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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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p53 gene is one of the most tumor suppressor genes that causes more than 50 percent of the human cancers. Considering the daily rise in the incidence of breast cancer in various parts of the world, including Iran, there was a great need for a molecular study for determination of P53 mutations.In this study we have used a rapid, sensitive and non-radioactive PCR- SSCP technique to screen p53 mutations in exon 6 and 7 in 24 breast cancer patients and the rate of mutations compared with tumor histopathology, age and familial predisposition by method, analysis (Fisher exact). 24 patients with primary breast cancer was selected. The samples was determinated for tumor histopathology, age and familial predisposition for breast cancer. DNA was extracted by two methods, boiling and phenol chloroform and then was amplificated by PCR method. Then the product of PCR was used for SSCP and finally the samples stained with silver staining.Result showed that 45.8% of patients were below 35 year old. Tumor histopathology were IDC in 83.3% and ILC in 16.7% of cases. Familial predisposition were negative in 66.7%. Mutations were seen in 25% cases, 8% in exon 6 and 16.6% in exon 7. Total results with all of the above factors studied and compared, no significant correlation between mutation in p53 gene and the case above was found.The high rate of mutations, documented that p53 gene might play an important role in the development of breast cancer.

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View 1673

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Helicobacter pylori is an important etiologic cause of chronic infection of gastric mucus, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers and gastric cancer in human. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize the dominant antigen of H.pylori, which is responsible for the humoral and cellular immune responses.Gastric biopsy of patients with gastric ulcers were sent to microbiology lab. First, samples were homogenized at sterile conditions, and then they were cultured in special medium and micro-aerophylic conditions. 25 colonies of H.pylori were removed from culture medium and the whole- cell lysates were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Immunoblots were performed using sera from H.pylori- infected persons. Specific H.pylori antibody responses in persons were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Two groups of bands appeared after staining of the SDS-PAGE with comassie blue. One group was within 55-97KD and the other were around 20-24 KD. Western - blotting analysis detected a band around 55-97 KD, which is dominant antigen and responsible for immune response against H.pylori. Using ammonium sulfate as a precipitant for sera would have valuable effects in the westernblot results.As it is shown in the results, an antigen with MW=97 KD is immunodominant and stimulate patient's immune system to produce antibody and can be candidate as a subunit vaccine in future.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 793

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Suction of endotracheal tube in ICU can cause hemodynamic changes. We compare the effect of lidocaine, fentanyl and placebo on reducing hemodynamic changes following suction in ICU patient.Patients were divided into three groups, each containing twenty two patients: A- Lidocaine group receiving 1.5 mg/kg lidocaine intravenously two minutes before suction, B- Fentanyl group receiving 3 g/kg fentanyl two minutes before suction, C- Placebo receiving distilled water. The total volume of the three substances was raised to 5 cc. Injecting the drugs and suctioning in a standard technique, we recorded mean arterial pressure, pulse rate, arterial oxygen saturation three times: immediately, after three and six minute's. The recorded information was analyzed.Based on the results, the injection of Lidocaine before suctioning prevented the hemodynamic changes and hypoxemia, which happened after endotracheal suction. Fentanyl caused hypotension and bradycardia, rejecting the previous reported research. Suctioning in the placebos resulted in hypotension, bradycardia and hypoxemia.We can use intravenous lidocaine before endotracheal suction to prevent hemodynamic changes in ICU patients.

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View 1070

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Induction of labor with oxytocin for initiating labor pains before spontaneous starting of pains is one of the ways of terminating pregnancy and it is used for various maternal or fetal indications. Bishop containing five cervical characteristics (dilatation-effacement-position - presenting part station - consistency) is scored from 0-10 and it is probably an effective factor on successful labor induction. The aim of this study was to find relation of Bishop score with the rate of success in induction of labor.377 pregnant women with G.A>37 weeks who were candidates of labor induction for maternal or fetal indications were enrolled into the study. After determinating Bishop score by vaginal examination, induction of labor with oxytocin was performed in all patients.Successful labor induction rate was 91.3% and failure rate was 8.7%. Vaginal delivery and cesarean section rate were 76.39% and 23.61% respectively and both successful induction and vaginal delivery were higher in multiparous in comparison to nulliparous women. There was a significant relation between Bishop score and successful labor induction or vaginal delivery (P=0.0001, P=0.0088). Cervical dilation was the only component in the Bishop which showed significant relation with successful labor induction and vaginal delivery. Duration of labor induction and time of reaching to active phase (dilation=4cm) was different in different groups of Bishop score.Generally success of induction was desirable in all groups of Bishop score, but considering the significant difference of groups in failure rate of induction, Bishop can be used as a valuable predicting factor. Bishop scores of more than four is associated with higher rate of successful labor induction and lower rate of cesarean.

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View 4396

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Many plants play important role in pharmaceutical, food, medicine and cosmetic industries for their volatile oils. Numerous studies have been carried out on various plant species and effect of their essential oils or extracts on microorganisms. In the present study antibacterial effect of Iranian thyme on two pathogens of E.coli and S.aureus, is reported for the first time. Antibacterial property of thyme oil is compared with that of ampicillim.Essential oil of Thymus x-porlock was extracted by steam distillation and its antimicrobial effects on E.coli and S. aureus were studied. Disc diffusion method was conducted to evaluate the zone of microbial growth inhibition. The antibacterial effect was also studied against three different concentrations of microbial suspension to find out MIC (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration) and MBC (Minimal Bactericidal Concentration).The results were compared with those of ampicillin. Fresh oil from Thymus x-porlock at 1/16 and 1/8 dilutions inhibited E.coli and S.aureus growth with 17mm and 22mm microbial growth inhibition zones respectively. Ampicillin at 4 μg/ml concentration was bactericidal against E.coli showing 11mm zone of microbial growth inhibition. Ampicillin was bactericidal against S.aureus at 6μg/ml concentration with 23mm growth inhibition zone. The essential oil of thyme showed a very good bactericidal activity within shorter time than that of ampicillin.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 713

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Changes in tissues and general renin-angiotensin system's function are the most important factors in cardiovascular disease such as essential hypertension. Recent research shows that general renin - angiotensin system affects the short and immediate response , and that of the tissues systems are effective in long period functions in controlling cardiovascular mechanism. This study was carried out to investigat the changes in function of tissue renin - angiotensin systems in mesenteric resistance vessels of Goldblatt tow kidney - one clip ( 2k - 1c ) renovascular hypertensive rats. Vascular response to angiotensin / and captopril effects were observed during a period of 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks post hypertension induction. The blood pressure of the hypertensive group was measured and compared with both sham and control groups. This study showed that after eight weeks of hypertension induction, captopril was unable to inhibit converting angiotensin / to angiotensin //. These changes were synchronous with precipitate process of increased arterial blood pressure in hypertensive animals.This was probably due to increased angiotensin converting enzyme activity or production of other enzymes, such as Chymase that, introduced a role in angiotensin // production. More investigation and accurate study of the process can probably affect to recognize the ethiology and efficient treatment of hypertension and other cardiovascular disease.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 805

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Vaginitis is one of the most common genital tract infectious disease and the major cause of that is trichomonas vaginalis. In this prospective study, seven day therapeutic regimen was compared with single day therapeutic regimen and rate of cure and recurrence was accounted.606 suspected women to trichomoniasis examined with wet mount. Trichomonas vaginalis was seen in 76 women. Randomisely, women and their partner were treated with seven day metronidazole (500 mg two times daily) and single day metronidazole (1 gr morning and evening) regimen. Every group composed of 38 women. Culture and wet mount was repeated 1 week and 1 month after treatment. Efficacy and recurrence and clinical cure rate of two regimens were compared. Two groups were not significantly different in terms of age, weight, education, follow up and last menstrual period. In the single day group, one patient missed. By use of Dorsee culture cure rate were 100% in seven day group and 97.3% in single day group (P=0.87). Recurrence rate were 2.6% and 5.4% in seven and single day regimens respectively. There were not significantly statistical difference between two groups (P= 0.5). Occurrence of side effects were not significantly different between two groups, but headache was observed in 21.6% and 7.9% of women in single day and seven day groups respectively. Single day regimen is recommended as an alternative therapeutic regimen in trichomoniasis. High efficacy, short therapeutic period and low cost are advantages of this regimen.

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View 6272

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Motor vehicle emissions are a major anthropogenic source of air pollution. In this study, a comparison of amounts of major emission pollutants that they regulated in UK was done for three types of automobile includes standard petrol, petrol with TWC and diesel. Also a comparison of amount of carbon dioxide emission that it is important in green house effect was shown in those three types of automobile. For this purpose 300 automobiles were chosen after primary investigation and pollutants emissions were tested in different condition of engine and environmental temperature.The result of this study showed pollutant emission includes THC, NOx and CO from petrol car was higher than that from diesel engine when engine was hot (P<0.001 , P< 0.0228 and p<0.0336 respectively) but amount of those emission pollutant in car with TWC was close to amounts from diesel engine . The amount of particles from diesel engine was attentionable in comparison with one*s from petrol and petrol with TWC car. Also the results showed that CO and THC emission from two types of TWC petrol and diesel car were higher when environmental temperature was low. Although amount of CO2 in middle speed was lower from diesel engine. In many cases most light hydrocarbons from petrol vehicles with TWC were higher than diesel engine that a clear difference was noticeable for amount of toluene emission (P<0.004).It is not possible to make a direct comparison of environmental friendlines of TWC petrol and diesel vehicle. From the present study*s results, it is recommendable that petrol car manufactures have to install TWC system on all petrol vehicle and government should provide new standard and strong legislations for all new and old petrol and diesel vehicles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 9019

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Hydatidosis is a widespread zoonosis infecting a large number of animals and humans. Human hydatidosis is a common disease in different parts of Iran especially in Hamadan province. Many cases of cysts are operated every year in regional hospitals. Animal echinococcosis prevalence was determined by necropsy examination of viscera from domestic slaughtered animals, including sheep, goats and cattle. After inspecting viscera for hydatid cyst, unilocular cysts produced by E. granulosus were recovered from 212 out of 2000 domestic herbivores (1547 sheep, 333 cattle and 120 goats) slaughtered in Hamadan abattoir. The number of cyst of different organs was counted and their diameter was measured. Thereafter, by dissecting the cysts, the volume of hydatic fluid was measured, and their fertility was determined by finding protoscoleces and the number of protoscolex per/ml fluid was counted. The frequency of presumptive liver/abdominal, lung, and liver-lung hydatid cyst was 15.3% (51/333), 10.6% (159/1547) and 1.7% (2/120) for cattle, sheep and goats respectively. The fertility rate of hydatid cysts in sheep, cattle, and goats recorded as 35.2.%, 23.5% and 0% respectively. The huge dispersed slaughtering of sheep for various purposes and the large number of dogs allowed access to the offal coupled to the hundred thousands number of sheep slaughtered in Haj Pilgrim days, indicates that, the sheep is the most significant host for maintaining the life cycle of the parasite in Iran.We demonstrated a high prevalence of animal echinococcosis in this mountainous, agricultural province of Iran.

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View 1004

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Physical activity is one of the major factors in preventing of many diseases. Determination of its pattern among population groups and its role in reducing the number of diseases and use of medical services is important. The aim of this study was to explain the pattern of leisure time physical activity among adults living in Ahwaz and to recognize its association with use of medical services. This study was under taken on 1600 habitants aged 18-84 years. Data was collected using a questionnaire completed by interviewers. Less than half of the subjects reported at least 20 minutes physical activity in a week. This figure was statistically significant by increasing of age (P=0.002), and decreasing of educational level (P<0.001). However, there was no significant difference by economical status. The pattern of physical activity was also vary among different groups. There was a significant association between physical activity and use of medical services, hospital admission, and high blood pressure (P<0.05). Public education and persuading people for physical activity at leisure particularly for women, older generations, and low educated groups is recommended. Providing available sport facilities may help to increase the rate of physical activities among such societies.

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View 1273

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Weight gain assessment is a route to survey health and nutritional status of children the best way of approaching is using the growth chart which is applied throughout the country. Purpose of our study is assessment of weight gain pattern in children age 0-24 month old referring to health centers of Kabodarahang city.This is a descriptive cross-sectional study on health charts of all children less than 2 years. Total numbers of 652 were divided in 3 groups. 0-6 months (GI), 7-12 months (GII) , 13-24 months (GIII), and they were designed qualitatively as "Desirable" , "Undesirable" , "Improving" and "Improved" status. The most desirable growth pattern was group 1 (0-6 m) and undesirable one in group II (7-12 m). From total number of 652 children in this study 6.4% had low weight.The weight gaining pattern in children referring to health centers of Kabodarahang is same as other parts of country but the low weight is less frequent.

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View 910

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All of the textbooks of anesthesia have recently stated that succinylcholine is contraindicated for routine using in children and youth except for emergency tracheal intubation or in instance where immediate securing of the airway in necessary. This study is a rare one about the dangerous response of a 16 years old boy to succinylcholine in hernia repair. The patient got to an unstable hemodynamic condition after repeated dose of drug in operation room and after many hours he woke with severe weakness muscle tone. In investigation about his problem the cause of muscle lysis was hyperkalemia (k=6.3 mEq/L). Myglobinuria CPK=225000 U/L, LDH= 3000 U/L were remarkable about his problem. Finally the patient discharged in good condition with an unknown myopathy diagnosis.

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View 1164

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