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Stigma and discrimination are two social oppressions or social pressure, which reduce the tendency of individuals for HIV/AIDS status disclosure and limit accessibility of patients with HIV/AIDS to support and health care, which can affect their physical and emotional health. As a social constructed, stigma related to HIV is associated with structural and institutional discriminations. Stigma process is created by interaction of three factors: environment, health care system and intermediaries, and associated with numerous personal and social consequences associated. Stigma related to HIV/AIDS may associate with personal characteristics such as age, education, gender and progression of disease. Patients who disclosure their HIV/AIDS status may expose with stigma and discrimination; therefore HIV/AIDS disclose can be a substantial social risk or social wastage for them. So, HIV/AIDS is considered as a global intersectional inequality, which affected by social oppressions such as racism, gender discrimination, classism, ableism and disability. This oppressions simultaneously and systematically aggravate faults, social equities and equalities. There is a vicious cycle between stigma, discrimination and human rights violations. Stigma and discrimination occur both at individual and social levels, therefore interventions preventing stigma must be devoted to improve the socio-cultural contexts in addition to individual training. Structural, cultural, political and socio-economic factors affect HIV/AIDS experience; they also play an important role in shaping developments and prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS. Modifying these structural factors and intersectional relations can enhance efficiency of interventional programs in patients with HIV/AIDS in the society.

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It is more than a century that Iranian society has undergone socioeconomic changes same as all around the world. These changes have been on the path of development and modernization and have rapidly altered traditional institution including family. A sign of these changes is the increased in number of female-headed households; which, according to the reports of the Statistical Center of Iran, has increased by 72% in the past 15 years. Referring to the growing trend in the number of female-headed households who are considers as the poorest poor group in the societies, every state including Iran, has its own program for supporting them. The purpose of this research is to study social policy regarding female-headed household by reviewing the relevant written laws in the country. The findings show that Iranian laws are mostly socio-democratic in the domain of constitutional laws, traditional and idealistic in the realm of civil laws, and somehow liberal and market-oriented in the domain of social laws. In accordance with global evolution in recent decades, development plans in Iran have shifted from supportive policy to empowerment discourse. Conclusion: Results show a contradiction between laws and plans for female-headed household in Iran. It means that, as the major role of women in Iran is to be a wife/mother; if male heads of households suddenly disappear, based on empowerment policy, women are expected to leave the house for work. It means they have to keep their previous roles besides new one.

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This study examines the social factors affecting social exclusion of the Iranian women married to foreign nationals (Iraqi and Afghan). The research‘ s model consists of following variables: ex-exclusions factors, gender exclusion, exclusion factors of the transition period, feeling of inequality and feeling of Stigma. These are affecting factors with various dimensions of social exclusion of these women. The Method Is Survey, Statistical Populations Are women married to foreign nationals living in Neyshabur. Sampling Size Is 182 women and Sampling Method Is Convenience one. Based on the finding, the feeling of stigma, the feeling of inequality, factors of the transitions period, ex-Exclusion factors and gender exclusion are effective in explaining variations in exclusion of these women. Multiple regression analysis showed that only the sexual exclusion factor did not explain the exclusion albeit, four other factors explain 37 percent of the variations in exclusion. Analysis of theoretical model showed that the feeling of Stigma is the most important and the strongest variable explaining the rejection of women married to foreign nationals.

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The present research is aimed at studying the effect of social capital components on risky behaviors among young people. The research method is survey and the population of this study includes all individuals aged 15-34 years old in Tabriz, (579694 people), of which 630 were selected by using Cochran statistical formula and multi-stage clustering method. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. SPSS-22 and Smart-PLS software were used to analyze the data. The results of the research indicate that the correlation between all social capital components including social support, social participation, social awareness, social cohesion and social trust with risky behaviors at a meaningful level of less than 0. 01 was confirmed, the type of relationship is negative and inverse. The results of the Structural Equation Modeling study showed that the variables in the path model were able to explain17. 6% of the dependent variable variations of risky behaviors.

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The present research tries to recognize damages and disorders caused by using modern communication technology, by examining the impact of virtual social networks on youth tendency in Kermanshah towards social disorders. The method of research was survey study. The sample population of the present research were all 15 to 35 year old youth of Kermanshah city; which according to 1390 census, were 341, 652 persons. The sample size of study was estimated by using Cochran formula 270 persons which was taken from Kermanshah youth population. In order to constitude theoretical framework and hypotheses of the study, various theories have been used in the field of social sciences and social communications. The research results show, according to survey respondents, social disorders such as; tendency towards fashion, sexual deviations, family tensions, fading religious values, identity crisis, vulnerable friendship, isolation and individualism were exist in moderate level or higher level in sample society. The research result showed; survey respondents believed that virtual social networks caused social disorders in moderate and higher levels. The results of hypotheses testing showed that all of the hypotheses have been verified with 99 percent certainty which means that there is a significant correlation between using virtual social networks and dependent variables and factors which were mentioned above. According to the results of the study it can be concluded that the use of virtual networks among youth in the study population have contributed to a variety of social disorders.

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In this paper, the semantic interpretation of the non-development of Kermanshah province as an interpretive approach, which is the root of the life experience of the owners and companies, has been studied. The research, based on the fact that the semantic interpretation and individual narratives, the personal experience of individuals, business owners and industry practitioners in this province, far beyond the figures and figures expressed in the financial equilibrium, can be a reflection of The economic and developmental conditions of this province have taken into account the qualitative approach based on the theory of grounded theory. In the present study, the Subjects are the same as the owners of the industrial enterprises and industrial towns of the province. The results of the research show that the interviewees mentioned many factors, such as non-industrial spirit, institutional and governmental interventions, lack of industrial clustering, closed book policies, lack of decision making, and lack of free play has been considered as an underdevelopment factor for the province's industries. As a result, in this research 8 basic categories have been extracted from the semantic interpretations of these individuals and these are the same factors due to maladministration and the lack of an appropriate strategic / managerial approach.

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This article aims to examine the relationship between membership in social networks and the risky behaviors carried out. The research method was survey with cross-sectional design. The statistical population consisted of all undergraduate students of Payame Noor University of Gonbad-e-Kavos center with 2000 students. By using Cochran formulas, a sample of 313 students were selected using stratified random sampling. The instrument includes three questionnaires: demographic, virtual social networking questionnaire and standard risky behaviors questionnaire. Using SPSS software for data processing and analysis, the findings showed that there was no relationship between the use of virtual social network and the occurrence of risky behaviors (sexual deviation and suicide) with respect to meaningful value (0. 20 for sexual deviation and 0. 62 for suicide) (values less than or equal to 0. 05). But in two risky behaviors of violence and drug abuse, this relationship was significant. So that the meaningful value in both behavior was 0. 000. Regarding the correlation coefficient, the severity of these two low risky behaviors was moderate (for the violence variable, the coefficient is 0. 39 and for the drug variable, the coefficient is 0. 24). Also, the results of regression analysis showed that the type and amount of use of virtual social networks can predict the occurrence of risky behaviors.

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RAVADRAD AZAM | Aghaie Atefeh

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One of the functions of the media is the social production of meaning. The media can use their communicative power to change the attitude of society about health issues such as HIV/AIDS. In the present research the representation of this disease in Iranian cinema and television from the viewpoint of experts in health communication is studied. So it can give both an understanding of the current situation in this regard as well as the media potentials of Iran. In-depth interview was used as the data collection technique in a qualitatively content analysis method. The target population consisted of experts in health communication. The sampling was purposeful and continued until theoretical saturation was reached. In this study fourteen Iranian experts in health communication were asked three questions: why is the encounter of the media with HIV/AIDS important? How do you evaluate the representation of HIV positive patients in Iranian cinema and television? Are there potentials in Iranian cinema and television to help deal with the social issues concerning this disease? The findings of this study indicate that while experts find the role of the media in solving social problems connected with HIV/AIDS very important, they level criticism at the function of Iranian cinema and television and the meanings that are constructed through them about HIV/AIDS. There seems to be a weak interaction between experts in health communication, doctors and health authorities and the producers of TV programs.

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The main objective of this research is to investigate the influential factors of individual, social, cultural, family, biomedical, environmental and rural change during the last three decades on the villagers' tendency towards drug abuse and addictive behavior. This research is a descriptive-analytic study using a survey method and researcher-made questionnaire. Anomie theories of Merton and Durkheim, the anomy theory of Sutherland, the subculture theory of Albert Cohen, the Parsens social action theory, the theory of social control, the theory of Alexander's compatibility, and the theory of Malvin Seeman on alienation, are used as the theoretical framework of the research. The main hypothesis of the research is that there is a significant relationship between the above factors (as independent variables) and the tendency toward drug abuse (as a dependent variable). The statistical population of the present study is the adult population (18 years and older) living in rural areas of Ashkhurat (Lower, Oliya, Shwaileh). According to the size of the statistical population, 109 villages were selected as sample size, taking into account the size of the household and the gender. The sample size was 361 based on Cochran formula and 381 questionnaires were analyzed after the return. For analyzing the data, two methods of descriptive and inferential statistics and SPSS software and multiple regression models have been used to test the research hypotheses. The results of this study indicate that the best predictor, of rural abuse are environmental, cultural, socio-economical, social, biological and medical, individual drug, familial Factors.

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The present research investigates the distribution of power in contemporary family as a social problem. Theoretical framework of research is combination of power determination theories in family, as well as theories of Simmel, Veblen, Bourdieu and Giddens about lifestyle. The major hypothesis of the research is that there is significant relationship between distribution of power in the family and the women's lifestyle. The research method is survey and the collection tool is a researcher-made questionnary. The statistical population consists of all married women in districts 1 and 19 of Tehran in 1396. The research data was collected from 383 respondents by using of Cochran formula, as well as available quota sampling method. The Relationship between independent variable (distribution of power in the family) and dependent variable (family lifestyle) was investigated by Chi-square test. The results of the research show that the distribution of power in the contemporary family needs more justice and symmetry. 46 percent of contemporary families experience symmetric power distribution, and 54 percent of them experience the distribution of asymmetric man-centered power. there is significant relationship between power distribution in family and Women's lifestyle. With the modernization of the lifestyle of Women in society, we will benefit from more democratic families.

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Many researchers have done research on mental health, but social health assessment has been less widely considered. Social health is a person's assessment of how it functions in society and the attitude toward other people in society, and undoubtedly will affect the way in which he or she will deal with his own problems and his attitude towards other social groups. Given the importance of discussing social health, the present study uses a field method, a survey technique, a questionnaire tool, and the use of SPSS and AMOS software to answer the main question, is there a connection between the various dimensions of social protection and social health of young people living in marginalized areas? The statistical population of the study is 15-29 year old youths in the outlying regions of Kermanshah. 384 of them have been studied as sample size. The results of the research indicate that there is a direct and significant relationship between emotional support (0. 26), instrumental support (0. 41), informational support (0. 31), appraisal support (0. 22), sex (men more than women) income 0. 33) and social health of young people. However, there was no significant relationship between age and social health. The results of regression analysis show that 0. 29 percent of the total changes in social health among young people living in marginalized areas is related to social support dimensions.

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Modernity has undergone transformation and rapid changes in fashion. Fashion is a consequence of modernity, and this is the modernity that brings the speed and diversity within itself to human beings. Fashion plays an important role in restoring class relations. Today, brand use is partly about identifying people and their social status and wealth, also their success. Young people have eexpectations based on age requirements and use different tools and methods to achieve their goals. This research mainly focuses on the contribution of advertising, the unification and differentiation of individuals in society as brand and model variables. The research method is descriptive correlation. A study was conducted on 210 women referring to shopping centers in Tehran. For this purpose, a questionnaire with 74 questions was used. Selection of samples has been random. The purpose of this study is to investigate three factors affecting modeling and its relationship with brand. These factors include advertising, unity and differentiation. It satisfies the desire for harmony with others and fulfills the distinction between the desire for separation and privilege from others. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between advertising and brand, and there are also relationship between distinct and unity (with little difference) with brand. Finally, it can be said that using brand can have a significant relationship with increasing modernity.

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