The following thoughts and views will help control the disagreements, curb the conflicts, prevent the seditions between the Muslims, and assist the rapprochement of the viewpoints, and meet together on the path of the responsibilities held by us all, being the Ummah of truthfulness, goodness, justice, equality and rightness:1- Sticking Coherently to the Fundamental Precepts.They are capable of making all the Muslims one powerful Ummah, whose members cooperate, and help one another on righteousness, and pious duties and deeds, and call for prosperous goodness, and bring human believers out of darkness into light, and from worshipping of the servants to worshipping of the Lord of all the Worlds.2- Protecting the Rights, of the Human Being:We Muslims, are asked to make the individual human being as our own concern and care. And we should make his interests, rights, freedom, dignity, status, development of his capabilities as one of our basic objectives.3- Showing Care and Concern to the Society and Working Earnestly on Its Reform.This is the Message of Islam, and it is what all the Prophets and Messengers (A.S.) and reformers express about. Regarding this Allah Almighty says in the Glorious Qur’an: "l desire nothing but reform so far as l am able, And my welfare is only with Allah, on Him do l rely, and unto Him do l turn repentant." (11:88) At any rate, we must show proper concern to the Muslim society or human society. Thus, we should act seriously so as to be a good, firm, and secure society, which fulfils the needs of the human beings, a society of justice, freedom, and equality, as well as being a strong, fortified society which our Almighty Allah entrusted us and commanded us to obey Him and all of his prophets (A.S.)4- Difference in Vissions and Viewpoints.Such differences, whatever their deepness is, must not transfer to a factor of improper provacation and a field of exchanged accusations, or a self –instinctive conduct which is prohibited by Islam and forbidden by our Holy Prophet (S.A.) who calls us to ijtihad and rejection of fanaticism, mutual hatred, hostility, and seditions.5- The Islamic Sects (Schools of Thought)They are cxistent schools of thought. They are within the field of lawful difference and the ijtihad which is recommended by Allah and the prophets (A.S.). All of these differences can be understood, settled and solved properly by means of a continual contact and real fruitful dialogue as well as agreeable and understandable talks so as to cooperate on the points we have agreed upon, and excuse one another on the points we have disagreed upon.6- Refining of History.Some of the books of the history of Islam and Muslims, have committed some offences against the religion and human history, and made an insult to the whole Ummah and its role, capacity, and ability of leading the other nations, and guiding them to truth,, justice, and salvation. Our duty here, is to clarify the real facts and give the proofs against those seditions made by those who wrote the lies and factors of falsehood.7- Revealing the Role of Others in Sowing the Seeds of Discord and Dissension among the Islamic Sects and Groups. Those are called by Almighty Allah the hypocrites (munafiqun). 8- Islamic Movements and Powers.For the purpose of activating these Islamic thoughts and views properly, it is necessary to have a faithful group of people which can undertake the duty of the call to Almighty Allah. Besides, it can adopt all the notions and ideas which express the reality of Islam, while taking them from the main or major sources of the great religion, that is, the Holy Glorious Qur’an and the pure Prophetic Sunnah. ln addition, it should observe the duty of enjoining the right deeds, and forbidding the evil ones. Furthermore, it should fulfil the desire of the Muslim peoples in reforming and rejecting the symbols and factors of curruption, injustice, backwardness, and seditions in the Islamic societies.