Introduction: In recent years we have witnessed the emergence of a "nutrition transition" between different societies. It means that a change in thetraditionaldiet, rich offiber and combined withintakeof grains, of fruits and vegetables toward to use of fat, sugar, salt and other processed foods. Accordingly, it must be said that in traditional feeding pattern, people turned to food consumptionto overcome hunger, but the new power model, the choice of food for people affected by different media and cultural factors (Madanat et al, 2011).Study of dietary patterns (including a variety of food), offer a good picture of diet and feeding habits of population and help us to identify help to identify at risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases and to identify and then have nutritional recommendations. Because the people in the choice of food,pay less attention to the nutrient content of food .Thus, according to the dietary patterns and social factors associated with dietary patterns, provide guidelines for diet and its effects on society(Barkoukis, 2007).One of the most important factors that influence the formation and persistence of consumption patterns and in particular, food choices, is advertising. Merton and Lazarsfield argued that the mass media make compatible people with existing economic and social status (quoting Severine and Tankard, 1992: 461-464). Gerbner and colleague(1980) point to implantable effects of mass media on society and believe that the news media, especially television, have the power to influence for order and harmony to deliver the message within a certain time, so that should be considered them shaping a society(Mehrdad,A 2002). Also, Williamson(1987) argues thatadvertisingcreates newneeds andconsumption patterns, but it doesnat people information about the specific features of a product(Williamson, 1987, quoted Abdollahian et al.,2010).In this regard, Popkin(2001), Boynton(2003), Mao(2007) and Akbayet al(2007) in their research on the impact of media in changing dietary behavior pattern of feeding.Methodology:A A Due to the nature of the subject, method of research was survey; survey was cross-sectional and applied research. Unit of analysis was the individual (citizens over 15years in Tabriz). According to the latest census, all patients over 15 years were 1194453 persons. Using the formula Cochran and multi-stage cluster sampling were chosen483 patients as the sample size. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire that includes questions about any of the dependent and independent variables.A A A In this study, the feeding behavior of individuals checked with regard to the selection of food items.In other words, it was questioned the respondents about their use of food items, bread and cereals, meat, beans, nuts, milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables and miscellaneous group consisting of fats and sweets during the week. Highest score (5) indicates a healthy feeding behavior and lowest score (1) represents the unhealthy feeding behavior. In this study, watching the media has been questioned. For measuring this variable, used 6 items are designed for media advertising of food items.A A A To measure level of trust in the media, designed 6 items and respondents were asked to rate their confidence in the media area in the food items. Also, the rate of watching TV programs (with different contents of sports, medicine and health, political, social, and scientific documentaries, cooking, religion-religious and entertainment) A measured by 8 items.Discussion and Conclusion: A A A According to the results, the average variable feeding behavior of the respondents indicated their attitude towards unhealthy eating behavior. About rate of watch advertisements and the level of trust should be noted that there was less effort among respondents for watching and trust them. A A The correlation between watching and feeding behavior of the media indicated that increasing respondentsa media watching, decline rate of their healthy feeding behavior. As well, increasing respondentsa confidence of the media, reduce their feeding behavior. Also, the respondentsa trust the media increases, reduce their feeding behavior. A A A Comparison of mean values show that between age groups, older age groups have higher mean and A A more healthy nutritional behavior but in younger group, the mean is less. Among respondents with different employment status, unemployed, lowest and average public sector employees have the highest average. Comparison of respondentsa educational level shows that with rising levels of education, nutritional behavior will lead to a healthy diet. A Comparison between singles and married and wife died persons, married have more healthy nutritional behavior. Finally, with comparing mean values can be concluded that the higher socio-economic class, dietary behavior will oriented to the use of healthy food. The mass media should strive to avoid indiscriminate advertising of consumer goods and unhealthy food, to make correct and accurate programs to promote food properly, provide healthy food for people, advertise on the entertainment programs and also produce videos and constructive programs, move to promotion of healthy lifestyles and behavior among the people.