequality, and local solidarity social, and cultural diversity (Franklin, 2008, Nicholson, 2010, SchaferA  et al 2006). n urban areas are areas that environment factors increase the fear of crime is greater there than in other urban areas. Broken windows theory, including theories that explain the fear of crime focuses on spatial factors, the effectiveness of the theory, more spatial factors affecting fear of crime (social trust, interpersonal relations, social control and ... ) emphasizes, combining these two theories would enrich the research model and consequently increase its explanatory power is produced. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of space and spatial relationships on fear of crime using the theories of "Broken Windows" and ", Collective efficacy" is marginalized areas. A Materials and Methods: Research method is surveys and data collection was questionnaire. The research population of this study included all residents of the town of Mashhad, proof of which 394 persons were selected by multistage cluster sampling method. Data were analyzed using spss software is to check the validity and content validity and construct validity and reliability of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine. The dependent variable in this study, fear of crime and independent variables Percived physical Disorder, Percived Social Disorder, social cohesion (including two social trust and sense of place) and informal control is effective. Discussion of Result and Conclusions: The results indicate that the broken windows theory and the theory of collective efficacy were able to more than 40 percent of the dependent variable to predict and explain the changes. According to broken windows when the physical and social disorder in the neighborhood great idea, conception of the neighborhood residents, the neighborhood with the disorder. According to scholars this theory, this disorder is considered an affront to the feelings of the neighborhood group that led to the creation of a broad sense of disorder, and the residents induces a sense of fear of crime. The theory of collective efficacy refers to people interactions. According to the statement of the theory, as social cohesion in the neighborhood (which combines social confidence and sense of place), and other more control, the irregularities observed (especially social disorganization) and consequently the idea of a a disorder less and the fear of crime will be reduced. Variable regression results suggest that social trust (A : -0.358) was the largest in the prediction of fear of crime, and after having variables Percived physical Disorder (beta = 0.270) and gender (beta =-0.270 ), informal control (beta = -0.16) and finally the Percived Social Disorder (beta = 156.0) have had a significant contribution.

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Introduction Postmodernism literally means an era beyond modernism in the West associated with the late capitalist economy, consumer society and post-industrial society. Postmodernism emerged in architecture and crystalized in philosophy, music, painting, theatre and cinema. In cinema discourse, there is no consensus on postmodernism, however. While some critics believe that the term a postmodern cinemaa was introduced by Peter Wollen in 1992 for the movie Batman Returns, some have spotted its traces in cinema journals of the 1980s. Although Iranian society is not a postmodern one, postmodernism has permeated into Iranian cinema as an aesthetic style. The present study aims to characterize postmodern cinema in the first place and interpret its elements in the Iranian movie The Empty Chair. Accordingly, the study addresses the question a what characteristics in The Empty Chair accounts for its being considered as a postmodern movieA Materials and MethodsTo this end, the characteristics of postmodern cinema are introduced. Simulation and the fragility of reality, subject decentralization, death of the author, elimination of time limits, synthesis of techniques and genres, and pluralism are some of these properties. From among these characteristics, simulation and the fragility of reality, subject decentralization and death of the author were considered as the conceptual framework of the study and postmodern discourse were defined according to Laclau and Mouffes theory. The methodological framework of the study was inspired by postmodern narrative theory involving Fabula, Soujet, personae and narrator that are used in connection with the conceptual framework to analyze the movie a The Empty Chaira directed by Saman Esterki. A Discussion of Results and Conclusion The results show that although it is inscribed in the final episode of the movie that a the events in this movie are merely a view of determinism and free will but not necessarily a true onea, the movie reaches far beyond a classic philosophical-theological debate. With its episodic and labyrinthine narration, the movie turns out to be a self-referencing entity that problematizes universal claims of reality. The self-reference approach is at the heart of a simulated world where the boundary between reality and illusion shatters so that the movie creates vagrant subjects in an illusory world. The subjects have to engage with the problems in the creation of which they had no role. Besides, they fail to change the status quo. Only does the beginning of the next episode duck the responsibility of being a subject from characters and relay it to the next characters. It appears as though the rationale of responsibility in the world is one of the flow of signifiers that drift from one episode to the next. Such turmoil also appears in the confusion of the narrative elements performance of Fabula and Soujet. That is, the movie fails in the intentional arrangement of narrativity. Thus, the vertical link between Fabula and Soujet is broken such that the elements of narration are conjoined horizontally and randomly. Therefore, multiple narrators, music, variable voices and rotation of time both create a simulation and inform of the death of the omniscient and author. The above features help define the Empty chair as part of the postmodern cinema discourse that opposes the dominant political and cultural discourses in the Iranian discursive arena due to the discursive dimensions of precarious reality, decentralization of subject, death of the author, etc. Dominant Iranian discourses such as religious, nationalistic and ethnic discourses, some of which are utterly hegemonic, have adopted elements of postmodern discourse though they antagonize it in its totality. That is, although cultural relativism or the past grandeur is an important component of some of these discourses, the simulated world as well as absolute determinism dominating the subject and death of the omniscient stand opposed to the very foundations of these discourses. Thus, many of the aspects of postmodern discourse are rejected or marginalized. That is why postmodern cinema discourse fails to corner the opponents, rather it retreats itself and tends to survive in the margins of the discursive field. It is no surprise that movies like the Empty Chair find even no chance of public screening. Besides, no institutional changes in filmmaking have occurred in the Cinema of Iran as of yet such as the development of technological tools in order for the postmodern cinema to shape its mold. Accordingly, postmodern cinema discourse in Iran is marginal and has little audience though it manages to survive.

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Introduction: We can study the history of research about diseases with emphasis on various parameters. One factor is verities or types of diseases and another factor is social conditions and contex, social situation and social actors (such as mass media ,family, and A€¦). Nowadays, along with progress in human society, non-communicable diseases have become more common. So that, according to the World Health Organization, sixty percent causes of death are non-communicable diseases. With development the diseases discourse, we need to revise the fact of health and factors that affected on that. Now, for example, social conditions are important index for research about diseases. Then, following the "Health Transition" in the world, we need A a new approach for study and research about health. This approach is adopting a healthy lifestyle and emphasizes the responsibility of individuals in this respect. Also, that approach concentered on acquiring knowledge in the field of health. The mass media is a primary source of information for knowledge related to healthy lifestyle and its roles among audiences is important for analysis the subject. On the base of this approach, researchers should attend to some factors that increase or decrease the levels and death of people's knowledge. With development of people's knowledge, we can analysis the development of peoples 'actions, especially in the field of health. The concept of "Health-based lifestyle" or "healthy lifestyle" helps to understand the differences among the peoples in the field of everyday life and describes the effects of mass media, in the determination of that .also, socio-economic situation of people, effects on their knowledge .Material & Methods: This research uses the Multiple Regression and Path Analysis. We study the role of mass media on agenda-setting the knowledge related to healthy lifestyle. In this respect, are presented three variables: Media Application, need of Orientation and Socio-economic Status. The research method is survey study. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among a population of 400 media's users in Kermanshah city, the people who are over 40 years old. Validity is measured by method of Face validity. Also, the reliability of the study was assessed by the Cronbach's alpha and Test-retest methods. In first section of paper , we describe and examine the theoretical framework of study. For example, we explain the agenda-setting theory and knowledge gap theory. With uses from this base, we analyses the problem and design a instrument for understanding the conditions. In the last section of paper, we use from theoretical framework for understanding and interpreting of data and ends .Discussion of Results & Conclusions: Based on the results, the mass media has important role in the actions of users in the field of health . Type and amount of their use is affected on user's knowledge and their actions and lifestyle. Change in With the agenda-setting the knowledge related to healthy lifestyle enhances the audience's knowledge in this field. Of course, agenda-setting the knowledge related to healthy lifestyle varies and depending on the need for orientation in terms of health related behaviors. Also, peoples with higher socio-economic status, have higher levels of media using. Also in this condition, the audience A s need for orientation raise. Then, differences in these variables cause the uneven levels of the knowledge related to healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, need for orientation has observable role in the life style of users of mass media, because of the amount of using these devices. With attention to these variables, it is clear that understanding the health and agenda-setting the knowledge related to healthy lifestyle is a complex process. Peoples have various need for orientations in this respect and different factors affected on their knowledge, orientations and actions.

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Introduction: Social order include the high importance in every society. The Disturbing in the social order will contain a lot of costs for society. Littering is an example of citizens A social disorder in field of environmental citizenship that is transformed as social problem in our society. The purpose of this research is Analysis of effective factors on social disorder (with emphasis on littering).in this research has used Paul stern synthesis approach for analyzing the littering. What is littering? Whilst there is no official definition of litter, the broadly accepted definition of litter (as used by ENCAMS and Keep Britain Tidy) is A waste in the wrong place caused by human agency A. This means that littering behaviors are more complex than might be expected, in addition to simply A dropping A litter, it includes other sub-behaviors such as folding Rapid Evidence Review of Littering Behavior and Anti-Litter Policies litter up and tucking it into small spaces, placing litter down carefully in a chosen location, and leaving litter nearby for a length of time before abandoning it With regarding to importance of social order in ever society, we try to explain effective causes on social disorder with emphasis on littering as one example of social problem in field of environment citizenship. Materials and Methods The method of the research is survey and data is collected from 385 tourists of Mazandaran province by questionnaires with multi-stage cluster sampling. After gathering information, Research hypotheses were analyzed by using SPSS and Amos packages. We used Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling (SEM) for testing our hypothesis and model. Dependent variable in the research is littering and independent variables include: weak environmental attitudes, social control, lack of responsibility, negative sense on litter, littering by others, the habit, and anonymity, Absence of services and lack of environmental information. A Discussion and Results This study has shown that tourists littering scale is average level to upward. The data in this study were collected between 385 tourists of Mazandaran province. The data present that % 50/4 respondents are female and %49/6 male and the average age is 30 years. It was determined on the basis of data obtained from independent variables, about 70 percent of respondents have Weak social norms in the littering context. Responsible feel is for half of the respondents in the average. Over 35% of respondents are habit to littering. More than half the respondents, 74% agree with the loss of services. A The results of the pearsonian correlation show that there is significant relation between weak environmental attitudes, social control, lack of responsibility, negative sense on litter, littering by others, the habit, anonymity, Absence of services and lack of environmental information with littering. Also on the path model, all of the variables in the research can explain 36 percent from variances in dependent variable (littering).Conclusions Littering is one of the important problems in our has imposed much costs to society. A key to the success of any litter prevention activity is to clean up and remove existing litter. Reducing the amount of existing litter in a location is a surefire way to reduce the rate of littering it is necessary that change attitude of people toward environment and increase knowledge about pollution risks. One way to promote individual-level motivations is through outreach and media messages. With regarding the results of the research, littering was based on the tow type of factors: individual and structural factors. So, we should notice to this tow levels in planning on field of environmental citizenship specially the individual level, we should change social norms toward pro-environment values in society. Citizen should like the nature and behave with it as a capital. And in the structural level, state and correspondent organization should make and improve possibilities in management of litter and waste.

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INTRODUCTION: One of the main challenges of societies in transition is the challenge between tradition and modernity especially in the area of family. Modernization through increasing individual awareness and knowledge, led to changes in societies value and normative systems. These changes are also evident in values and attitudes related to family, marriage and the way of mate selection. During the last few decades, modernization has undeniable impacts on human social life, including marriage and family. Due to different nature of human societies, it is not expected that changes in all societies appeared in the same way. The study of women's behavior and attitudes in the fields related to marriage can help to more deeply understanding and predicting the changes in their behavior and attitudes and projection the probabilistic mate selection patterns in the future. Iran is a multi-ethnic society. Ethnic groups are one of the appropriate contexts to study demographic and socio-cultural changes at the society. The aim of this paper is to study and explain the gap in women's behavior and attitude toward patterns of mate selection in social-economic and cultural context of Kouhdasht. Residents of this region ethnically and culturally are belongs to Lor and Lak ethnic groups. A Poverty of studies about marriage patterns among women of these ethnic groups necessitates this study inevitable. A MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data of this research have been taken from a survey conducted on a sample of 395 ever married women living in ordinary households in the city of Kouhdasht in April 2013. The sampling frame of the survey is a combination of sampling techniques including multi-stage cluster, systematic random sampling method. The independent variables included women's socioeconomic status, age at the time of survey, place of birth, religious values, women's autonomy, individualism, attitudes toward gender equity, and Metaphysical attitudes to marriage. The dependent variable is the gap in behavior and attitude of women toward mate selection. This variable was measured as a dichotomous variable. In order to determine the effect of each independent variable, the logistic regression model was used. A A A A A A DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Results show that the attitude of more than half of women is different than their experience regarding mate selection. Slightly more than 56 percent of women are those who appropriate another way for mate selection by their daughter rather than ones they had experienced. The direction of the gap index shows that the pattern of mate selection has been changed toward participatory and individual selection respectively. Findings indicate that the under scrutiny population have not experienced the deepest layers of modernization and women believes that family should continue to play a role for mate selection along with individuals. Results of multivariate analysis show that socio-economic status of women was significantly associated with probability of the gaps in the behavior and attitude of women toward mate selection. That is with increasing of socio-economic status of women, the odds of having gap between behavior and attitude of women rises. Moreover, the probability of having the gap between behavior and attitude of employed women toward mate selection was 25 times bigger than for unemployed counterparts. Controlling for the cultural characteristics indicates that among cultural variables, commitment to big family values and women's autonomy was significant and respectively increase and decrease the likelihood of having the gap between women's behavior and attitudes toward mate selection. According to this study, socio-economic status of women, employment status, age at marriage, commitment to big family values, and women's autonomy has greatest impact in explaining the gap in women's behavior and attitude toward mate selection. The results indicate that the combination of socio-economic and demographic characteristics and ethnic-cultural backgrounds gives better explanation of the gape in women's behavior and attitudes toward mate selection patterns. Based on the results it can be said that modernization forces in interaction with social structures and ethnic-cultural factors have different effects on marriage patterns at different socio-cultural contexts.

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Introduction: Social order is considered as one of the first concerns of early sociologists and most of classic and modern A sociologists have written about. According some works, social order and predictability in members of the society's interaction is based on common styles of thinking, feeling and behavior. A These common styles are known as social norms. A Norms like values are important elements of culture. Norms and values are transmitted through socialization and internalization. One of the most important norms is honesty. Honesty is the essential norm in the field of culture and endurance of cultural system of the society extremely depends on the honesty norm. In many social settings dishonesty is problematic. One A of the critical fields of social action is the field of citizens and state interaction in income information submission which dishonesty is its main problem. Citizens' honesty with the government is very important especially when the government needs some information for policy making and management purposes and equitable resource distribution. It is more crucial when there is not any integrated information system or it has low quality. In this condition, gathering some data related to needs, shortcomings or accumulation of resources in some fields requires accurate information provided and submitted by citizens. If the necessary information is related to economic activities of citizens for economic policy making, then honesty is more problematic. A This paper aims to estimate the amount of normative consensus in honesty with state in income information submission and its norm structure in conditionality and polarity. Material & Method A Factorial survey design was conducted. This kind of survey is based on merging an experimental design and survey method. According to Rossi and Andersen (1982) factorial survey considers complexity of real world and conditions of real choices and people's real judgments. Factorial survey uses vignettes which are some descriptions of situations with different characteristics as variables. Some scholars believe that factorial survey reduces the probability of distortion in answers or providing an idealized version of values by subjects. So, factorial survey reduces the bias in survey research. Statistical population included all 18 years old and up living in 13 urban districts of Mashhad. A sample including 160 residents of Mashhad were selected through multistage sampling A (stratified and systematic sampling). A After conducting factorial survey, we used Rossi and Berk (1985) to analyze data. In the next step norm structure of honesty was described. Discussion of Results & Conclusions Results indicated that (1) the A norm structure of honesty with state has positive polarity and most of respondents (65%) have accepted the norm weakly or strongly. However, the negative consensus is very weak and merely 5% of respondents are dishonest with state. There is a polarity in the norm structure and about 30% of respondents are sometimes honest and sometimes dishonest. (2) The norm structure is almost completely conditional and 99.4% of respondents act conditionally. (3) In the norm structure there is not any lack of norm. There is no respondent in the sample wandering around the bounds of honesty and dishonesty. (4) Among four dual positions affecting adherence to the norm (punishment, disclosure, interest, conformity), the first one (punishment) more than other factors affects respondents' norm adherence. Conditionality of honesty with state among majority of respondents in one hand, and salience of punishment impact on being honest with sate in other hand, implies that honesty with state is more derived from a socio-political restriction, than from a stable moral source or belief. So, it's expected that the structure of honesty norm with state has a fragile and unstable nature.

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Introduction: social networks have been established around the world to communicate between individuals But as the most popular social network, Facebook network in most countries welcome the public, especially the younger generation is facing and now one of the most showbiz world sites that many people in different walks of life and has attracted Facebook users join the network through activities such as sharing music, Thoughts A Film, play, announcing the public to communicate with each other to form groups various messages. Social networks can be used and influence in various fields of cultural, personal, social, and mental .One of the areas with the presence of virtual social networks is to change, is social wellbeing especially in members of the younger generation. Students are among the largest range of audiences and activist networks are Facebook. they familiar with cyber space in university because of the possibilities for using the Internet And this space, cognitive orientation, emotional, cultural and practical that overshadowed them That consequence of the impact on all aspects of life, including social wellbeing of individuals, so The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between use of Facebook social networks and Social wellbeing among students in Isfahan University. Materials &Method: The research method was survey or descriptive. The population of all the students was studying in the academic year 1391- 1392 that 300 students of which selected with Random cluster sampling method as sample size. The sample selected of humanities - Engineering and Basic Sciences departments. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire that was made by researchers to relationships social wellbeing and usage of social network Facebook, which included three parts: demographic information (age, gender, profession, and education), social networking and social wellbeing. Questions of social wellbeing according to the Keynesian approach as a model for defining and providing indicators of social health in five dimensions of social cohesion, social acceptance, social participation, social adaptation and social progress was made. Questions the usage of social networks such as internet speed, internet access and the skills to use the Internet was built five degree range. To valid questionnaires were administered on a sample of 30 individuals other than members of the group by using the software Spss19 overall Cranach's alpha of 85%.Discussion of result &Conclusion: Descriptive analysis of the data showed that the largest age group of Facebook user was 18 -23 with %82. In terms of gender, in this study, more female students with 69% than male students were using the Facebook network. Also undergraduate students with %67 compared to the master and PhD used the Facebook network. The highest use of the network between 2 to 3 hours a day. A Average student use of social network Facebook is 4.91 to score higher in this network gives students and it shows the popularity of the network with students. Users of social wellbeing were 91/60, which represents the average score on the community's social wellbeing. A Among Subscales of social wellbeing, social acceptance scale with the highest average score of 20.15 and social adjustment scale showed the lowest average 17/74. There was an inverse relation between the use of social network Facebook and Social wellbeing of students But this is in reverse order means that with the increasing use of social networks Facebook social wellbeing of users decreases .Also A among the subscales of Social wellbeing, Social cohesion, Social acceptance ,Social conformity and Social prosperity subscales A had A significant negative relationship with social network Facebook A and only Social partnership Subscales has significant positive relationship with Facebook network And the use of social network Facebook relationship with the participation of the user community and was associated with increased use of social network participation rate increases. This result can be interpreted that by increasing the use of individual Facebook network groups and members familiar with several different classifications and trying to accustom them according to your interests and this subject was Extensive communication to establish yourself and this increased social participation in activities and programs for groups of users, and many more participate. Today virtual network environment different from the traditional interaction between people is established that this effect is undeniably left social relations, Therefore, regardless of the requirements such as gender, class, ethnicity, race and place and connect with each other based on their new identities show, so In this space coherence, compliance, social acceptance, and the users decrease the amount of time your alienation and the society in which it is a member feels. Also in cyberspace more people are trying to follow other members of a virtual community comply with the models and criteria so, The development of social and individual creativity are reduced over time to those without creativity and become a follower of the values and interests of others. Despite significant relationship in this study between social networks and social wellbeing of students has proven to be highly suggested various institutions was thinking about the culture and proper use of social networks such as Facebook among young people.

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Introduction: The main objective of the training, is the academic self- efficacy of the student as the next generation of society that their growth requires social support and academic motivation. students social support and motivation will cause social A and universal development. Self-efficacy is one of the most important elements of success and consistency in the field of positive psychology falls(Snyder&Lopez, 2002). self- efficacy is the student belief in his ability to Achieve goals in a specific academic field and perform a task successfully (Zimmerman, 2006, Schunk, 2008 and Dorman, 2010). These beliefs will influence of A student thinking, feeling, motivation and behavior. A A strong sense of self- efficacy improve positive personal views, participate in activities, set goals and work commitment(Strobel et all, 2011).Social support can be through providing the ground of activity, gain positive experience, sense of worth and stability in the social life will be a success(Karademas, 2006). Along with the social support, academic motivation also influence on educational activities, A and helps students achieve academic goals(Alaii kharaem et all, 2012). This study sought to examine the relationship between social support, academic motivation with academic self-efficacy to improve students educational and social achievements. A A A A Methods& Materials This research method was descriptive correlation. The study population included male and female students in all high schools in Tabriz and Azarshahr City is 90-91 on the year that their total number is 37347. Sample size based on Table Krejcie & Morgan (1970) and 278 subjects were selected by random cluster. Questionnaire was used be academic self-efficacy from Ralph Matthews Shvarzr Jerusalem (1981) and the Social Support Questionnaire Vaux, Phillips, Holley, Thompson, Williams & Stewart (1986) and academic motivation questionnaire Gholipoor fence and Bahrami(1994). According to experts, the questionnaire content validity and reliability with internal consistency estimate (Cronbach's alpha) for the self-efficacy questionnaire, 83.0 and the Social Support Questionnaire 84/0 and a motivation questionnaire, 0.93, respectively. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation, regression, t-test was used. A Discussion of results and conclusion The results showed that there is a significant relationship between social support and academic motivation with academic self-efficacy respectively, 0.38, 0.30. Regression analysis results showed that social support and academic motivation can predict academic self-efficacy (regression coefficient 0.20 and standard regression coefficient 0.450. The results showed that social support and academic motivation affects the academic self- efficacy. These findings are consistent with studies Solberg & Torres (2001) and Bandura's theory. Social support through punishment and reward the activities, can be impact on academic self-efficacy. Feedback and confidence that others provide individual academic ability can enhance a person's self-efficacy. The results showed a significant and positive correlation between academic motivation and academic self-efficacy and the academic motivation could predict 0.26 percent of variance academic self- efficacy. Many researchers believe that self-efficacy and academic achievement are related. According to research conducted by the Kabiri (2003) and Green et all (2004), self-efficacy can have an important role In predicting academic performance at different levels. Usher & Pajares (2006) also concluded that self- efficacy belifes has a full role in academic efficacy, learning and academic achievement. self-efficacy is the student belief about his ability to perform a variety of academic tasks. Students with high academic self- efficacycan do their academic tasks better than students with lower academic self-efficacy. The high level of academic self-efficacy, resulting in earn higher grades and are trying to do homework. Family, friends, and peers can affect a student academic self- efficacy because these groups supports, can lead students to certain about its capabilities. The findings showed that there is no significant difference in terms of academic self-efficacy between A male and female students but this difference in the case of academic motivation was significant. In summing up the results of the study can say that, social support and academic motivation A are the factors that influencing the increase or decrease in academic self-efficacy. These factors can lead to trust, high motivation, self-efficacy and effort and the success of the student to be followed A.

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