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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Asymmetric price transmission may indicate market power exerted by production firms. Regarding the issue a mixture model has been applied to analysis the price transmission pattern between processing and retailer markets of pistachio while market power is considered as well. The analysis is based on seasonal data covering 1995-2013. In line with the study objective, retailer price of pistachio was examined using two regimes of price changes, having high conformity with agricultural products nature that are characterized with mass supply in harvesting season. Inverse supply elasticity of output was used as market power parameter. Regarding the second regimethat is more likely to happen, marketing agents in wholesale market are inclined to transmit increased prices to retailer market more significantly than decreased prices. Under this regime asymmetric price transmission and market power was confirmed. The first regime with probability of 20 percent showed a lower market power, having more concordance with mass supply seasons in which small firms serve as output suppliers. These firms act as fringes, resulting in more competitive market structure.

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In the present study first the behavioral patterns of precipitation climatic variable were investigated during years 1985-2013 in the watersheds of Shahrood. Then, a biophysical- economic modeling system was used to analyse the effects of climate change resulting from reduced rainfall on available water resources, agricultural products and economic indicators of gross profit and water value under different scenarios (mild, medium, and intense climate change). The modeling system includes the products yield function based on rainfall (biophysical part of model) and positive mathematical programming approach (economic part of model) that was solved in consecutive three stages and in the GAMS software. The behavioral pattern of precipitation showed that this climate variable was reduced in the watersheds of Shahrood after year 2006. The results of proposed model also showed that with occurrence the climate change resulting from reduced rainfall the available water resources, total acreage of water crops and farmer's gross profit decrease and economic value of irrigation water increase in watersheds of Shahrood. The highest reduction in available water resources was the amount of 30.03 million cubic meters that was achieved under intense climate change scenario. Finally, utilizing deficit irrigation techniques, determination the rate of water charge to farmers on the basis of equality consideration, providing financing convenience to farmers for farms outfit to new irrigation system and fallow-lands was proposed to contrast with the effects of climate change resulting from reduced rainfall and protection of water resources in the region.

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In order to bring about rural-urban regional balance, the government needs to support products in which each region has comparative advantage. The main purpose of present study is to determine the impact of government policies on present situation of potato production in Hamedan and to determine its comparative advantage compare to other provinces of Iran. Policy analysis matrix is used to determine comparative advantage of potato using data collected for crop years of 2010-2012. The results show that in spite of a decrease in government’s support of the product the indirect taxes levied on the relevant inputs are smaller in Hamedan and the subsidies allocated for relevant inputs are bigger in Hamedan compared to other provinces. The indices of policy analysis matrix show improvement in profitability potato in Hamedan for period of study.

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Considering economic and therapeutic criteria, this study aims to determine the priorities of use of different types of medicine in Rasht District using AHP. The results showed that medicinal plants took the first priority in terms of cost; however, their accessibility is much lower than chemical medicines. Negative complications of chemical medicines are evaluated significantly more than those of medicinal plants and herbal medicines. On the other hand, the survival of medicinal plants is lower compared to the chemical medicines. Finally, weighted priority vectors of criteria with regard to the goal and the weights of the medicine groups with regard to each of the criteria were integrated to determine the final priorities of medicines. Despite the relatively high use of chemical medicines, these medicines and medicinal plants, with weights of 0.40 and 0.39 respectively, would not be significantly prioritized to each other. Based on the findings, it is necessary to persuade consumers to promote consumption of medicinal plants through awareness to the economic and therapeutic advantages of these beneficial medications

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Investigating the economy of scale in household is an important issue in welfare economics. Accordingly, the present study examined this phenomenon in Iranian rural households through the scale function and a system model-based on Deaton and Muellbauer (1980). Data collected from the cost and income sampling plan in 2011. Results showed the economy of scale in consumption is visible in Iranian rural households. Detailed results indicated in line with Engel's law with increasing household size, share of food is increased but the economy of scale phenomenon in housing is visible. Accordingly, in perspective of welfare economics to improve the welfare of households with the highest rates, housing preparation policy or assistance in housing preparation policy for large and crowded households because of its economy of scale is a key priority.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper aims to determine technical efficiency, profit, optimal size of input and capacity of poultry farms in Kerman city. To this end, stochastic frontier analysis was used. Data were obtained by a random sample of 70 broiler producers. The results indicated that the mean technical efficiency of units was 78.5 percent and using feed and chicken inputs by producers were inefficient. This indicates that by filling up the gap between more and less efficient producers, production could be increased by 21.5 percent without any change in technology and level of inputs. In addition, mean profit efficiency of units was 45 percent which showed the low level profit and efficiency of producers. The inefficiency could decrease by increasing the number of workers, feed and chicks. Optimal number of chicks, amount of feed, number of veterinary services, and fuel consumption estimated were 16568 units, 63340 kg, 4 people, and 987 liters, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper aims to study the effects of energy subsidy on subsectors of agriculture.  For this purpose, input – output table of 2013 was used. The effects of Increase in price of energy carriers (gasoline, kerosene, gas oil, fuel oil, liquid gas, electricity and natural gas) in the first (2010) and second (2014) phases of subsidy reform on the growth rate of agriculture sector investigated. The results showed that the average growth rate of farming and horticulture (1.52%), fishing (0.27%) and forestry (0.01%)  was increased while the average growth rate of animal husbandry sub-sector decreased (-2.12%). The average increase in prices of farming and horticulture, animal husbandry, fishing and forestry products was by 0.54%, 0.89%, 1.01%, and 0.11% respectively.

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In this study, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to rank 25 onion producing provinces of Iran according to efficiency scores. The results illustrated that this approach could only divide the provinces into relatively inefficient (East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Razavi Khorasan, Khozestan, Fars, Kohgiluye & Boyerahmad and Markazi) and efficient categories (the other provinces). DEA ability in ranking reduced by changing the assumption from Constant Return to Scale (CRS) to Variable Return to Scale (VRS) in input-orientated model. The output-orientated model produced some better results, especially under VRS assumption. In order to achieve a full efficiency ranking, Andersen & Petersen and Chiao-Ping et al. methods were applied. The evaluation of average efficiency rankings showed that the provinces of Ilam, South Khorasan, Golestan and Sistan and Baluchestan had the best ranks from first to forth and the provinces of Rasavi Khorasan, East Azerbaijan, Khozestan and Fars took the least places in ranking, respectively. The comparison between yield and efficiency ranking results showed that only South Kerman district and Hamedan, Kermanshah, Zanjan and Kohgiluye and Boyeramad provinces were in the same ranking groups.

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This paper aims to explain the relationship between financial ratios and stock prices of food, sugar, and agricultural machineryindustries incompanies listed on the stock exchange. For this purpose, the data from 1378 to 1388 for selected companies collected. Financial variables, including relative profitability (return on assets and return on equity), financial leverage (debt ratio) and share pricewere used for analysis. The results showed that the reaction of stock prices to return on assets, leverage ratio and the ratio of equity capital are positive. The effect of one unit does not affect momentum in the debt ratio in the first period but after the fourth round is effective. Profitability and return on assets ratios in the early period of transition was not significant. The results also suggest that the stock price reaction to return on assets, leverage ratio and the ratio of equity capital is positive. The effect of a single impulse does not affect the financial ratios in the first period but after the ascending order is effective. The results also showed that in analyzing stock price reaction, other factors such as economic variables and analysis of the companysituation shouldbe considered.

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With respect to importance of financial markets, this study examines the relationship between the development of financial markets and economic growth in the Middle East countries over a period of thirty years, from 1985 to 1915. To this end, panel data regression approach was used as an experimental model of endogenous growth. In this study, two hypotheses of volume of bank credit and securities market size were tested. The results indicate a negative correlation between the volume of bank credit and economic growth while there is a positive relationship between sizes of stock market with economic growth in countries studied.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The current paper with the purpose of identifying and prioritizing hand-made carpet industry was done in a society include 67 INCC chairmen and experts. After reviewing on strength, weaknesses, opportunities and treatments, some strategies were formulated and then ranked by 3 techniques: fuzzy ANP, fuzzy TOPSIS and QSPM. Utilizing brain storming technique critical success factors were identified. “creating suitable tools and instrument for applying information technology for marketing and advertising to extend marketing and advertising activities in global markets”, making exporters and businessmen more familiar to new marketing techniques like international marketing, export, ecommerce and internet marketing to maintain market share” and “increasing marketing, advertising and internet marketing researches activities to maintain market share” were chosen as the top strategies by all three techniques. Finally by defining carpet industry objectives and applying AHP technique, these three techniques (QSPM, fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy ANP) were compare together in which fuzzy ANP was the best and the most suitable technique to prioritize strategies.

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