Regarding the importance of walnut production in Hamedan province, this research has been carried out to investigate the marginal marketing issues and market efficiency of walnut production in Tuyserkan Township. In this regard, retailers, wholesalers, total margins, the share of marketing factors, marketing cost coefficient and the efficiency for walnut production market are calculated. Collecting required information have been done by interview and completing 90 questionnaires through random classification sampling at the level of producer, wholesaler and retailer in 1392. The results showed that the total marketing margin for walnut with dry skin was equal to 52130 Rls. per kg. Shares of retailer, wholesaler and producer were 17.3, 10.7 and 72 percent, respectively. Technical inefficiency was much higher than prie inefficiency and total inefficiency was 36.9 percent. The results show that retail and wholesale prices have positive and significant effect on marketing margin. However, the effects of the product value, marketing cost and production on marketing margin have not been confirmed. At the end, according to the research objectives, the appropriate policy implications are presented.