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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to recent researches about the importance of prognostic value of QT dispersion (QTD) in patients with acute myocardial infarction, the present study was performed to assess the relationship between QT dispersion increment and incidence of ventricular fibrillation in patients with acute myocardial infarction. QT dispersion was calculated by caliper in the first 24 hour's ECG after acute myocardial infarction in 30 cases of AMI that complicated by ventricular fibrillation and was compared with 200 cases without ventricular fibrillation. Also some information about primary or secondary VF, EF (according to echocardiography) was recorded in check list. The study was a descriptive, cross - sectional study. Direct relationship between QT increment and mechanical dysfunction of left ventricle (EF<40%) was showed. In patients with primary VF the mean of QTD was 20 msec more than the patients with secondary VF. In patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) that complicated with VF the QTD was greater than the patients without VF. According to above results we can use QTD as a cheap, easy and available method for diagnosis of increased incidence of VF in patients with AMI.

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Determination of HLA antigens has an extensive application in paternity, Histocompatibility testing, and disease susceptibility identification. A vast array of different HLA antisera are required for HLA typing. Such antisera can be obtained from pregnant women, transfused patients, immunized animals or hybridoma cells, but still the sera of pregnant women is one of the best sources for producing of HLA antisera. The pregnant women usually form antibodies to the foreign HLA antigens of the fetus inherited from the father. Due to the genetic variations among different races and the very high price of these antibodies it is preferable to obtain these antisera from locally pregnant women. In this study, sera of 40 primiparous and 65 multiparous pregnant Iranian women were screened monthly (for 3 times) against their husband's pure lymphocytes, using the microlymphocytotoxicity method of NIH. Among the primiparous 2 cases (5%) and among the multiparous women 9 cases (13.8%) had HLA antibodies in their sera. The titer and score of antibody were determined monthly in positive samples. The antibodies had the highest level in the 6th month of pregnancy. We concluded that the best source and the time to obtain HLA antisera are multiparous women in the 6th month of pregnancy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1064

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Among epileptic syndromes the infantile spasms (west syndrome) is the most malignant one and leads to irreparable brain damage, which is related directly to duration of spasms. The effectiveness of Mogadon (Nitrazepam) on treatment of infantile spasms was studied for two-years (1998-2000) at neurologic ward of Mofid children hospital, Tehran, Iran. This was prospective uncontrolled clinical trial on 30 children age 2-24 months with infantile spasms. Patients received Mogadon (NZP) 0.5-1 mg/kg/hr in three divided dose with meal, the patients evaluated regard to complete and relative control of seizure and drug side effects at the end of 2,4 and 6 weeks of therapy. At the end of six weeks of therapy 63% were seizure free, 26% had reduced frequency of seizure, and 47% had complete normalization of tracing EEG. Because of high-effectiveness, few side effects and low cost the Mogadon (NZP) could be a drug of choice in treatment of infantile spasms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1388

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    3 (SN 21)
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The aim of this study was evaluation of triglyceride and cholesterol levels in patients with ischemic stroke admitted in neurology ward during one year (99-2000). Hyperlipidemia is one of the risk factor for atherosclerosis and ischemic stroke. Several studies have done for evaluation of changes in triglyceride and cholesterol level (HDL, LDL) in ischemic stroke patients. In the present investigation, these changes were studied in relation to age, sex and other risk factors. This study was supposed to answer to this question: Is there any difference between Iranian patients and patients of other nationalities with regard to diet, race and cultural backgrounds? In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, 115 ischemic stroke patients, admitted in neurology ward of Sina hospital, during one year, were selected. After confirming the diagnosis of ischemic stroke, blood samples were sent to laboratory. Data obtained, was analyzed by EPI6 package. Fifty four percent of patients were male and 46% were female. The majority of them were urban resident and half of them came with hemiplegia. Cholesterol and LDL levels were increased in 58% and 49%, respectively, and HDL levels were decreased in 60% of patients. Most increases in cholesterol and LDL levels were seen in patients between 61-70 years age groups. These changes were more frequent in female patients than in males and more in patients with Hypertension. This study showed that there are significant changes in the levels of cholesterol, LDL and HDL, in patients with ischemic stroke. In the studied population, hypertension and hyperlipidemia (Increased levels of cholesterol and LDL, decreased of HDL) were the major risk factors for ischemic stroke. Triglyceride was not shown to have any significant role. We hope that to perform other studies in larger skills, to evaluate some ambiguous findings.

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View 3836

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In recent years, many investigations have reported the pharmaceutical effects of garlic such as antibacterial, antihypertension, antithrombotic, anticarcinogenic and many others. Studies suggest that garlic may have toxic effects on body tissues. In this study, histopathological effects of garlic extract on liver tissue in rats were investigated. The animals were divided into five groups including control group (received saline) and four experimental groups (received garlic extract, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg intraperitonally for a month). The sections of liver tissue were stained by H&E method for histopathological examination. The histopathological examination indicated that administration of low dose of garlic (50 mg/Kg) has little effects on liver tissue in comparison with the control animals. However, administration of high dose of garlic (400 mg/kg) induces considerable damage on this tissue in comparison to other groups. Although the use of garlic is useful for body, the consumption of high levels of garlic may induce toxic effects on body tissues. Therefore, further studies are needed before garlic preparations can be used as medicine.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1048

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    3 (SN 21)
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Lichen Planus is an inflammatory disorder of skin and mucous membrane, with approximately unknown etiology and pathogenesis. From the clinical aspect, the disease is characterized by polygonal, purple, itchy and plan papules. Pathological changes are various in dermis and epidermis. One of those, is necrotic Keratinocyte or Civatte Body that seen in lower layer of epidermis and specially in upper layer of dermis. This investigation was a three years study of clinical and histopathological characteristics of Lichen Planus and relationship between response of Civatte body (Civ-b) and activity of the disease, in Sina hospital of Hamadan city (1995-98). This study was an analytic cross sectional study, and was performed by 106 files and microscopic slides of the patients affected by Lichen Planus. In this study, results showed that 75.8% of all dermis Civatte Body are in active phase of disease and this number is 88.2% for epidermis. The correlation between number of Civatte body and disease activity was statistically established by Fisher's exact test (P value < 0.001). On the other hand, disease activity was also related to intensity of band from infiltration. Also results confirm that the more Civatte Body in dermis, the more epidermis Civatte Body. In this research, it was established that the more Civatte body, the more activity of Linchen planus and the decrease of Civatte Body shows decrease activity and relieve of disease.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1212

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    3 (SN 21)
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A cross sectional study was carried out in order to assess the parasitic infections of school children in rural areas of Hamadan. A total of 906 school children, 6 to 15 years old, from 9 villages in Hamadan were selected randomly for parasite examination. Parasitological examination of stool and eggs count was carried out by formalin - ether concentration and modified stoll's technique, respectively. The results showed that total prevalence of intestinal parasites were 86%. The highest prevalence of helminthic infections and pathogenic protozoa were Ascaris Lumbricoides (39.6%) and Giardia Lamblia (20.5%). Distribution of parasites according to sex was not significantly different. Mean ±S.D of intensity of Ascaris Lumbricoides was 17235±22008 with maximum 163000 eggs per gram faeces. Mean ±S.D of intensity of Trichuris Trichiura was 1227±3173 with the maximum 25000 eggs per gram faeces. Mean ±S.D of intensity of Hymenolepis Nana was 4320±7160. The mean intensity was higher in male than female.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 829

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The purpose of this study was measuring concentration of fluoride in drinking water in Hamadan and Bahar cities, in west of Iran. By a pilot study sample size for Hamadan and Bahar were estimated 120 and 30, respectively. The results were compared with Iranian Standard. The results showed that concentration of fluoride in drinking water of Hamadan and Bahar were 0.198 and 0.6 mg/lit, respectively, which were less than the standard limit. The Shefe statistical test showed that the concentrations of fluoride in summer is less than others season and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). Finally, it can be concluded that the concentrations of fluoride in drinking water of Hamadan and Bahar cities are less than the standard limit, especially in summer. To solve the problem, it is recommended to inject sodium fluoride in drinking water of Hamadan and Bahar, particularity in summer.

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View 1485

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    3 (SN 21)
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All factors that produce active tuberculosis are present in prisoners. The over crowded condition of most prisons coupled with HIV infection, malnutrition and IV drug abusing among prisoners may lead to a substantial tuberculosis epidemic in the prison system . Between January and March 1999 we carried out an active case finding survey in Hamadan central prison, Iran, through the WHO tuberculosis control program. We interviewed prisoners and those with cough of at least 3 weeks' duration were screened by sputum-smear microscopy. If sputum smear was negative after 10 days antibiotic administration and after three consecutive negative smears, prisoner underwent chest radiography. 106 of 1115 prisoners were screened; (all men, mean age 33.2 years). 79 prisoners (74.5%) had addiction to opium. The most common route of opium were inhalation (70 cases), oral (20 cases), inhalation-oral (15 cases) and parentral (4 cases). Two screened prisoners (1.88%) had pulmonary tuberculosis with positive smear and were not taking anti tuberculosis drugs and had addiction to heroin. 67 (53.7%) of 106 screened prisoners underwent chest radiography. In 2 prisoners the chest radiograph suggested active tuberculosis, in 2 prisoners hilar lymph node calcification was seen due to old tuberculosis and in 2 prisoners suggested calcification and scar of old tuberculosis in pulmonary apices. As a result, the frequency of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis in central prison of Hamadan was significant and must pay attention to it.

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View 1010

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Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) is a worldwide health problem. Many parts of the Islamic Republic of Iran had been known as areas of endemic goiter. IDD was accepted a priority health problem in the country, and a national IDD council was formed in 1989, under the supervision of the ministry of health and medical education. One of the main strategies of national council for IDD control was to provide at least 150 g of iodine per day to the entire population through making available iodized salt. This study was performed to evaluate the national IDD council program in 1996, in rural and urban areas of Hamadan province. 1300 schoolchildren, aged 8 to 10 year, including 50% girls and 50% boy, were selected through random sampling. Grading of goiter was performed according to WHO's classification. Serum T3, T4 and TSH were measured by RIA and urinary iodine by digestion method. The mean of serum T3, T4 and TSH were: 9.6±2.0 g/dl, 165±3 ng/dl and 1.7±0.7 Iu/ml respectively. There were no differences between males and females and schoolchildren of rural or urban areas. Six person had serum T4 more than 12.5 g/dl. The mean of urinary iodine was 36 g/dl in entire population, 89% had urinary iodine more than 10 g/dl. Only 4% had urinary iodine less than 5 g/dl. Total prevalence of goiter was 86% (91% in girls and 78% in boys). Based on the available data, seven years after generalized use of iodized salt and 2 years after that more than 50% of population used iodized salt, urinary iodine excretion is in acceptable limit. However goiter is still hyperendemic in Hamadan province.

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View 829

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Nitrogen compounds are one of the several materials in the wastewaters and effluents that have harmful effects in water resources. In different experiences , Ion Exchange (IE) with Zeolites were used for removal of Ammonia-nitrogen. The aim of this research was studying the application of Semnan's Zeolite for removal of Ammonium in both Batch and Continuous systems. The Zeolite Clinoptilolite was supplied by Semnan area mines. The Zeolite was ground and sieves based on U.S. standard mesh number 20 , 30 , 40 and then conditioned by Ammonium Sulfate and Sodium Chloride solutions respectively . The test results on conditioned samples in Batch system was showed that average Ion Exchange capacity for particles with 20 , 30 and 40 mesh were between 6.65 - 16 mg NH4+ /g Zeolite weight . Furthermore its selectivity for other cautions obtained the ranking of K, NH4, Na, Ca, Mg respectively. In Continuous system , total caution exchange and till breakthrough point capacity obtain 16.31 - 19.5 and 7.61 - 11.23 mg NH4+ / g Zeolite weight . The results indicated that high level of regeneration (95 - 98%) may be achieved with solution of NaCl. At present time, the most wastewater treatment plant in our country designed for removal of organic matter and Ammonium remain in effluent , and the use of Ion Exchange with Clinoptilolite can be led to economical remove of NH4 + from effluent .

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View 1226

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Accidents as the second cause of disabilities, are the health problems in society that can cause the social, mental and physical disorders and sometimes lead to death. Students of primary schools at the age of under 12 have been known as the high risk population in accidents. In this study, it has been attempted an expressive and clear description of incidence rate of accident is presented in the students studying in Hamadan primary schools. This study performed on 35000 students including 17500 female and 17500 male students in primary schools in the region 1 and 2 depended on Hamadan district. Accident incidence was reported daily through questionnaire and collected at the end of each month. According to the results obtained, the incidence of Accident was 1.6% in the students of primary schools. The most further incidence was in fifth grade (1.94 %). Accident incidence in urban schools was reported 1.63% and in rural schools was 1.37%. In fall season the accident incidence was at the highest rate (0.716%), and the place of accidents were in the schools (56.1%). Accident incidence was 2.31% in male students and 0.88% in female ones. Statistical tests showed the significant difference between accident incidence with sex, educational grades and the season of accident incidence (P < 0.05). The average of absence in the injured students was 2.6 days. This study demonstrated that incidence of accident in students of primary schools have been low. The boys were in higher risk than the girls and the most of the accidents was in fifth grade.

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