In this study, flora of the protected area of Manesht and Qalarang in Ilam province, was surveyed. The area was located in 46o 18' E to 46o 37' E and 33o 26' N to 33o 45' N. The method of plant study was classical method of taxonomic studies. Using different botanical references and different flora, collected plants were identified as families, genera and species, herbarium specimens are deposited in herbarium of Payame Noor University of Ilam.It was shown that there were 52 families, 156 genera and 231 plant species in this area. The largest family was Compositae with 18 genera and 29 species, and the largest genus was Astragalus (Fabaceae) with 11 species. According to Raunkiaer, life forms of the studied plants were categorized as: Hemicryptophytes (42%), Therophytes 32%, Cryptophytes 13%, Phanerophytes 9% and Chamaephytes 4%. High percentage of Irano-Touranian elements indicated that the area belonged to this phytochorion. This study also showed high species richness and palpable predominance of Hemicryptophytes which probably resulted from high elevation and cold climate encompassing the area. Also, high abundance of Throphytes species was probably due to high elevation and severe destruction of habitat, over-grazingand contiguity to the city of Ilam.