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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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“Advocacy Planning” as a term was coined by Paul Davidoff in his mid-1960s article in he AIP journal. Being introduced in 1960s, the approach enjoyed vast popularity in 1970s, and its refined version was put into effect in USA and UK then after. The core of Davidoff idea is that different social groups shall be able to suggest alternative development plans for regions, cities, and neighborhoods. These plans may compete with each other so that the best one would be selected. Davidoff argues: if, as it has often being claimed, planning is a rational technocratic process, then all of alternative plans should be the same. But this is not the case. In practice, plans are meaningfully different because planning is primarily a political procedure, reflecting preferences of various social groups.By acknowledging pluralism in planning, Davidoff believes that planners should act as advocates of urban or rural communities, vocational or ethnic groups, cities, regions etc. He or she should accept values, interests and preferences of the client social group.Advocacy planning has been criticized seriously. The main criticism is about the contradictory role of a planner: what is his or her main task? Taking care of the community interests, broader group's interests or professional rules or norms which somehow reflect interests of more people.Furthermore, advocacy planners have been accused of diverting communities from more radical forms of social change. Some other criticizes advocacy planners as they rarely are the real representatives of their client communities.

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Estimating 10% handicap of global society for Islamic Iran whose population due to public statistic in 2006 was more than 70,000,000, is approximately about seven million different kinds of handicapped persons. Considering expansion and width of the country and the problems resulting from that mainly in villages, they need rehabilitation services particularly with kinds of rural traditional and endemic knowledge and methods. The aim of this survey is studying issues and problems of handicapped persons, their rehabilitation needs and allocating traditional patterns of solving their problem in villages.The research was performed as measured sectional in 23 villages and Tehran province through interviewing and filling the materialized questionnaire from 134 families who have handicapped or the aged persons. Kerleinger called such nonrandom sampling as propositional sampling.Findings show that as a whole 13% was corporal sensory handicapped, 35% was sensory motor handicapped, 21% mental handicapped, 28.5% polyhandicapped and 2.5% had lack of some organs. In addition, 26% of handicaps in the age of employment are disabled. The most were mass motor poly handicaps and just 20% of handicapped persons worked as helper to their families. Also 66% studied handicapped persons didn’t get married at the age of marriage and just 30% of them married.As a conclusion we should take into account the needs of rural families in several fields: prevention of disability, literacy teaching, vocational training and engagement in therapeutic and rehabilitation measurement.Meanwhile advocating the treatment expenses and rehabilitation services are among crucial needs of handicapped persons in rural areas. As a result revitalization and improvement of traditional rehabilitation methods is suggested.

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Citizenship is amongst the major socioeconomic fields which has propounded in different forms throughout history. People enjoy equal rights on the basis of citizenship and these rights often are compromised by a set of their responsibilities towards government and society. This article describes the awareness level of university students and tries to analyze and explain it on the basis of the research findings. The research method is survey and conducted on a sample which includes 300 students of Allame Tabatabaei and Azad Universities.The results show that the level of students' awareness of citizenship rights has been various. The highest level of awareness relates to the gender dimension and the lowest level relates to the civil dimension. Furthermore the level of students’ awareness significantly correlates with the amount of their social awareness and their values and attitudes toward citizenship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article aims to study the caste-class system in Indian Rig- Veda and Avesta, which were the social structure of the ancient Iran as well as India.Since the hymns of the Rig-Veda and Avesta remark three distinct classes, it is hard to imagine the early Aryans with no social classes when they migrated to Iran and India. The Rig-Veda calls these classes “Brahman” (priest), “Rajanya” (nobility), and “Vaisya” (Commoner or Farmer -Craftsman). Avesta labels them “Athravan (priest)”, “Rathaestar (Army)”, and “Vastrya (Commoner or Farmer-Craftsman). The Classification of Aryans reveals that the classes from Rig-Veda are very close to the Avestan’s social classes. This reveals that these two systems have a common origin. Hence it makes evident that the Aryans gradually migrated to India from Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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To achieve development, the most complicated unsolved problem of the rural areas, especially in the third world countries, planning is an undeniable necessity. Moreover, to succeed in planning, the first step is to study and to recognize the level of development, capacities, limitations and regional imbalances.Although attempts have been made so far to determine the level of development in Iran, which is itself an important point, but what the present study seeks to do is to concentrate on the matter of development in the whole country from rural programming standpoint regarding the most recent formal statistics of the country. As a documentary-analytic study, with regard to the available data and the level of the researchers' expertise, it has employed a combination of numerical taxonomy and cluster analysis methods applied to the rural areas of 30 provinces by the usage of 24 indexes of development.Findings in numerical taxonomy indicated that, in the first phase, Tehran and Sistan-Baluchestan, in the second phase, Qazvin provinces suffer from heterogeneity respectively. The ultimate results of the research are indicative of some kind of developmental gap in the rural areas of the provinces to the point that except for Tehran that was omitted in the first step, over 7.4% are averagely developed, 51.85% deprived and 40.75% are highly deprived. To control the results and to increase the co-efficiency and certainty of the findings, the rural areas were evaluated through cluster method too. In this classification, the provinces were classified into five homogeneous groups sharing common characteristics. The comparison of the two models conveys a relative similarity between the findings or in other words identification of the attained levels among the provinces.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Where is suitable point to departure for analyzing social problems? And what are the backgrounds and factors of social evolutions? As a basic dividing we can study variety of concepts and theories in two paradigms: competition and cooperation. The logic of this division is explained in book of “Anthropology ofyarygari (cooperation)”.This book is based on survey and exploratory researches by Morteza Farhadi, ph.D. Connected social interactions, backgrounds, definitions, conceptions and the related theories are presented and criticized. Moreover Yarygari (cooperation) is explained in three different types of “Khodyary” (voluntary contribution), “Hamyary” (cooperation), “Degaryary” (alternative contribution) besides some other types which are extracted from their combination. By Demonstrating role of cooperation as a rule of social order and analyzing social problems, his worthy effort has light up global structures of cooperation. The mentioned rule is not only decoding communication in human society but also among animals. This rule is less known in sociology and anthropology and its explanation of social problems is limited to a special viewpoint; competition. The effect of western’s competition paradigm led to publicizing the superiority of competition’s systems which invert social evolution in Iran and the countries like that. These countries are talented and productive in different types of tradition of cooperation (also culture of yarygari)and any misunderstanding of their condition causes false prescription. Studying the analyses of important subjects such as participation and political participation in Iranian culture especially the case of Iranian women are samples which show analyzing capacity of new findings and provide more explanations.

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Today, board of trustees in universities and higher education Institutions has an essential role to enhance them to complex, dynamic and adaptive systems and legal evaluation of performance is one of the most effective tools for Improvement of their effectiveness. In this research paper, changes of combination and functions of the board of trustees investigated with the trend analysis from beginning of its foundation, and compare these functions with the similar institutions in the united state and Europe. The purpose of this study was evaluation of how boards of trustees have used the legal capacities after 1998. Finally the research presents differences between activities of boards of trustees before “Fourth Economic, Social, Cultural plan Act” and “Act of Goals, Functions and Structure of ministry of Science, Research, and Technology” and after them.

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