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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this research, a part of flora of Remin and Beris in Chabahar (South East Baluchestan) with an area of 17155 Hectars, with altitude of 10 m above of the sea level, and with annual average of 124.7 mm precipitation was investigated. Plant specimens were collected and determined according to scientific procedures. A checklist of all species, including life forms, chorology and conservation status was presented. Fifty six species belonging to 46 genera and 22 families of vascular plants were recognized in the region. Poaceae with 7 species, Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae and Boraginaceae each with 6 species, and Malvaceae with 5 species are the largest families of this region flora. The largest genera were Abutilon, Heliotropium, Cyperus, Acacia, Tephrosia, and Cenchrus each with 4, 3, 3, 2, 2 species, respectively. The frequency of Chamaephytes, Therophytes and Phanerophytes were %30.4, 17.8% and 26.8%, respectively. The presense of 46.4% Sahara-Syndian, 30.4% Sahara-Syndian and Irano-Turanian and 26.8% tropical shrubs indicates the vegetation of this region as "Extremely xeromorphic woodlands (Pseudosavannas) formation".

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Mullets have fisheries values. These fishes show high interspecific similarities, and this often made them difficult to identify. Therefore, finding the morphological characters for their identification is very important. In this study, taxonomic significance of the hard structures such as Urohyal bone and sagittal otolith were examined. To do this objective, a total of 56 mullet specimens belong to Chelon subviridis and Chelon klunzingeri were collected from Bandar-e-Lengeh, Bandarabbas and Qeshm, and fixed in 75 % ethanol. In laboratory, urohyal bones and sagittal were extracted following the standard method, and their morphology described and interspecific variations were studied. The results showed that both morphology and morphometry of these hard structures can be especially useful in discrimination of the mullets. However, it seems that urohyal bone has particular importance in species separation.Therefore, in addition to the genetic studies, studying of the urohyal bone can play important role in understanding of taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships of the fishes.

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Bisotun Protected area, a mountainous region, covers an area of 82100 hectares that includes an area of 31250 hectare wildlife refuge and protected area with an area of 50850 hectares.The Area is located in the Zagros Mountains, Mid-Western side of Iran, Kermanshah province. This area due to range of altitude, physiographic factors, micro-climates and different soil types has several ecological small niches that are occupied by different plants. A total of 375 taxa, including 50 families and 220 genera have been identified from the area. Of these two families include two genera and three species belonging to Pteridophytes, 48 families (43 dicotyledones and five monocotyledones) belong to flowering plants. The most important plant families were Asteraceae, Poaceae, Papilionaceae, Apiaceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Lamiaceae respectively. The genusAstragalus constitutes the largest genus in the area. Therophytes had the highest frequency and follow them, Hemicryptophytes, Geophytes, Chamaephytes and Phanerophytes respectively. The elements of Irano-Turanian region constitute more than 63% of plants that represent area belongs to this phytogeographical region as well as the sector of Kurdo-Zagrosian. After the plants of Irano -Turanian region, bi and plurregional plant elements have the most frequencies. Endemic species make up 9.33% of the region's flora. The discovery of new speciesAstragalus ciceropsis, A. montis-parrowii and Onosma bisotunensis and new recorded Crucianella macrostachyafrom the protected area in recent years shows a previously unknown flora and its plant richness.

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The current investigation concerns the flora of a Chal-e Kabod mountain, 20 km north of Alashtar, Lurestan province. A total of 178 plant species belonging to 40 families and 134 genera were identified during 2015. The largest families in terms of species richness, were Asteraceae (20 species), Lamiaceae (17 species), Apiaceae, Brassicaceae and Poaceae (each with 14 species), respectively. Hemicryptophytes (51.7%), geophytes (18.5%) and therophytes (15.7%) constitute the dominant life forms of the study area. From a chorological point of view, Irano-Turanian elements were dominant chorotypes (81.5%) and the other species were belonged to two, three or more phytogeographical regions. The area comprises 29 Iranian endemic species which according to IUCN conservation categories were classified as vulnerable (VU) and lower risk (LR) in Iranian red data list. Among the plants collected from the area, 99 species (55.6%) in the zone of 2300-2700 m and 79 species (44.4%) in the zone of 2700-3100 m had the most appearances.

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Zarivar region, with about 12, 000 km2 area, is located in the west of Iran, neighboaring the Marivan city. This region has a rich floral diversity due to some ecological factors such as: the average annual precipitation (about 997 mm/year), influence of the mediteranean water masses and situation within zagros mountain. The purpose of this study was to introduce floristic list, life forms and chorology of species of zarivar region. Plant specimens were collected during years 2014-2016. Totally, 590 plant species belonging to 355 genera and 81 families were determined. Among the studied plants, 472 dicots and 116 monocots and two pteridophytes were recognized. The largest family was Compositae with 46 genera and 72 species, and the largest genus was Trifolium (Papilionaceae) with 10 species.Hemicryptophytes were the dominant life form and comprised 40% of the flora. From chorological point of view, the largest proportion of the flora belonged to the Iran-Turanian elements (38%). Among the 590 species of flora this region 160 species are medicinal plants, 43 species endangered Plants and 50 species endemic in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The lowland Caspian habitats are remnant (relict) patches of deciduous Euro-Siberian forests distributed in the Iranian three Northern provinces. Izdeh-e Noor plain forest with 3123 hectors is one of the great patches. In spite of a few studies, broad knowledge upon the flora and biodiversity of these areas does not exist. A total of 157 species belonging to 137 genera and 67 plant families were collected from theParrotia persica habitats in the plain forest. The largest families in terms of species richness, were Poaceae (17 spp.), Rosaceae (13 spp.), Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae (each with 6 spp.), respectively. The genera with the largest number of species wereCarex (4 spp.) and Rubus, Viola (each with 3 spp.), respectively. In the assessment of life form spectrum, the dominant life forms were geophytes (36.9%), followed by the phanerophytes (24.2%), hemicryptophytes (21.7%) and therophytes (17.2%). The flora was mostly composed of Euro-Siberian elements with 45 taxa (28.7%), followed by pluriregional elements with 32 taxa (20.4%), Euro-Siberian/Irano-Turanian/Mediterranean elements with 31 taxa (19.7%) and Euro-Siberian/Irano-Turanian elements with 27 taxa (17.2%). Among taxa collected from this area, 51 taxa (32.5%) in forest habitats, 54 taxa (34.4%) in margin and gap of forest and 52 taxa (33.1%) are present in both habitats.

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