In this research, a part of flora of Remin and Beris in Chabahar (South East Baluchestan) with an area of 17155 Hectars, with altitude of 10 m above of the sea level, and with annual average of 124.7 mm precipitation was investigated. Plant specimens were collected and determined according to scientific procedures. A checklist of all species, including life forms, chorology and conservation status was presented. Fifty six species belonging to 46 genera and 22 families of vascular plants were recognized in the region. Poaceae with 7 species, Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae and Boraginaceae each with 6 species, and Malvaceae with 5 species are the largest families of this region flora. The largest genera were Abutilon, Heliotropium, Cyperus, Acacia, Tephrosia, and Cenchrus each with 4, 3, 3, 2, 2 species, respectively. The frequency of Chamaephytes, Therophytes and Phanerophytes were %30.4, 17.8% and 26.8%, respectively. The presense of 46.4% Sahara-Syndian, 30.4% Sahara-Syndian and Irano-Turanian and 26.8% tropical shrubs indicates the vegetation of this region as "Extremely xeromorphic woodlands (Pseudosavannas) formation".